Diverse work in Syria attracts people from various professions. There are several reasons for permanent demand. A stable level of income comes first. In a country rich in oil resources, you can earn much more in 1 year than in your homeland, but to do this you need to know how to get here.

In second place are comfortable working conditions. The list is completed by the tourist aspect. While working in this country, a foreigner can explore world heritage sites or visit the seashore.

Historically, Syria had friendly relations with representatives of the socialist camp. This largely determined the fact that it is easier for Russians to find work here. At the same time, no one has canceled the requirements of national legislation in the field of labor immigration.

Preparatory stage

Regardless of whether the applicant will work under a contract or a fixed-term employment contract, it is necessary to prepare the following package of documents:

  • color copies of all significant pages of the passport;
  • color copy of birth certificate;
  • 3 full-size photographs and 2 passport-size photographs;
  • a resume translated into English with a detailed description of the education received, skills and qualifications;
  • a completed application form in English;
  • basic contact information (mailing address, mobile phone, etc.).

To one degree or another, this list changes depending on the field of activity where the vacancies of interest to the applicant are presented. In most cases, it is mandatory to provide a document confirming qualifications and experience working under an international contract. This is especially carefully checked when it comes to the spheres of healthcare, education and science.

National legislation gives employers the right to request references from an applicant's previous places of employment. This is being done in order to eliminate the risk of unskilled labor entering Syria.

Another way to conduct a high-quality selection of potential employees is regional employment centers. Often, before entering a country, a potential employee may be asked to undergo vocational testing.

Selection of qualified personnel

Skilled and unskilled work in Syria, unlike in the countries of the European Union, is available with much fewer restrictions. If we are talking about joint ventures, then their employees may be sent to Syria for a certain period of time on a business trip, to undergo an internship or perform a certain task. In this case, the employer undertakes all formalities related to the preparation of documents.

The employee must fill out an approved application form, provide several color photographs and undergo an examination with the obligatory execution of a certificate of the established form.

If the consulate does not identify any errors or inaccuracies in the submitted documents, the necessary permit is issued within 7 days maximum. Those who go to Syria without yet having a job will need more time.

You can find this in various ways. The easiest way is to visit thematic resources where employers publish a list of vacancies. There you can also see a list of requirements and conditions under which foreigners are offered work. If the applicant is satisfied with these, then you can move on to studying the employment rules.

Short-term work, the duration of which does not exceed 1 year, provides for employment under a fixed-term contract. It sets out the rights and obligations of the parties. According to this principle, seasonal workers are attracted, for example, in the field of tourism or agriculture. For longer-term employment, contract work is provided.

Residents of other countries who do not know how to get to work here should remember to comply with individual national rules. Syria, being a Muslim country, has some social restrictions. They are associated with appearance and rules of behavior. If you have to work in a closed complex, then all sorts of restrictions can be neglected, but when working with the local population, you should not forget about the dress code, the ban on alcoholic drinks, etc.

It is recommended to familiarize yourself with these in advance before arriving in the country. Possession of the necessary information will reduce the likelihood of intercultural conflict. A foreign employee, observing the norms of behavior accepted in the country, has a better chance of extending his employment contract than one who often catches himself with sidelong glances.

Attention! Due to recent changes in legislation, the legal information in this article may be out of date!

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17:00 2015

Veterans of Chechnya, Donbass and ordinary workers flocked to the Middle East

In the Russian segment of the Internet, through websites and groups on social networks, there is a massive recruitment of volunteers to participate in battles in Syria. We are, of course, talking about recruiting volunteers to side with Bashar al-Assad’s army.

The largest number of such resources is on VKontakte: a search query for the word “Syria” produces 1,161 communities. One of the main topics of the participants: how to go to war. Most people want to know how much they will pay. But many are ready to fight for an idea.

Volunteer Revelations

According to some Russian media, those who want to fight with Assad’s opponents, according to some sources, already number in the thousands. Volunteers are being recruited at many sites and in many regions.

Thus, Ural56.Ru correspondents learned that volunteers from villages in the Orenburg region intend to go to Syria. “The guys cite the fact that there is no work in their villages, and war is a real way to earn money,” the resource writes.

Vadim, a military recruiter for the Volunteer.org website and a volunteer who decided to move from Novorossiya to the Middle East, reports that 30-50 applications are received per day. Of these, at best, only one is real.

“We have a lower age limit - 23 years. But there are probably no people under 27. We do not set an upper age limit. And at 55 years old a person can do his job well.

Especially if it is related to the maintenance of high-tech weapons. We also weed out specific nationalists. And they had never been taken before - neither to Crimea, nor to Novorossiya. We test candidates for psychological health.”

“The main criterion is the presence of combat experience. Those who fought in Chechnya or Novorossiya come to us. Those with higher military education and knowledge of foreign languages ​​also have an advantage.

But now we have temporarily suspended recruitment, since the main contingent has been recruited. Our people work with high-tech weapons. And there is not much of it in Syria,” he says in his interview with Lenta.ru.

Vadim finds it difficult to say how many Russian volunteers are currently fighting in Syria. “To put it roughly, we are talking about hundreds. And if according to our organization, then we transported, let’s say, dozens,” he reports.

Recruitment and transfer process

As for how long the sending process itself takes: from approval of the candidacy to transfer, this, according to the volunteer, depends on the availability of a package of documents.

If the military ID is in hand and there is a valid international passport, the candidate immediately goes to an assembly point in the south of Russia. The group is being formed there. Then they move to the second point, where they are given briefings and combat coordination.

“We talk about the features of the climate and landscape. Acting there, as, for example, in the North Caucasus or Donbass, is not entirely appropriate. This “retraining” does not take much time.

The people are all experienced. Then the transfer to the site takes place. Candidates get to Syria at the expense of various charitable foundations,” Vadim reports in his interview.

Russian volunteers, in his words, are not directly subordinate to local government troops, and also do not take direct part in battles, except for “some targeted special operations.”

Basically, they work with their heads, because “the highly qualified personnel of the Syrian army do not reach our rank-and-file specialists.” He also finds it difficult to say whether the volunteers receive money.

“Our recruitment announcement emphasizes that people are recruited free of charge,” he reports, “They are driven by ideology. According to my estimates, no more than ten percent are adventurers.”

Idea and patriotism

In his opinion, for the most part, volunteers are driven by “patriotic considerations.” Because from the borders of Syria to the borders of Russia there are some 650 kilometers. And they seek to eliminate security threats to their own country.

Law enforcement agencies do not interfere with this activity. According to Vadim, this activity does not contradict the laws of the Russian Federation, and the status of a volunteer does not supposedly fall under mercenarism.

“Voluntary participation in hostilities was regulated back in the middle of the last century by the Geneva Convention. To put it roughly: whoever wants, fights there. The main thing is that the volunteer does not fight in the ranks of illegal groups,” says Vadim.

At the same time, he admitted that someone is traveling ostensibly to join the government coalition, but in fact is fighting for the Islamic State: “We have those too. And their numbers must be reduced as much as possible.”

Another Russian volunteer, Oleg Medvedev, as he claims, fought for free “for Novorossiya” and is ready to fight for free “for Assad.” He fought in Donetsk for more than a year, stormed the airport and Marinka.
There are awards.

I decided to leave Donetsk because “everything is over here and it is unclear whether hostilities will continue.” In war, he claims, he feels like he is “doing the real thing.”

Ukrainians and Belarusians

Moreover, registration for volunteers is taking place not only in Russia. It is reported that Ukrainians are also not averse to traveling to Syria. The loudest application was submitted by Ukrainian social activist, Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Razumovsky.

In his video message, he announced the formation of a volunteer corps and called on all veterans of his country’s armed forces to join it to be sent to Syria.

According to Razumovsky, there is no longer any hope that the authorities will pay attention to the problems of Ukrainian veterans, so they are ready to fight for a foreign country.

President Assad, in his opinion, could respond by providing volunteers with citizenship, providing insurance for their families and helping with the purchase of housing after the end of the war.

Soon Razumovsky gave an interview, where he said that the citizens of Russia, Belarus and Moldova unexpectedly responded vividly to his appeal, but for some reason the Ukrainians were still silent.

According to him, several thousand applications were received from people of various military specialties, while many of them are ready to fight “for an idea” and not because of material incentives.

What do Russian soldiers in the Middle East fight for and what are they afraid of? Military instructor Georgy Zakrevsky speaks

Russian interference in Syria is usually compared to Afghanistan. But within the army, they more often remember the war in Vietnam, where the Soviet side limited itself to minimal impact. Photo: Russian Ministry of Defense

As a rule, we learn about the war in Syria, in which the Russian army is participating, from the meager reports of the General Staff and, unfortunately, from the tragic news about the death of our military personnel. How they get to Syria, how much Russian mercenaries earn, whether they are more afraid of Trump’s “tomahawks” or ISIS militants (the organization’s activities are prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation), you will read for the first time on URA.RU. He talks about the life and thoughts of Russian soldiers in SyriaGeorgy Zakrevsky- a person who has been through many hot spots, a combat training instructor for one of the units in the Donbass, an expert on the Middle East.

There are already dozens of Russian military deaths in Syria. By experts' standards, this is not much for such a large-scale operation.

I have been to the Middle East more than once: several years ago I lived in Syria, Lebanon, and a couple of other countries. In Beirut (the capital of Syria's neighboring state of Lebanon - editor's note), I generally lived in a quarter that entirely belonged to Hezbollah (a paramilitary political party in Lebanon, recognized as a terrorist organization in a number of countries). By the way, this is the calmest and safest area in Beirut. I am in constant contact with people who are going to or have already visited Syria.

The Russians fighting in this country can be divided into three parts: this official military personnel Ministry of Defense, mercenaries And volunteers. (those who travel at their own expense - editor's note). There are almost none of the latter left in Syria. From the moment our official contingent was brought there, everyone else was made to understand: if you ride there, you will receive a criminal case - no matter which side you fought for.

Firstly, this is impractical: everything that is needed is done there, and with much greater impact than from a handful of volunteers. Secondly, now this is the policy of Russia and its authorities; unofficial citizens of the Russian Federation should not be there.

In addition to the official contingent, there are soldiers who come under contracts from the Ministry of Defense, but do not have official military status. This is the Wagner group, which is also called a private military company, but this is not true: no PMCs exist in the Russian legal field.

What we call PMCs are ordinary private security companies, which are simultaneously registered abroad. In Russia there is now talk about legalizing PMCs, but this will not happen: in the current conditions, no one will allow 5-6 thousand people with weapons, who have undergone training and have the ability to quickly mobilize, to walk around the expanses of Russia.


But in Syria, our mercenaries are used to the fullest: it’s easier with them, you don’t feel sorry for them, no one will ask questions. According to my estimates, there are about 1,500 of them (the number is constantly “floating”). They are recruited in a camp near Krasnodar, where they are trained and trained: a polygraph, an obstacle course.

Previously, mercenaries earned good money: those who participated in hostilities could receive one and a half million rubles a month. People went to earn money.

Many volunteers who fought in Donbass moved to Syria as mercenaries.

But in the latest intake, starting in March, conditions are completely different. The money has been cut: now they promise a maximum of 300 thousand, and no “combat” ones. The recruitment, which began in March and usually lasted two weeks, has already been extended twice, and, as far as I know, it is still open: both people have become wiser, and there are few left who are without brains. And they collect “mutton” [“cannon fodder”], as it is called in our language.

By the way, recruitment is now underway for Donbass. You should have seen the level of those who are recruited there - extremely low (almost everyone). The same is true for mercenaries in Syria: without guarantees, without insurance, who will go there? Would you go for 300 thousand, and not just sit somewhere in a garrison, but to the hottest spot, where they will throw you at frostbitten fanatics? You have to fight for money (but it must be normal) or for an idea, as was the case in Donbass.

In Donbass, many went to fight as non-professionals, but they had motivation. If there is what is called “spirit” and at least minimal training, then a person can fight well even in the absence of specific skills.

But there are almost no people left who were ideological in the first wave in Donbass. The last ones left last summer. I know this, I was there recently - I returned in March. Volunteers from Donbass, by the way, are also being recruited to Syria, but the majority are completely unskilled fighters, although they consider themselves specialists.

Contract workers

At the airfields there are pilots, technical personnel, and security

The bulk of Russians in Syria are contract soldiers (there are no conscripts there). They receive less (about 100-200 thousand rubles per month), but they have a social package, guarantees, insurance, payments in case of death, injury, and so on. If we compare mercenaries and contract soldiers, then regular troops are more effective. Moreover, I’m not talking about elite GRU groups, but about ordinary motorized rifles and other units. Not all, of course, but those units that are in constant combat readiness and sent to combat zones are very well equipped and prepared.

As for military specialties, mercenaries are purely infantry, plus drivers, mortar men, mortar spotters and field artillery (small caliber). In the official contingent, the range of units is wide: paratroopers, marines, military police, artillerymen, sappers (as part of other units) - not counting special groups that practice their tasks: for them this is training in combat conditions, which professionals constantly need.

According to the expert, MiGs were replaced by Sushki, but the group remained the same, even grew

Photo: Serviceman of the Russian contingent in Syria

And, of course, pilots and technical specialists of airfield support units are where it all began. Remember, at some point, when we completed our tasks, there was a moment of calm, they said that we were withdrawing the planes. Not even half of them were taken out, but then they all returned. The technical composition has changed slightly. For example, instead of the MIG-29, the SU-24 returned, but the size of the air group is the same, and perhaps even more powerful, than at the beginning of the campaign. There are a lot of planes there, mainly Sushki (24, 34, 25, 30), as well as helicopters (Mi-8, Mi-24 and Mi-28 “Night Hunter”).

After we installed the S-400 anti-aircraft missile system in Syria, our air defense personnel are there (no one will allow Syrians to access the complexes). And also sailors: there are those who go there in turns as part of squadrons, there are those who are there on a permanent basis. They rotate, of course, but serve directly in Tartus.


One of the most discussed topics among my friends is the US missile attack on Shayrat airfield. Did you notice the informational messages that followed? The very first: “ah-ay, what scoundrels and scoundrels the Americans are: they violated international agreements and destroyed the base.” And then there were two information streams going on simultaneously: one broadcast that the United States had defeated the bunkers and planes, and the other that they had not damaged anything.

In the flight canteen at the Russian Khmeimim airbase in Syria

Photo: serviceman of the Russian contingent in Syria

Both of these streams are correct because they come from the same source. The Americans actually warned our people that there would be an attack, albeit only two hours in advance. Do you remember how many victims there were? According to our military personnel, seven people. Eight tomahawks per person, or what? Even if some of the missiles deviated from the course, there would still be nothing left of the airfield: it would not only be destroyed - there would simply be a plowed field there.

In fact, after the warning, not only our equipment was taken out, but also Syrian equipment and, apparently, the Syrians themselves. At the airfield, illiquid equipment remained: “ruins” that could not move under their own power. Therefore, it turned out that no damage was caused to the Syrian army or its equipment. At the same time, there is a picture of a villainous attack that caused damage. This was done back in the Great Patriotic War, when aircraft models were installed at non-existent airfields.

The hypothesis that ours simply allowed the United States to test weapons is nonsense. Apparently, Trump “blew a valve,” and he decided to prove himself: to show America and the whole world the power of American weapons. But it was unsuccessful: not only did they not show it, but they also missed the mark.

The Americans, of course, have problems with technical warfare, but not so much that half of the missiles do not reach their destination. I believe this is our merit.

But now several more complexes will be completely officially delivered to Syria, which will block all borders and objects - not only ours, but also Syrian ones.

In Syria, we really achieved our goals: we stabilized the situation, pushed back the terrorists, showed how to effectively achieve results in a short time, while the coalition achieved nothing there. After Trump’s “tomahawk” strike, we forever excluded the possibility of American aggression in Syria - thanks to air defense forces. Syria is our “sandbox”, and we will not let anyone into it.

This is nice after 20 years of “flapping your ears.” We had advisers there until recently, but in 2012 it was decided to abolish this institution. I think that if our presence in Syria had not been removed then , then this war would not have happened at all. And now we are correcting our mistakes.

Is Syria “Afghanistan” or “Vietnam”?

It is now common to compare Syria and Afghanistan. I think it would be more correct to compare with Vietnam, where we were limited only to the supply of weapons and the use of military advisers. After Afghanistan, conclusions were drawn: no one is throwing themselves into a meat grinder, there is a remote war going on, our units are participating in targeted strikes and security. There are losses, but they are not that big: a few dozen people (no more than a hundred) over the entire period. These are minimal losses for such a war and such amount of time. These are soldiers, this is their job.

The tactics we are now taking are absolutely justified - and this completely coincides with the forecast I made two years ago. I outlined four existing scenarios: we will bomb all the way, but there will be no sense; we will quickly win, because everyone will run away from our very sight; we will get involved in a ground operation and get stuck, like in Afghanistan; and finally, the scenario I talked about: we will continue airstrikes, and this will bring victory over ISIS [a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation].

At the same time, I said: after we deal with Syria, nothing prevents us from unfreezing the conflict in Donbass - and this forecast is also justified.

But the future forecast depends on many variables, most of which are outside Syria: a conflict is brewing on the Korean Peninsula, which may turn out to be a more tense point, although there is no war there.

US plans

Remember how everyone was happy with Trump that he won, everyone praised him? But two months passed, he began to behave somewhat differently. Everyone immediately became disappointed and began to scold him. They don’t understand: the only good thing for Russia is that it is Trump, and not Clinton, who could really start a war. Trump's merit is that we live in the old normal world. Although he certainly continues US policy. They act against everyone - not only against Russia and terrorists, but also to the detriment of their supposed allies - Turkey, Europe.

Many Syrian cities lie in ruins. Their restoration will require time and money

They have destroyed the entire Middle East with wars since 2003. Because of democracy? Of course not. And not even because of oil, although this is a significant factor. They create pockets of destabilization around the world, because countries mired in war cannot move forward, develop their economy and influence, have armed forces, etc. They have filled Europe with refugees and are creating hotbeds of destabilization in Latin America and Asia.

Tell me a point, other than the Arctic and Antarctica, where there is no crisis provoked by the United States? For the United States, it is ideal that there is one large developed country, and the rest of the world is at the stage of the Middle Ages.

They gave us the Middle East: it is not so close to Russia, but practically right next door to us - a hotbed of destabilization, devastation and terrorism. The especially “gifted” among us shouted: “Why did Putin even go there?” Yes, so that we fight there, and not here, so that everyone here lives an ordinary peaceful life.

But Syria will not be the point of the third world war: today the brighter point is Korea. Now they can set fire to the Korean Peninsula, first the “allies” of the United States - the Japanese and South Koreans - will suffer, and then the whole world. They don’t understand that Kim doesn’t even have anywhere to run, which means he will stand until the last - like a cornered animal. If an ordinary schizophrenic can simply commit suicide, then the autocratic ruler of a nuclear country can commit suicide much more spectacularly.

Russia's plans

Russians are loved and welcomed in Syria: volunteer from Yekaterinburg Ganeev during the distribution of humanitarian aid in liberated Homs

Meanwhile, in Syria, everything will unfold in the same tactics: final clearing of the remaining territories from ISIS. If we have time, we will do the same with Raqqa. We won’t go to Iraq anymore - it’s not our territory.

Most likely, we will help restore Syria. By the way, our hospitals are already operating there (purely military ones for now). This is already being done, and quite cleverly: even the humanitarian aid that is distributed to the Syrians has “Russia takes care of you” written on it in Russian and Arabic. This will clearly be our territory - just like in Soviet times.

We will help restore the state both economically and politically. Most likely, a referendum on confidence in Assad will be held in Syria after some time. The vote will show that Assad is supported by the majority, and Syria will exist in the same military way. There has been a good attitude towards Russians since Soviet times: in Syria they remember and wait for us.

Recorded by Andrey Guselnikov.

Unfortunately, today the websites of most tour operators are full of warnings that travelers should refrain from traveling to Syria, as confrontations and war continue on its territory. The whole world is shaken by terrible news about new attacks on ancient cities and the destruction that they inevitably entail.

Nowadays, only desperate extreme sports enthusiasts who understand what an important cultural heritage is hidden in the depths of the country and are ready to sacrifice their own safety in order to touch it can decide to travel to Syria and take a sightseeing tour of its memorable places. The rest can only wait until peace is restored on its territory, and it can once again open up to its guests in the fullness of its wondrous oriental charm.

We can only recommend following developments to find out whether it is worth going to Syria in 2019 and try to cover its main attractions for you in as much detail as possible, so that we can all together cherish the hope that they will be able to exist safe and sound for many future generations .


The old city of the Syrian capital Damascus is a historical museum containing a huge number of monuments belonging to different eras. It is surrounded by a fortress built by the Romans with seven gates. Inside there are many attractions, beautiful oriental streets and bazaars. And in the center you can find the famous Umayyad Mosque, which is today the main shrine of the Arab world.

Another place of pilgrimage for travelers from all over the world has always been the ancient capital of the state of Palmyra. Located in the center of the Syrian Desert and famous as one of the most incredible dead cities of antiquity with the huge temple complex of Bel, a colonnade, a market square and a Roman camp with a Triumphal Arch and Praetorium. Archaeological excavations are currently underway on the territory of Palmyra, during which a valley of tombs with funeral towers and multi-level burials has even been identified.

The capital of one of the Roman provinces, the city of Bosra, can also surprise tourists. Not only is it almost entirely built of black basalt, but it also houses a huge, well-preserved Roman amphitheater, as well as a nymphaeum, the Arc de Triomphe and the Nabataean gate.

But this is only a small part of the monuments of Syria, on almost every corner here you can find something that will relate to the historical shrine of any major religious branch. Indeed, in the entire history of wars and conquests, the state not only did not fall, but also managed to retain all that was most delightful and best. We can only believe that this will continue to be the case until sooner or later peace triumphs on the oldest holy land.

The civil war in Syria has not stopped for more than 5 years. These circumstances led to an outflow of foreigners crossing the border to earn income. Local residents are leaving the state and asking for asylum from their closest neighbors. Work in Syria is available to citizens who want to devote themselves to the army.

The approximate size of the Russian military varies from 2,500 to 3,500 people. The aviation group (about 60 units) includes: attack aircraft, bombers and fighters.
Contract service in Syria is also available at any military installation, each of which requires protection and support. The state does not provide for conscript service, so privates and contract sergeants are in great demand.

How to find a job

How to get a job as a mercenary in Syria? First you need to visit the selection point to find out all the details. You should go to the military registration and enlistment office after receiving a referral or letter of recommendation.

How to get into contract military service in Syria? The type of activity is considered voluntary, therefore the working conditions and payment procedure are set out in an agreement confirmed by each of the parties.

The following procedures must precede the conclusion of an agreement:

  • professional suitability testing;
  • visiting a medical facility to identify diseases or confirm their absence.

Attention: The FSB of the Russian Federation conducts an inspection of each applicant for violations of the law.

Main list of positions

Information on the recruitment of volunteers to Syria from Russia can be found on the website of the Ministry of Defense, at any point authorized to advise applicants, as well as at the territorial branch of the military registration and enlistment office in accordance with the place of registration. Among the most popular areas are: marines, drivers, sappers, tank crews, engineers, as well as specialists with medical education.

The list of popular specialties is determined by the situation in the country. Work in hot spots is well paid, but very dangerous.

Requirements for applicants

How to volunteer in Syria? Signing a contract becomes available subject to the following mandatory requirements:

  • age range 18-40 years;
  • provision of a diploma of education;
  • passing standards;
  • timely completion of military service;
  • health level category “A” or “B”.

Signing a contract involves visiting a candidate selection point. Specialists will talk about the features of voluntary service and direct you to the military commissariat department.

Contract registration procedure

How to sign a contract for voluntary service in Syria? With a referral and a letter of recommendation, come to the military commissariat and perform the following actions:

  • to write an application;
  • submit a package of documents;
  • receive a referral for a medical examination;
  • take a military ID;
  • head to the training center.

Attention: concluding a contract for service in Syria requires consent drawn up by the spouse and certified by a notary.

Working conditions

Contract work in Syria is represented by various military vacancies. During the period of service, each citizen is provided with a place to live, food and uniforms. If necessary, the contractor will be provided with qualified medical assistance.

Payments on death

A military person who has been injured, resulting in any type of disability, has the right to receive a lump sum payment. The exact amount depends on the type of injury, and the minimum amount is 1 million rubles. The transfer is made after receiving a medical certificate confirming unsuitability for further service.

If an employee dies during combat missions, the Ministry of Defense will completely take over the funeral of the serviceman and transfer 2 million rubles to the family. Depending on individual circumstances, any rewards or financial compensation may be awarded.

Salary rates

How much do Russian soldiers earn in Syria? The following factors influence your income level:

  • rank;
  • military accounting direction;
  • role during a combat mission;
  • duration of the contract;
  • availability of awards.

The average salary of Russian military personnel in Syria is approximately 200 thousand rubles. Officers are entitled to a little more depending on their rank and length of service. Pilots are paid about 400 thousand rubles. The final monthly income depends on the number of flights and the success achieved.

Other in-demand professions in Syria

The state also offers other vacancies for Russians, for example, many are sent as volunteers to Syria. Public charitable organizations support refugees and people forced to leave their homes, clear rubble, provide the necessary assistance, evacuate civilians, and restore destruction.

Legal employment

Crossing the border by foreigners is always carefully controlled. To officially get a job in Syria as a medical worker or teacher, it is advisable to provide a reference from the previous manager.

An additional advantage that increases the likelihood of getting a job is the provision of documents indicating the degree of education and skill level. This is necessary to minimize the likelihood of illiterate citizens who rely on physical work crossing the border.

List of documents

Concluding an employment contract or signing a fixed-term contract for service in Syria requires the provision of a package of papers with the following content:

  • color photocopy of birth certificate;
  • 3 full-size photographs and 2 for documents;
  • a resume detailing education, qualifications and experience (the paper must be translated into English);
  • a copy of every significant page of the passport;
  • a self-written questionnaire;
  • contact information (residence address, phone number, etc.).

The list may vary slightly depending on the field of activity.


There are enough military vacancies in Syria - the situation forces it. It is difficult to get a job in a civilian profession, but if you have the necessary level of knowledge, it is possible. Those interested in volunteering will also find something to do.

Performing official duties for less than 1 year is permissible under an employment contract. A longer stay on the territory of the state requires the conclusion of a contract.

A hot spot means a good salary combined with an increased risk to life, so the decision made must be thoughtful and informed.