Waste-free production

Waste-free production

Waste-free production is a production in which not only the main raw materials, but also the associated production wastes are fully used, resulting in a reduction in the consumption of raw materials and minimizing environmental pollution. Zero-waste production can use waste from its own production process and waste from other industries.

Synonyms: Waste-free production cycle

Finam Financial Dictionary.

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    waste-free production- A form of resource-saving organization of product production, characterized by the absence of waste in the main production cycle or its complete utilization in additional technological processes not related to the production of the main product... ...

    Waste-free production- - a form of resource-saving organization of production, characterized by the absence of waste in the main production cycle or its complete recycling in additional technological processes not related to the production of the main... ...

    The conventional name for an economic activity during which virtually no hazardous waste is generated. The term “low-waste production” is more accurate, since any, even environmentally friendly production, has waste in the form of thermal... ... Geographical encyclopedia

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    One of the modern directions for the development of production, providing for the integrated use of raw materials and energy. resources without harming the environment. Axles. principles of organization B. p.: development and implementation of new technologies, processes that reduce ... Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary

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    WASTE-FREE PRODUCTION- see art. Waste-free technology. Ecological encyclopedic dictionary. Chisinau: Main editorial office of the Moldavian Soviet Encyclopedia. I.I. Dedu. 1989 ... Ecological dictionary

    Waste-free production- is one of the modern directions of production development, which provides for the integrated use of raw materials and energy resources without harm to the environment. Axles. principles of organizing BP: development and implementation of new... ... Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations of building materials

Introduction………………………………………………………… ……………………………...3
1. Waste-free production…………………………………………… ………………… ..4
2.Basic principles of creating waste-free production……………………………………...5
3. Requirements for waste-free production…………………………………………………7
4.Waste-free technologies…………………………………………………………………….7
5.Principles of creating waste-free technology………………………… ………………………..8
6. Directions of waste-free technology in certain industries………9
6.1.Energy…………………………………………………………… …………………………………….....9
6.2. Mining. ………………………………………………………………....9
6.3. Metallurgy……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………...9
6.4. Chemical and oil refining industry. …………………………....9
6.5. Mechanical engineering………………………………………………………… ………………………………….10
6.6. Paper industry…………………………………………………………… ……………………10

As modern production develops, with its scale and growth rate, the problems of development and implementation of waste-free production and technologies become increasingly relevant. Their speedy solution in a number of countries is considered as a strategic direction for the rational use of natural resources and environmental protection.
Waste-free production is a production in which not only the main raw materials, but also the associated production wastes are fully used, resulting in a reduction in the consumption of raw materials and minimizing environmental pollution. Zero-waste production can use waste from its own production process and waste from other industries.
Waste-free technology is a technology that implies the most rational use of natural resources and energy in production, ensuring environmental protection.
Soviet scientists made a significant contribution to the concept of waste-free technology and production, such as: A. E. Fersman, N. N. Semenov, I. V. Petryanov-Sokolov, B. N. Laskorin and others. By analogy with natural ecological systems, waste-free technologies and production are based on the technogenic cycle of substances and energy. The need to create waste-free technologies and production arose in the 50s. 20th century due to the depletion of the world's natural resources and pollution of the biosphere as a result of rapid development, along with the chemicalization of agriculture and the growth of transport, leading sectors of the energy and manufacturing industries (oil refining, chemical industry, nuclear energy, non-ferrous metallurgy, etc.).
The purpose of this work is to study waste-free technologies and production.
Research objectives:
1.Study the concept of “waste-free production”.
2. Consider the basic principles of creating waste-free production, requirements for waste-free production.
4.Study the concept of “non-waste technologies”.
5.Analyze the principles of creating waste-free technology.
6. Consider the directions and developments of waste-free technology in certain industries.

1. Waste-free production.
Waste-free production is a production in which all raw materials are ultimately transformed into one or another product and which is at the same time optimized according to technological, economic and socio-ecological criteria. The fundamental novelty of this approach to the further development of industrial production is due to the inability to effectively solve problems of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources only by improving methods of neutralization, disposal, processing or disposal of waste. The USSR was the initiator of the idea of ​​waste-free production. An example of waste-free production is the production of marble. All waste obtained from the mechanical processing of marble blocks and substandard blocks are processed into marble chips.
The concept of waste-free production provides for the need to include the sphere of consumption in the cycle of use of raw materials. In other words, products after physical or moral wear and tear must be returned to production. Thus, waste-free production is an almost closed system, organized by analogy with natural ecological systems, the functioning of which is based on the biogeochemical cycle of matter. When creating and developing waste-free industries, it is necessary to use all raw material components.
Currently, despite the fact that almost all raw materials used in industry are multicomponent, as a rule, only one component is used as a finished product. The maximum possible is the integrated use of energy in waste-free production. Here we can also draw a direct analogy with natural ecosystems, which, being practically closed in matter, are not isolated, since they absorb the energy they receive from the Sun, transform it, connecting a small part, and dissipate it into the surrounding space. The most important component of the concept of waste-free production is also the concepts of the normal functioning of the environment and the damage caused to it by negative anthropogenic impacts. The concept of waste-free production emphasizes that it, while inevitably affecting the environment, does not disrupt its normal functioning. The creation of waste-free production is a long and gradual process that requires solving a number of interrelated technological, economic, organizational, psychological and other problems. These tasks can and should be solved, as follows from the definition of waste-free production, at various levels: process, enterprise, production association.
2. Basic principles of creating waste-free industries.
Production waste is the remains of raw materials, materials and semi-products generated during the production of a given product, which have partially or completely lost their qualities and do not meet the standards (technical specifications). These residues, after appropriate processing, can be used in production or consumption.
Consumer waste is industrial, technical and household products unsuitable for further use (for their intended purpose) (for example, worn-out plastic and rubber products, failed fireclay bricks for thermal insulation of furnaces, etc.).
By-products are formed during the physical and chemical processing of raw materials along with the main production products, but are not the purpose of the production process. In most cases, they are commercial, they have GOST, TU and approved prices, their release is planned. Most often, these are components contained in raw materials that are not used in this production, or products that are obtained during the extraction or enrichment of the main raw materials; they are usually called by-products (for example, associated gas during oil production).
Secondary material resources (BMP) are a set of production and consumption waste that can be used as the main or auxiliary material for the production of target products.
An open type of communication still dominates between industry and the environment. The production process begins with the use of natural resources and ends with their transformation into means of production and consumer goods. The production process is followed by the consumption process, after which the used products are thrown away.
Thus, the open system is based on the principle of disposable use of the raw material of nature.
Every time production activity begins with the use of some new natural resources, and every time consumption ends with the release of waste into the environment. As shown above, a very small part of natural resources is converted into target products, most of them end up in waste.
The biosphere functions on the principle of embedded systems: each form is constructed through the destruction of other forms, constituting a link in the general circulation of matter in nature. Until very recently, production activity was built on a different principle - maximum exploitation of natural resources and ignoring the problem of destruction of production and consumption waste. This path was possible only as long as the scale of waste did not exceed the limits of the ability of ecological systems to self-heal.
Thus, there is an urgent need to transition to a fundamentally new form of communication - to closed production systems, which assume the greatest possible integration of production processes into the general circulation of matter in nature.
In a closed system, production is built based on the following fundamental principles:
1. more complete use of the original natural substance is possible;
2. more complete use of waste is possible (regeneration of waste and its transformation into feedstock for subsequent stages of production);
3. creation of final production products with such properties that the used production and consumption waste can be assimilated by environmental systems.
The current situation in the field of resource consumption and the scale of industrial emissions allow us to conclude that there is only one way to solve the problem of optimal consumption of natural resources and environmental protection - the creation of environmentally friendly technological processes, or non-waste, and at first low-waste. This is the only way suggested by nature itself.
In November 1979, at a meeting on environmental protection within the United Nations (UN) in Geneva, the “Declaration on Low-Waste and Zero-Waste Technology and Waste Management” was adopted. Low-waste production is understood as such production, the harmful consequences of which do not exceed the level allowed by sanitary standards, but for technical, economic, organizational or other reasons, part of the raw materials goes into waste and is sent for long-term storage.
The biosphere gives us natural resources from which final products are obtained in the production sphere, while waste is generated. Products are used either in production or consumption, and again waste is generated. Waste refers to substances that do not initially have any consumer value. In many cases, if necessary, after appropriate processing, they can be used as secondary raw materials (secondary material resources) or as secondary energy carriers (secondary energy resources). If, for technical or technological reasons, it is impossible or economically unprofitable to recycle waste, then it must be released into the biosphere in such a way that, if possible, it does not harm the natural environment.
3. Requirements for waste-free production.
On the way to improving existing and developing fundamentally new technological processes, it is necessary to comply with a number of general requirements:

    implementation of production processes with the minimum possible number of technological stages (apparatuses), since at each of them waste is generated and raw materials are lost;
    the use of continuous processes that allow the most efficient use of raw materials and energy;
    increase (to the optimum) unit power of units;
    intensification of production processes, their optimization and automation;
    creation of energy technological processes. The combination of energy and technology makes it possible to more fully utilize the energy of chemical transformations, save energy resources, raw materials and materials, and increase the productivity of units. An example of such production is the large-scale production of ammonia using an energy technology scheme.
4. Waste-free technologies.
Waste-free technology is the principle of organizing production in general, implying the use of raw materials and energy in a closed cycle. A closed cycle means a chain of primary raw materials - production - consumption - secondary raw materials. The term “non-waste technology” was first proposed by the Commission for the Protection of Natural Waters of the USSR.
The primary goal of waste-free technology is to reduce the flow of unused waste released into the biosphere per unit time so much that the natural balance of the biosphere is maintained and the conservation of basic natural resources is ensured.

Waste-free production is a production in which all raw materials and even waste are still converted into finished products. Among other things, the concept of such a process provides for the processing of any product, even after its moral or physical wear and tear. This is a closed cycle that can only be compared with natural ecological systems, which are based on biogeochemical cycles of substances. The creation of waste-free production is a gradual and lengthy process, which requires solving a number of economic, technological, psychological, organizational and other problems.

Setting up production

It is very rare that a completely waste-free production can be achieved, but residual material can be minimized. If the assortment is large enough, then it is best to use universal raw materials or semi-finished products, and then build a technological process so that all these components are suitable for the manufacture of a large number of units of final products.

Established waste-free and low-waste production will simplify logistics and reduce the cost of raw materials. This, in particular, will be reflected in the cost and reduction of costs, and as a result, profits will increase. It is important that during such processes the raw materials do not become stale and they do not become unusable. In the event that materials become unclaimed for one product, they will be used for the manufacture of another.


In order to minimize the costs of the enterprise and improve its productivity, the following principles of waste-free production are used:

  • systematicity is when each of the individual processes can be considered as a part of a more complex technological chain;
  • integrated use of energy and raw materials resources provides additional opportunities to extract related components;
  • the cyclical nature of material flows is a closed production process that in a certain way can repeat natural cycles;
  • rational organization is when irreparable losses of resources can be minimized by recycling waste;
  • principle of environmental safety.

Waste-free and low-waste technology provides:

  • complete processing of raw materials using components based on the production of new waste-free processes;
  • release and production of new varieties of products taking into account the request for recycling;
  • the use of waste and its consumption with the final production of marketable products, or any beneficial use without shifting the ecological balance;
  • use of closed water supply systems in industry;
  • production of waste-free complexes.

Development direction

Using low-waste and waste-free production technologies, four main directions of their development can be formulated:

  1. The emergence of drainless technological systems for a wide variety of purposes, based on existing and promising methods of purification and reuse of regulatory wastewater.
  2. Development and application of systems for processing household and industrial waste, which can be considered as secondary material resources.
  3. The introduction of technological processes for the manufacture of traditional types of products using exclusively new methods, in which it is possible to develop the maximum possible transfer of energy and matter to the finished product;
  4. Development and application of territorial-industrial complexes with a more closed structure of material waste.

Requirements for waste-free production

In order to move along the path of improving existing ones and developing fundamentally new technological processes, certain requirements must be met:

  • reducing production processes to a minimum number of stages, since each of them generates waste and simply loses raw materials;
  • the use of continuous processes that enable efficient use of energy and raw materials;
  • increasing the unit power of equipment;
  • regularity of production processes, their automation and optimization.

The correct combination of technology and energy allows us to establish high-quality waste-free production, which can be found in the field of chemical transformations, saving energy resources, as well as materials and raw materials.

Agro-industrial complex

Today, modern multifunctional agro-industrial enterprises have a significant basis for ensuring waste-free and low-waste production, which will improve the use of secondary raw materials.

The most relevant example in agriculture is the clever management of manure. The source material is used to fertilize forage crops, which are then fed to the existing livestock.

Using wood

Waste-free production in Russia is famous for its wood processing; today its level is more than 80%. Almost all waste is processed into useful products, namely fuel briquettes and pellets. Chips and sawdust are perfect for heating, since such raw materials are considered quite cheap and have good heat transfer. Waste-free wood production is called the highest quality and closed process, since waste from it is minimized and, one might say, practically absent. In addition to traditional lumber, high-quality furniture panels and furniture can also be produced.

Paper industry

In order to establish waste-free production in the paper industry, it is first necessary to introduce developments to save the amount of water used per unit of production. Also give preference to the creation of drainless and closed industrial water supply systems. It is important to use extractive compounds contained in wood raw materials in order to ultimately obtain the desired product. It is imperative to improve the processes of bleaching cellulose using ozone and oxygen. The processing of logging waste is also being improved with the introduction of biotechnological methods in target products, and the use of capacities for processing paper waste, including waste paper, is ensured.

Chemical and oil refining industry

In such industries, it is very important to establish waste-free production, examples of which can be found in the use of such technological processes as:

  • reduction and oxidation using oxygen, air and nitrogen;
  • introduction of membrane technology for separating liquid and gas mixtures;
  • the use of biotechnology, including the production of biogas from waste organic products;
  • methods of ultraviolet, plasma, and electric pulse intensity of chemical reactions.

Mechanical engineering

In this area, in order to establish waste-free production, it is necessary to direct scientific developments to water treatment, thereby moving to closed water recycling processes, as well as obtaining metals from wastewater. The extraction of metals from press powders is considered important.


In the energy sector, it is necessary to widely use waste-free production technologies, which must be used to develop new methods of burning fuel. An example is combustion in a fluidized bed, which reduces the content of pollutants in gas waste. It is important to introduce dust cleaning equipment into operation, which will generate ash, and after that it can become suitable for use as a building material.


In this industry, well-established waste-free production is considered important, examples of which include:

  • complete recycling of waste, both in underground and open-pit mining;
  • widespread use of geotechnological methods for developing new deposits, while trying to extract only the target components to the ground;
  • the use of waste-free methods of processing and enrichment of natural raw materials directly at the site of their extraction;
  • more active use of hydrometallurgical methods of ore processing.


In non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, when forming new enterprises and updating existing ones, it is necessary to introduce waste-free production, which will help ensure savings and full use of ore raw materials. This:

  • processing and utilization of liquid, gaseous and solid waste, reducing discharges and emissions of harmful substances with wastewater and exhaust gases;
  • Large-tonnage solid waste from processing and mining production can be used as building materials for roads, wall blocks and mines;
  • increasing the efficiency of newly created and existing processes for capturing by-products that are released from wastewater and exhaust gases;
  • full use of all ferroalloy and blast furnace slags, as well as the establishment of processing of steelmaking waste;
  • extensive introduction of dry methods for purifying gases from dust debris for all metallurgical production;
  • a rapid reduction in fresh water consumption, as well as a reduction in wastewater through the subsequent development and introduction of waterless processes and drainless water supply systems;
  • introduction of treatment equipment to the enterprise, as well as devices for monitoring various environmental pollution factors;
  • expanded use of microelectronics to enable energy and material savings, as well as waste control and active reduction.

Waste-free and low-waste production (technologies)

As modern production develops, along with its scale and growth rate, the problems of development and implementation of low- and waste-free technologies become increasingly relevant. The relevance of this problem is due to the following circumstances.

The biosphere functions on the principle of embedded systems: each form is constructed through the destruction of other forms, constituting a link in the general circulation of matter in nature. Until very recently, production activity was built on a different principle - maximum exploitation of natural resources and ignoring the problem of destruction of production and consumption waste. This path was possible only as long as the scale of waste did not exceed the limits of the ability of ecological systems to self-heal.

An open type of communication still dominates between industry and the environment. Agricultural production is also an open system. The production process begins with the use of natural resources and ends with their transformation into means of production and consumer goods. The production process is followed by the consumption process, after which the used products are thrown away. Thus, the open system is based on the principle of disposable use of natural substances.

Production activity begins with the use of some new natural resources, and consumption ends with the release of waste into the environment. As shown above, a very small part of natural resources is converted into target products, most of them end up in waste.

Based on this, we can talk about the existence of two conditional types (models) of society: disposable consumption (wasteful society), which creates waste and where production is multi-waste in nature, and nature-saving, where production is organized using waste-free and low-waste technologies (Fig. 6.10).

Thus, objectively, there is a need for a transition to a fundamentally new form of communication - to closed production systems, perhaps suggesting greater autonomy of production, the exclusion of the integration of production processes into the general circulation of matter in nature.

In a closed system, production is built based on the following fundamental principles:

  • maximum use of the original natural substance;
  • maximum use of waste (regeneration of waste and its transformation into feedstock for subsequent stages of production);
  • creating final production products with such properties that the used production and consumption waste can be assimilated by natural ecological systems;
  • reducing the amount of consumer waste by producing goods with less weight, in biodegradable packaging, with their complete disposal before they enter the environment.

The principle of zero waste in the generally accepted concept boils down to the fact that when developing and designing a new production:

Apply a systematic approach;

Rice. 6.10. Structural diagram of a disposable society (A) and environmentally friendly (b) respectively

  • use resources comprehensively;
  • take into account the cyclical nature of material flows;
  • limit the impact on the environment;
  • rationally organize the production process.

In accordance with the principle of systematicity, each individual process or production is considered as an element of a dynamic system of all industrial production in the region and at a higher level - as an element of the ecological-economic system as a whole, which includes, in addition to material production and other economic activities of man, the natural environment (populations living organisms, atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, biogeocenoses, landscapes), as well as humans and their habitat. Thus, the principle of consistency underlying the creation of waste-free industries must take into account the existing and increasing interconnection and interdependence of production, social and natural processes.

The principle of integrated, economical use of raw materials in Russia has been elevated to the rank of a state task and is clearly formulated in a number of decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation. The specific forms of its implementation will primarily depend on the level of organization of waste-free production at the stages of the process, individual production, production complex and environmental-economic system.

One of the general principles of creating waste-free production is the cyclical nature of material flows. The simplest examples of cyclical material flows include closed water and gas cycles. Ultimately, the consistent application of this principle should lead to the formation, first in individual regions, and subsequently throughout the entire technosphere, of a consciously organized and regulated technogenic circulation of matter and associated energy transformations. Effective ways to form cyclical material flows and rational use of energy include the combination and cooperation of industries, the creation of industrial complexes, as well as the development and production of new types of products taking into account the requirements of their reuse.

No less important principles for creating waste-free production include the requirement to limit the impact of production on the natural and social environment, taking into account the systematic and targeted growth of its volumes and environmental excellence. This principle is primarily associated with the conservation of such natural and social resources as atmospheric air, water, land surface, recreational resources, and public health. It should be emphasized that the implementation of this principle is feasible only in combination with effective monitoring, developed environmental regulation and multi-level environmental management.

The general principle of creating waste-free production is also the rationality of its organization. The decisive factors here are the requirement for the reasonable use of all components of raw materials, the maximum reduction in energy, material and labor intensity of production and the search for new environmentally sound raw materials and energy technologies, which is largely due to the reduction of negative impacts on the environment and damage to it, including related sectors of the national economy. The ultimate goal in this case should be considered to be optimization of production simultaneously according to energy technological, economic and environmental parameters. The main thing in achieving this goal is the development of new and improvement of existing technological processes and production.

From this we can conclude that waste-free technology is a method of production in which all raw materials and energy are used most rationally and comprehensively in the cycle: raw materials - production - consumption - secondary resources, and any impacts on the environment do not disrupt its normal functioning.

The zero-waste technology strategy is based on the fact that unused waste is both an underutilized natural resource and a source of environmental pollution. Reducing the specific yield of unused waste per commercial product of the technology will make it possible to produce more products from the same amount of raw materials and at the same time become an effective measure for environmental protection. The biosphere gives us natural resources from which final products are obtained in the production sphere, while waste is generated. Products are used either in production or consumption, and again waste is generated. Almost always, if necessary, after appropriate processing, they can be used as secondary raw materials (secondary material resources) or as secondary energy carriers (secondary energy resources). If, for technical or technological reasons, it is impossible or economically unprofitable to recycle waste, then it must be introduced into the biosphere in such a way that, if possible, it does not harm the natural environment.

The following balance can be drawn up for the spheres of production and consumption based on the law of conservation of matter:

Where A - mass of waste generated in the spheres of production and consumption, kg/s; R- consumption of natural resources, kg/s; S- the mass of substances accumulating in the spheres of production and consumption due to constant growth of production, kg/s; f t - average waste utilization rate, kg/kg.

Reducing the specific amount of unused production waste and thereby the specific consumption of natural resources is possible due to:

  • reducing the specific waste yield;
  • increasing the waste utilization rate;
  • recycling, i.e. recycling of consumer waste in production.

The choice of one of the paths depends both on technological capabilities,

and on economic conditions. On the one hand, the primary goal of waste-free technology is to reduce the mass of unused waste released into the biosphere per unit time in such a way that the natural balance of the biosphere will be maintained and the conservation of basic natural resources will be ensured. On the other hand, waste-free technologies that use consumer waste as raw materials are urgently needed. Such technologies have double environmental efficiency.

To date, the following main approaches have been identified when creating waste-free technologies:

  • development of drainless technological schemes and water circulation cycles based on effective methods of treatment and re-use of regulated wastewater;
  • development of technological cycles with closed air circulation;
  • replacing water in technology with easily recyclable media;
  • replacing air with oxygen and other gases;
  • development and implementation of fundamentally new technological processes that eliminate the formation of any types of waste;
  • creation of territorial-industrial complexes, i.e. economic regions in which a closed system of material flows of raw materials and waste is implemented within the complex;
  • recycling of waste as secondary material and energy resources;
  • using waste to recycle other waste;
  • reducing the mass of waste by reducing the material consumption of technologies.

The formulation of the concept of waste-free technology should not be taken absolutely, i.e. It should not be assumed that production without waste is possible, but waste should not disrupt the normal functioning of natural systems. In real conditions, a completely waste-free technology cannot be created either practically or theoretically (just as, in accordance with the second law of thermodynamics, it is impossible to completely convert energy into useful mechanical work, and raw materials cannot be completely converted into a useful environmentally friendly product). In other words, a completely waste-free technology is an ideal system to which any real technological cycle should strive, and the greater the degree of approximation, the less environmental hazard this production will pose.

The creation of waste-free production is a very complex and lengthy process, the intermediate stage of which is low-waste production. Low-waste production should be understood as such production, the results of which, when exposed to the environment, do not exceed the level allowed by sanitary and hygienic standards, i.e. MPC. At the same time, for technical, economic, organizational or other reasons, part of the raw materials and materials may become waste and be sent for long-term storage or disposal.

In some cases, the concept of “environmentally friendly technology” is used, meaning a production method in which raw materials and energy are used so rationally that the volume of pollutants and waste released into the environment is minimized.

Since the degree of environmental cleanliness will be determined by the degree of approximation of low-waste technology to the ideal model, it is necessary to introduce appropriate coefficients that evaluate the approximation of low-waste technology to non-waste technology.

There are a number of approaches to determining waste-free production: experimental assessment, assessment based on raw material and energy balances, based on the general optimization parameter obtained using the desirability function or technological profile, as well as economically when comparing the costs of production.

The overall balance of the relative toxicity of the mass of harmful substances is determined by the following expression:

where M c + M b is the amount of waste entering the environment with wastewater and gas emissions; ΔМ Н - mass of neutralized waste, ХМ р - mass of dispersed waste.

The relative environmental friendliness of a typical process, production line, or workshop can be determined by the expression

If A -> 0, then the process tends to a waste-free state.

To quantify waste-free production, it is recommended to use the waste-free coefficient, which takes into account various factors depending on the sector of the national economy.

Thus, for the coal industry the waste-free coefficient is K S) it is proposed to determine by the expression

Where K p - rock utilization rate as a result of mining operations; K k - utilization rate of produced water generated during coal mining; K pg - coefficient of use of nylon gas waste. For the chemical industry, waste-free coefficient

Where K m - coefficient of completeness of use of material resources; TO:) - coefficient of completeness of use of energy resources; TO ET - coefficient of compliance with environmental requirements. The values ​​of the first two coefficients are found taking into account data on material and energy balances.

Coefficient value K this determined by the expression

where G) g, g| a, g| l - coefficients of compliance with environmental requirements for the hydrosphere, atmosphere and lithosphere, respectively.

Coefficient r v is determined by the expression

Where P - the number of pollutants contained in liquid waste discharged into water bodies (hydrosphere); IN ( - actual discharge of the z-th ingredient (substance) per unit of time, VAT, - - maximum permissible discharge of the ith ingredient per unit of time; Maximum permissible concentration of the i-th ingredient for a reservoir of a given type of water use.

If IN,

If data on VAT is missing, then the calculation is carried out according to the expression

where C j- concentration of the ith ingredient.

When several pollutants with the same limiting harmfulness indicator are discharged into a reservoir, the following condition must be met:

Methodology for calculating the coefficient Г| and similar to the one discussed above. Coefficient r| l is currently assumed to be equal to one. If the coefficient value K this K this coefficients are calculated in units K m And K e or just one coefficient To m. For the target product the coefficient K m determined by the expression

where M op - materials of main production; M VP - materials for auxiliary production; 0 op - waste from the main production; OT op - waste from the main production; P op - losses of main production.

If K m lies in the range of 0.9-1.0, then production is considered waste-free if it is found K m in the range of 0.8-0.9 - low-waste, with a value K m

In general, to assess the degree of perfection of a technological process, taking into account interaction with the environment, the environmental performance coefficient is taken as the non-waste™ criterion:

where Vt is the theoretical impact required for production; Vf - actual impact; In n - impact determined by specific production.

If Vf Ksh -> 0, i.e. This production does not take into account environmental safety requirements at all, which leads to the so-called environmental miscalculation. The higher the value of the coefficient Ked, the more advanced the production is, taking into account the impact on the environment, and the more significantly it approaches waste-free technology.

The socio-economic effect (SEE) of waste-free production can be assessed using a complex criterion:

Where? E, - the sum of all effects achieved by introducing waste-free production; D - damage from environmental pollution by production and consumption waste; Z p - the total costs of creating waste-free production.

If there are several options, the option with the highest SEE with the minimum values ​​of 3 points should be selected.

Thus, the combination of advanced technologies with modern methods of purification and control of gas and dust emissions, recycling of waste makes it possible to reconstruct existing and design new production facilities that meet the requirements of low-waste™ and environmental safety.

WASTE-FREE PRODUCTION in chemistry technologies (non-waste technology), carried out according to optimal standards. technol. schemes (see Optimization) with closed (recirculating) material and energy. flows, do not have wastewater (drainless production), gas emissions into the atmosphere and solid waste (drainless production). The term “waste-free production” is conditional, because in real conditions due to the imperfections of modern technology, it is impossible to completely eliminate all waste and the impact of production on the environment. In waste-free production, natural resources are used most rationally. and secondary raw materials and energy with a minimum. damage to the environment.

The concept of waste-free production means. Soviet scientists contributed (A.E. Fersman, N.N. Semenov, I.V. Petryanov-Sokolov, B.N. Laskorin, etc.). By analogy with nature. eco-friendly waste-free production systems are based on the technogenic cycle of substances and energy. The need to create waste-free industries arose in the 50s. 20th century due to the depletion of world natural resources. resources and pollution of the biosphere as a result of rapid development, along with chemicalization of the village. economy and the growth of transport, leading sectors of the energy and manufacturing industries (oil refining, chemical industry, nuclear energy, non-ferrous metallurgy, etc.).

According to the ideas of D.I. Mendeleev (1885), the measure of production excellence is the amount of waste. With the development of science and technology, each production is becoming closer and closer to waste-free. At this stage, waste-free production includes essentially low-waste production, in which only a small part of the raw materials is converted. to waste. The latter are buried, neutralized or sent for a long period. storage for the purpose of their disposal in the future. In low-waste industries, emissions of harmful substances do not exceed the maximum permissible concentration, as well as the level at which irreversible environmental changes are prevented (see Nature conservation).

Basic directions for creating low-waste production at a separate enterprise or in the industry as a whole. region: environmentally friendly preparation and comprehensive processing of raw materials in combination with the purification of harmful emissions, waste disposal, optimal. use of energy, water and gas cycles; the use of the so-called short (low-stage) technol. circuits with max. extraction of target and by-products at each stage; replacement periodic continuous processes using automation. their control systems and more advanced equipment; widespread involvement in the production of secondary resources.

Development of chemical, oil refining, petrochemical. and a number of other industries is associated with the development of the so-called. energy technology circuits - systems of large unit power. The latter along with max. the use of raw materials and energy ensures highly efficient treatment of wastewater and gas emissions into the atmosphere through the use of anhydrous technologies. processes, water and gas circulation (including air circulation) cycles, which are environmentally and economically more feasible than the corresponding ones. direct-flow water supply and gas purification to sanitary standards.

Optim. the use of raw materials is achieved through their complex processing. Examples: chem. processing of solid fuels (see Coke chemistry), oil (see Oil refining), apatite-nepheline, phosphorite-apatite, polymetallic. ores, etc. For example, with the complex processing of apatite-nepheline ores, in addition to phosphates, other valuable products are also obtained. Thus, in the USSR, for the first time in the world, a technology for processing nephelines, a waste from apatite enrichment, was developed and implemented. As a result, 0.2-0.3 t K 2 CO 3, 0.60-0.75 t Na 2 CO 3 and 9-10 t cement are obtained per 1 ton of alumina. This technology, combined with closed water circulation and effective purification of gases from sintering furnaces and cement production, provides a minimum. quantity of waste. The progressive method of nitric acid decomposition of phosphorites and apatites when producing complex fertilizers (for example, nitroammophosphate) eliminates the formation of phosphogypsum, a large-scale waste product from the production of these fertilizers using the sulfuric acid method. Along with nitrogen-phosphorus or nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, SrCO 3, CaCO 3, CaF 2, NH 4 NO 3, rare earth oxides and other important products are obtained.

Optim. the use of energy resources is achieved by rationally using them for technology. needs for various stages of production, as well as the utilization of low-potential heat (50-150°C) to ensure comfortable working conditions in the industry. and non-production. premises, for municipal hot water supply, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, heating of greenhouses, reservoirs, etc. max. effective in chemistry industry uses energy resources in modern times. energy technology production schemes in NH 3, weak HNO 3 and urea.

A progressive form of organizing waste-free production is the combination of different technologies. schemes For chem. industry is especially characterized by the use of basic waste. production as raw materials for newly organized subordinate production. Thus, the production of NH 3 is combined, using its waste - CO 2, with the production of urea using one chemical. enterprise. Dr. a typical example is the association of chemicals. enterprises for the production of H 2 SO 4 with metallurgical waste (flotation pyrites and waste furnace gases containing SO 2) it is based on. An important role in the utilization of solid secondary raw materials belongs to the construction industry. materials. For example, blast furnace slag (almost completely) and phosphogypsum are used for the production of cement, slag stones, and minerals. cotton wool, slag pumice, gypsum binders, etc.

The creation of waste-free production is especially effective on the basis of fundamentally new technologies. processes. An example is a coke-free, blast-furnace method for producing steel, using technol. circuits excluded stages, in max. extent that influenced environmental pollution: blast furnace redistribution. production of coke and sinter. This technology provides. Reducing emissions of SO 2, dust and other harmful substances into the atmosphere makes it possible to reduce water consumption three times and almost completely recycle all solid waste.

Also promising is the use, for example, in hydrometallurgy of sorption, sorption-extraction and extraction processes, which provide high selectivity for the extraction of decomposition. components, effective wastewater treatment and no gas emissions into the atmosphere. Thus, extraction processes are used to extract and separate, for example, Ta and Nb, REE, T1 and In, as well as to obtain high-purity Au (see also Leaching).

An important role in the creation of waste-free production is played by the improvement of technological equipment. processes. So, the transition of production