You waste forty hours of your life a week to sit from call to call in a place where there are no prospects, career growth and decent pay. So what's your problem, guy? Do you understand that this time can be spent doing what you really like or investing in your own development for future success? Remember the line from Alexander Blok’s poem: “Work, work, work: you will end up with an ugly hump for long and honest work, for long and honest work!” - and think how many days of your life you have already wasted. If you were waiting for some sign from heaven to take a decisive step, then let it not be the mythical rain on Thursday, but this article. By quitting a job you hate, you will learn seven valuable lessons that will reward you with experience and self-confidence.


Fear of failure deprives you of a huge number of amazing things that could happen in your life. He gives meaning to your excuses. You have a dream, but when given the chance to realize it by making some important decision, you begin to come up with excuses, setting yourself up for a negative result in advance. Apparently, eternally doubting people like you came up with a saying about a bird in the hand, which is better than a pie in the sky. Just be sure that by agreeing to compromise with yourself and choosing half-measures, you will live the appropriate half-life. Always choose action, even if the decision is not easy. There was not a single storm after which the sun did not appear.


We all struggle with our doubts: are we good enough, smart enough, competent enough, do we deserve a better life, in principle, or what we have now is the ceiling of aspirations, the very maximum that can be squeezed out of this life. Doubt is a silent killer that has destroyed so many aspirations and plans. You start to think a lot, but do nothing, and static is good only in works of art.


Be prepared for the fact that as soon as you decide to swim against the tide and do what is not expected of you, many advisers and “well-wishers” will appear on the horizon who will try to dissuade you in every possible way, assuring you that you are definitely nothing better than this swamp you won't find it. Therefore, a person who is able to do something that they do not have the courage to do will cause powerful cognitive dissonance.


You need to have a small cheat sheet, a visual plan that you need to draw up if you decide to achieve your goal, but it’s stopping you from doing so. Think about and clearly define the following points. Try to write down every detail as clearly as possible, so that your thoughts do not buzz in your head like a wild swarm of bees, but are reflected on paper, helping you to gather yourself and decide.

When you quit your job:

  • what do you plan to do;
  • what needs to be done first to realize your intentions;
  • make a step-by-step plan consisting of at least ten points;
  • what should happen if you successfully complete these short-term tasks.

A piece of paper with such writing cannot guarantee you success, but it will significantly increase your chances of achieving it.


It would be wonderful if everything worked as we originally intended, but, unfortunately, life dictates its own conditions and provides us with more sad statistics. You need to be prepared for unexpected emergencies. After loudly slamming the door of the hated office, you must have some kind of financial reserve fund and a backup plan. Therefore, it is better to switch to austerity mode in advance.


Besides fear and doubt, there is one more thing that, like an unliftable boulder, blocks your path. This is self-restraint. You think that you are not competent enough, that you are too old, that you will not be able to combine your new way of life with your usual activities. You can give up on yourself, being sure that certain things are simply too tough for you, but if you don’t try, you won’t know. If you fail and don’t find the strength to rise, then why did you start all this in the first place? Barriers are not around you - they are inside you.


Don't look back and don't waste time on soul-searching. Since you made such a decision, there were reasons for it. Direct all your strength to conquer new heights.

Hello friends.

My name is Larisa Parfentyeva. A couple of weeks ago, I talked on our blog about how I developed willpower and lost 30 kilograms.

It was very resonant, and we decided to create an author’s column “100 ways to change your life.” Every week I will talk about another way to change your life and about people who overcame their fears, revealed new facets of character and found themselves.

And the first story about how to give up everything and turn your life around 180 degrees will be mine. So, exactly three years ago my life changed dramatically after one trip on the Moscow metro...

But first, about who I was then. On the one hand, everything was just great: I graduated from the journalism department of Moscow State University, worked for many Moscow media, was a glossy interviewer, talked with all the stars from Alla Pugacheva to Keanu Reeves. I thought it was wildly cool. At the same time, I hosted my own TV show, and my last place of work at that time was the TV project “Top Model in Russian,” which was hosted by Ksenia Sobchak. We went to filming in New York, London, Miami.

One of the castings of the project “Top Model in Russian”

In general, outwardly everything was really cool. But internally I was constantly tormented by one feeling: “This is not what I really want.” It seemed to me that my real life had not yet begun, I was gaining weight, and on weekends I hung out in bars.

Last straw

...In April 2012, I was traveling in the Moscow metro. I just stood there and held on to the handrail. Suddenly, the grandmother sitting in front stood up from her seat and said: “Sit down, girl. You need it more. You’re still expecting a baby.”

Has your grandmother ever given up your seat on the subway? Seriously?

I was ashamed. What could I say to her: “Sorry, grandma, it’s not the baby, but the 133 pizzas, 196 burgers and 838 sandwiches I’ve eaten over the past few years.” But I couldn’t disappoint my grandmother, so, smiling ridiculously and holding my imaginary child, I sat down in her place. So I drove to the final station: me and my fat child.

This story changed me. I left everything and went to my hometown - Ufa. Here I found a truly favorite activity, gained weight, got rid of bad habits, changed my attitude towards life and now I help people take the first step towards a new life. (More details in the following materials).

Before and after. Leaving Moscow clearly did me good :)

How to take the first step?

Most people start changes with the question: “How long can I tolerate this?” But the right question that everyone can ask themselves is: “What can I do today to change my life?”

Psychologists have a term: “one hour a day.” It is believed that if a person devotes one hour a day to some business, then sooner or later he will achieve, if not brilliant, then obvious success in it. Even with a complete lack of talent and conditions.

For example, Margaret Mitchell, author of Gone with the Wind, took ten years to create her masterpiece. She spent literally 20-30 minutes a day writing text on napkins and scraps of paper that could hold from several paragraphs to one phrase. This is how this masterpiece appeared in ten years. Abraham Lincoln studied law while on night duty at a warehouse.

I also decided to devote an hour to finding myself: reading books, talking to people, walking and thinking. After six months, I realized what I really like to do is inspire people and read books. Then I started my own VKontakte group and began sharing my thoughts. I didn’t think about whether I could make money from it or not: I just did what I liked.

Now I know for sure that only those things that you truly love can bring satisfaction and success. I am sure: each of us is a natural resource. And if you are born with the unique talent of being, for example, a badass comedian, but instead sit in an office writing investment reports, then from the world's point of view you are a bad natural resource.

Only when we do what we truly have a passion for, the world begins to support us.

What to do with fear?

Everyone is afraid to leave their comfort zone and leave their “familiar” places. But American businessman George Addair put it perfectly: “Everything you dream of is on the other side of your fear.”

Eddeir's philosophy is simple: if you want the life of your dreams, you must overcome fear. In order to overcome fear, you need to believe in the result. There is an abyss between fear and results. And the only way to change your life-jump into the void.

Don't be afraid to take this step and the fear will disappear. When I left Moscow and quit television, my biggest fear was the same as many: I was afraid that I would run out of money. And you know, it happened.

But nothing terrible happened: no one died, fell ill with consumption or committed suicide. It was a wonderful and fun time. I learned to love regular walks, learned dozens more ways to combine my wardrobe, and learned to change the heels of my shoes and shoes myself. I began to carefully store packages in bags.

Waiting for a miracle

In my past life I had a dream. I dreamed that one day a courier would ring at my door and say: “Hello, I’m from the Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation. Mikhail found out that you are a very talented person. And so here’s five million rubles for you. There is no need to give up - this is for you to find yourself.”

Imagine, I waited for several years, but the courier never came. That's bad luck. We are all waiting for a miracle. We expect that tomorrow we will win a million in the lottery or that a wizard will fly to us in a blue helicopter and our lives will change. But, as you know, only Shoigu can fly in a blue helicopter, especially in Russia. And then - in emergency situations.

We expect miracles from anyone. But not from myself.

But Irina Mutsuovna does not know how to do something that has ceased to bring pleasure.

A new, rich life did not begin immediately; first there was depression. However, soon the ex-politician began reading master classes on how to achieve success. She combines her performances with filming on television and cinema, broadcasting on the radio and writing books. Politics in the past and in the present is a rich, interesting and beloved job.

I talk to men like men

"AiF" Health:- Irina, you conduct master classes all over Russia, you see a lot of people. Don't you think that our Russian women are not as advanced as Western women?

THEIR.- The level of civilization not only in large but also in small cities is increasing, and the desire for learning is growing. Most often, independent men and women come to me, not losers, eager to get from Khakamada an answer to the question: how to continue to live? Those who rely on themselves and want even greater success come. In this regard, we are no different from the European public. There is only one difference: the female audience experiences discomfort in relationships with men. They understand how to build a successful career, but at the same time they don’t understand how to establish relationships with men in the team, with their boss and on a personal level.

"AiF" Health:- I can perfectly imagine you in an all-female audience, giving some kind of lecture. How do you get men to listen to you and generally come to you?

THEIR.- It’s difficult to lure men to me. (Laughs.) There are always fewer of them, a maximum of thirty percent, but word of mouth helps. I give lectures at several universities, and there are only men there - there is no need to lure them. The main key is to talk to men in their language: there must be tough jokes, tough anecdotes mixed with strong brutal theses - and then they begin to trust you. If you tweet like a woman, no one will listen.

"AiF" Health:- Do your son and spouse often turn to you for help in their affairs?

THEIR.- My son received the book “The Tao of Life”, but still has not read it. He once complained that it was difficult for him to speak publicly. I told him: it’s easy, you have a book, everything is written there. But in response I heard: oh, I left the book at work, in the car or somewhere else. Then I realized that you can’t teach a person if he doesn’t want to, and I don’t teach anymore. But my husband, on the contrary, read everything carefully and uses my methods quite clearly, this is an amazing phenomenon. This is probably why he is my husband too.

We have forgotten how to hear ourselves

"AiF" Health:- You teach people how to become more successful, but what is the most common mistake that prevents us from achieving outstanding results?

THEIR.- The main mistake is that we are guided by the social definition of success, it is money plus status. We ignore ourselves, and the reverse process immediately starts, we don’t understand what we want, very often we like something, but it seems to us that it doesn’t give us the status or the money we need - and after that everything goes downhill. Until the age of thirty, you can not hear yourself, not pay attention and try everything, gain some experience and skills, but after this age you need to strain and still hear yourself, then success is guaranteed. Listen to yourself - and, even if your occupation is not prestigious, don’t give a damn about everything, meet yourself halfway, then everything will go as it should.

"AiF" Health:-Have you met such people in your life?

THEIR.- I know of one case when a middle manager, a former special forces soldier who served for six years, became a manicurist and pedicurist. After the army he didn’t like anything, he tried a lot of professions, but decided that he would do the best manicure. And I found myself in this! And his personal life improved, and he started making money. Don't be afraid, quit your unloved job!

"AiF" Health:- Should this principle be followed in relationships? If you don't like it, pack your things and leave? Is this the reason you were married four times?

THEIR.- When we are in love, we are satisfied with everything about a person. Then there comes a moment when the shortcomings are no longer liked, but the advantages remain, these advantages compensate for the shortcomings. But when a person turns into two hundred percent of your shortcomings and you physiologically cannot tolerate him being around, that is, everything irritates you: the way he turns his head, the way he looks, the way he eats... If, when he appears at home, you want to run away from the apartment, it means... you need to end it, otherwise these feelings will kill everyone - the family, the children, you and him.

"AiF" Health:- When parting, do you need to maintain friendly relations?

THEIR.- Certainly. I believe that it is not worth dividing property and fighting with each other. You must be able to negotiate. I gave in and left everything to everyone. The first - an apartment, the second - an apartment, the third - again she left the apartment and money given to me. I left with spoons and forks and wanted a new life, I didn’t want any litigation. But please understand, I am not encouraging you to do the same. You can take my tools and adapt them for yourself. A person’s experience should not be denied, it is also not worth copying it like a monkey, just take it, transform it, adapt it to yourself.

Routine or creativity?

"AiF" Health:- Irina, in your opinion, what do modern men want?

THEIR.- It is believed that men are chasing figure and youth, but this is not so. Smart men need a high spiritual scale. And this is your work on yourself, if you do it and not be a fool, then everything will be fine with your personal life. Men often tell me: you read your master classes, but there’s no point. 99% of women are fools. I ask in what sense? They make money! They answer: so what, they get to know each other themselves, and then they talk about how cool they are, how much money they earn, what kind of car they have, how many connections they have, and so on. You can’t approach them on a crooked mare... Well, what can you say? Such women are truly fools!

"AiF" Health:- You and your husband have been together for 16 years. What qualities does he have to keep a woman like you next to him?

THEIR.- He doesn't compete with me. Many men do this subconsciously: all my previous husbands did just that. My husband believes that I am a unique being not because of my career, but because of my spiritual qualities. He is interested in personality in marriage. And he is not jealous of her. He is attentive to my existence. It’s almost impossible to find such men, that’s why I live with him. And he lives with me, although there were so many novels, there were so many girls around.

"AiF" Health:-Are you not jealous of him at all?

THEIR.- Men are polygamous by nature, you can only come to terms with this with experience, I was jealous, now I have suppressed it in myself. Nothing can be done: for a man, love and sex are separate things, he can do it with someone, but this does not mean that there is great love there. Women can’t do that, so she doesn’t understand this world and thinks that if there is some kind of connection, then she has been betrayed. But if you prohibit, push and freak out, then life will be ruined. You yourself will simply die or grow old ahead of schedule, jealousy in our time is a waste of time!

"AiF" Health:- Irina, what is more difficult - to be a good politician or a good wife?

THEIR.- Equally difficult... Almost the same. A politician builds relationships with the electorate, with opponents, authorities, enemies, friends. And to become a good wife... For whom to become good? For a man? This is the wrong position. He needs to remain himself, but at the same time periodically play a game that he likes, without betraying himself. If you want to be a good wife and a successful businesswoman, then when you come home, leave your business image at work and become an oriental woman.

Exactly a year ago I held my work book in my hands. Mixed feelings smoldered inside: fear of the unknown, joy from one’s own determination and courage, and an inspiring feeling of freedom when all roads are open to you. I worked for 7 years as a marketer in the Moscow office of an international trading corporation and now I was unemployed. I tell you in this post how I decided to quit my job.


1. Do you need to leave?

Perhaps the desire to quit is tiredness, stress, burnout, or a sign that it’s time to change companies? I went on vacation, slowed down my rhythm, but still every Monday my strength was zero and my motivation was low. In the last year before my dismissal, I went for interviews, because... It seemed to me that it was all about the company and the salary. As soon as at the next interview I realized that approximately the same responsibilities awaited me in the new place, the desire to trade soap for soap disappeared. It was not a matter of location.

2. First you need to find your calling.

“Why would they quit for nothing? You need to clearly understand what you will do after your dismissal,” experts, sites and voices repeated in my head. Every day I went to work and tried to speculatively decide what my calling was. I solved tests and assignments that the Internet is full of. And what do you think I came to? To nothing. Because, as I understand now, finding something you like through reflection is “like solving an algebraic equation by chewing gum” (A. Dubas). The only way to find “your” business is to try.

3. Do your favorite thing at the same time as work.

This is very sound advice, but it didn’t work for me at all. The main work took a lot of energy, both physical and emotional, and a ton of time. But I still wanted to live and spend time with my loved ones. I tried to write texts, develop Instagram, and even started my own blog in 2014. But all this looked more like a hobby and pathetic attempts to add something new to my everyday life. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the energy to create and work on a new project.

4. Create a financial cushion for yourself.

At first, your favorite business is unlikely to bring in a lot of income, so it is better to think about this issue in advance. I listened to this advice and, while working in the office, began creating my own relief fund.

5. Your hobby should not become your calling.

Experts often write that a hobby, a business that you like, is one thing, but your favorite job, a vocation, is completely different, and they should not be identified. My experience and the experience of those around me shows the opposite. I firmly believe that everyone can do what they like, make money from it and be happy. I believe that in the course of his life a person must demonstrate all his talents, knowledge, abilities, skills as fully as possible, realize himself, be happy and thereby make the world around him a better place.

6. Create an action plan.

Experts advise you to think through everything and know what exactly you will do after dismissal. This advice always scared me and slowed me down in making a decision, because I had no idea what exactly I would do. Yes, there were ideas that I would write, travel, but all these were too broad stitches. My whole plan was adjusted on the fly, when, for example, I completely accidentally found out about the workshop “It’s Good to Be a Blogger,” when I decided to create my own project and when it all came together into a more holistic picture. But today I still don’t have a clear plan for the future. I just believe that you need to take the first step, the most difficult and the bravest, and then new horizons and opportunities will certainly open up.

7. Write a business plan.

This advice was even worse for me than the previous one. What other business plan is there when there is no ordinary one? And yes, that's normal. You just need to give yourself a little time, because trees don’t grow in 3 months.

8. Find a support group.

Friends, relatives. Those people who believe in you and are ready to support you in a moment of despair or sadness. This is important, and I am incredibly lucky that I have such a group (albeit in the person of one person - my beloved man). But the most important thing, in my opinion, is to become such a group for yourself, to lead this cheerleading parade. Because no matter how much others believed in me, until I believed in myself, no solution was given to me.

9. Wait until your favorite business starts generating income.

This advice was not about me (see points 2 and 3). And I must admit, I don’t believe in the possibility of two parallel classes at the same time. For me, it’s like dating two guys at the same time, no matter how you hide it, one of them will notice. And you only love one. I am one of those people who devote 100% of themselves to one thing, and there is no room or resources left for the second. By focusing on one thing, you can get results faster than trying to sit on two chairs.

I remember the day when I wrote a statement with shaking hands, when I told my boss that I was everything. I remember how scary it was to give up everything I had worked and acquired over the years. A year has passed, and I am still scared - to be left without money, without work, scared that I won’t succeed and will have to start all over again. But worse than that would be for me to wake up twenty years later and realize that nothing has changed, and blame myself and the whole world for not even daring to try.

I'm at the very beginning of my journey. Stay tuned and to be continued…

We spend years doing things we don't like. We can hardly stand the shift, we come home completely exhausted, and in the morning we trudge off to work again without any enthusiasm. We constantly complain, but don't try to change anything. Everyone has different reasons for inaction. Some are afraid of losing stability. Others set themselves up for failure in advance. Some people hope for a miracle. Someone has an “impossible” dream that is difficult to achieve. And many simply don’t know what they want.

But life passes. The worst thing you can do for yourself is to continue to sit on your hands. It's time to decide to change! We tell you how to overcome your fears, get off the ground and start looking for the job you love.

1. Look closer

Office employees often dream of a free schedule and creative everyday life; they imagine themselves as freelance artists, photographers or writers creating masterpieces in a coffee shop by the sea. These fantasies seem so impossible that only a few dare to make them a reality.

Most people have been dreaming about global changes for years, but remain in a job they don’t like. Daredevils who still take risks are often completely disappointed in this choice. Instead of understanding their true desires and needs, they simply try to escape from their old life, guided by the principle “the further the better,” and this usually does not lead to anything good.

If you have been wanting to quit your job for a long time, but are afraid that you will have to look for yourself in some other field, radically change your life and start all over again, don’t worry: this is not at all necessary. Your sphere is not limited to either the organization in which you currently work, or the format to which you are accustomed. No matter how tired you may be, you shouldn’t immediately give up your specialty and accumulated experience. It is important to understand what exactly “sicked” you, and what else makes sense.

Imagine as if you have just now entered your profession. What would interest you? What topics would you find attractive? Who could be a role model? Read about new trends, best companies and bright names. Look at everything with fresh eyes. Think about how else you can apply your knowledge and skills: go into a related field, become a lecturer, or, for example, try yourself as a personal consultant.

Most people can find their calling much closer than they think. If you dream of quitting a job you don't like, first take a closer look at the options available to you right now.

If you are still sure that you want to quit your current profession, but do not yet know where to go, your task is to determine your range of interests. It’s too early to quit, but you can already take the first steps towards a better life.

We often find ourselves in a “professional tunnel”: we become too focused on work and begin to associate ourselves with only one role. We carry out our duties diligently, but at the same time we do not try to develop in other areas and miss new opportunities. When suddenly the desire to change something arises, it turns out that we have no special hobbies.

If you find yourself in this situation, first of all you need to understand what interests you in the first place. Start trying everything in your free time: read about other professions, go to lectures, conferences and master classes, watch educational videos, attend various short-term courses.

Constantly discover new areas of knowledge. This may take several months to a year, but it is worth it. As a result, you will get out of the dead end and understand where to move next.

As you can see, there is nothing to be afraid of. At this stage, no decisive steps are required from you. You are just collecting information, gradually approaching the goal.

3. Take action!

You can spend years thinking about your true calling, going through different options in your head, but never do anything. If you already have at least some idea of ​​what you would like to do, don’t waste time thinking too much. You still won’t understand whether it’s “it or not” until you try it.

Relax: you don't have to make a lifelong decision. There is no one purpose that you need to decide on once and for all. The smartest thing to do is to simply follow your passions. Of course, interest is not everything. It is important that you consider your work meaningful. If your hobby doesn't seem all that worthwhile to you, it's unlikely to turn into your dream job.

So, have you already started to form some kind of picture? Don't be surprised, but it's still not necessary to quit. You can go to work and at the same time develop in an area that interests you. Choose professional literature, educational courses, trainings and seminars that will prepare you well and give you a more complete understanding of the new field.

Don't try to make a clear plan for several years in advance. So far you have little information for this. Move step by step, periodically look around, evaluate the knowledge gained and think about what to do next. Improvise. If at some point you want to change direction again, don't ignore your desire.

Parting words from the author of the book “100 Ways to Change Your Life” Larisa Parfentyeva: “Try one thing, then another, then another. Be honest: if you don’t like it, leave it. Mix it up. Do it. Leave only what really lights you up and start working hard.”

4. Take your dream test drive

If you have a long-standing dream that your thoughts often turn to, but which you have never tried to achieve, it's time to get the ball rolling. Otherwise, twenty, thirty, forty years will pass - and you will greatly regret that you didn’t even try.

First, take a short test drive. This is best done on vacation. Are you dreaming of a career as a director? Find intensive courses and make some short films. Do you want to publish a collection of your stories someday? Force yourself to write a certain number of words or pages every day. Are you planning to open a mini-hotel? Check into a hotel for two weeks, meet the owners and staff, and learn the business from the inside.

If everything turns out to be approximately as you imagined, you can get down to business seriously (see previous paragraph). Or arrange another test drive to finally dispel doubts.

Perhaps the dream will not pass the test and you will be disappointed in it. This is also a step forward. The main thing is not to give up. Move on, keep trying new things - and you will definitely find yourself.

5. Get rid of fears

No matter how long you put off this moment, sooner or later you will have to leave your unloved job. Even if you've already figured out what you'd like to do next, test drive your dream, and learn a lot about a new field, the fear of change can stop you.

We are very afraid of losing stability. Here and now we have an employment contract, social insurance, a permanent salary, and usual responsibilities. And in the future there are only vague prospects and uncertainty.

Career strategy specialist Elena Rezanova responds to this with a very apt comparison. “At least some kind of stability” in an unloved job is similar to an unhappy marriage with an alcoholic. “At least some” family.

Yes, it's scary to take risks. But what is familiar, familiar and understandable is not always the best. Try to see uncertainty as exciting opportunity rather than danger. Deciding to make a change is like going on an exciting journey along an unfamiliar route, where many interesting discoveries, incredible adventures and vivid emotions await you.

Another common fear relates to finances. Many people are worried about a possible decrease in income. But really, you can’t do without another beautiful dress or a new phone (at least for a while)? To feel happy, you need to do what you love, spend evenings and weekends with your family, go for walks, chat with friends, and gain knowledge. This doesn't require money.

Still worried? Think about this: if you start enjoying work and investing energy in what you really like, you will increase your chances of success, including material success, several times.

There is another strong fear that paralyzes us. We are afraid that nothing will work out. We worry that we have taken on something too grandiose. Discard these thoughts. If every person thought so, our world would never see great writers, athletes, scientists, businessmen, actors, musicians... You must try to realize yourself in the business that you love and consider important. Everyone will benefit from this: your colleagues, clients, acquaintances.

Take note of the great advice from the book “Get Out of Your Comfort Zone”: “Think about what you want, not about what you fear. Keep your spirits up by taking full responsibility for your life and everything that happens to you. Give up whining and complaining. Concentrate your thoughts and energy on what you can do now to improve your life. The rest will follow."

If you don’t try to do what interests you, then you risk missing out on your own life, wasting it on trifles. And that's the only thing that should really scare you.

Of course, not everything will be smooth sailing. It’s easy and perfect only in dreams. But failure is part of a successful and happy life. And if you want to achieve anything, you have to accept that there will be days when you are ready to give up. First of all, take them for granted.

Don't be discouraged if things don't work out. Do not give up. Failure is good for success. Surely you have heard the phrase: “Experience is the best teacher.” Do you really think that we are only talking about positive experiences? Can you imagine how many achievements you have for every failure?

There are no victories without mistakes. Take almost any success story. Now that you read it, it seems quite logical. But her hero certainly didn’t see a coherent plot in the process. He doubted, experienced fears, stumbled, experienced bad days and saw only one step ahead. None of this stopped him. He managed to achieve something only because he studied, made conclusions and tried again.

7. Think about what will happen to you in 10 years

If your work responsibilities do not charge you with energy, but, on the contrary, only drain it, you definitely need a change. Still lacking the motivation to quit your boring job and do something else? Then imagine what you will be like in 10, 20, 30 years if nothing changes. What tasks will you be doing? Will you be able to feel happy? For clarity, look at your colleagues who have moved ahead on the career ladder. Inspiring? Do you want to be just like them?

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