Turkey is a republic located in South-West Asia. The inhabitants of this state have their own language. Turkish is also spoken in Northern Iraq, Syria, and Bulgaria. After the abolition of the visa regime, the country became one of the most popular holiday destinations for a large number of Russians. Is it easy to learn Turkish? This is possible if you learn a number of grammatical rules and remember words and expressions that help maintain a conversation.

How to learn Turkish on your own - ways.

What is required to learn Turkish?

Some people visit Turkey for trade purposes. They need to know the local language so that they do not communicate through gestures. Someone goes there to visit, relax or improve their health. Those wishing to learn Turkish will find it useful:

· textbooks and manuals on the language (they contain the necessary grammatical rules that allow you to compose sentences);

· training programs (they are available on the Internet, special disks are also sold that contain theory and practice with tests, this is convenient for those who do not like to read books);

· Turkish dictionary and phrasebook (during the exercises, write down unfamiliar words and then look for them in the dictionary);

· audio recordings and video materials (with the help of these tools you can further expand your vocabulary).

To systematize the acquired knowledge, they are recorded on paper. New words with transcription, individual rules and expressions - everything is written down in a notebook, so that later you can open it and repeat what you have learned.

How to learn Turkish at home from scratch?

Any language can be learned if a person strives for it. It doesn’t matter whether he gets a job with a tutor or starts studying on his own, using textbooks and dictionaries, he will have to mobilize his intellectual abilities. The right attitude is important here. How to learn Turkish on your own?

Mastering a foreign language is a rather complex and time-consuming task. Studying one of the most common languages ​​in the Arab world, Turkish, was no exception. Today it is spoken not only in Turkey: you can hear this rich language in Northern Cyprus, Macedonia and Bulgaria, Greece and Iran. Those who have ever visited Turkey are fascinated by the rich culture, ancient traditions, hospitality of the residents and the melodious sound of local speech. I would like to learn as much as possible about this wonderful country, and getting to know the language is the best way to get to know Turkey.

Learn Turkish in a short time

Many people think that Turkish is an unusually difficult language to master, because most words are extremely difficult to hear. How to quickly learn Turkish? It is important to choose the right type of training and persistently pursue the goal.

  • Master the basics of the language - learn the basic rules. The letters of the Turkish language are written in the Latin alphabet and will not cause difficulties for those who are familiar with English. However, there are several specific letters that you should pay special attention to memorizing.
  • Good language courses will help you. You can choose both a general training program and an individual form. The efficiency of the latter is an order of magnitude higher. Dialogue language courses are profitable and convenient, and a conversation club will help you consolidate your knowledge.
  • Speak Turkish out loud from day one. You should not be afraid that phrases are constructed incorrectly and words are distorted. With a little practice, your level of language proficiency will improve every day.

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Tips to help you quickly master the basics of the Turkish language

So, how to learn Turkish on your own?

  • Install the Turkish language on your gadgets - new words will be an excellent exercise on the way to your goal.
  • Watching films and TV series in Turkish will help you quickly learn Turkish at home. At first, it is better to choose films with Russian subtitles, and after gaining experience, move on to films with subtitles in Turkish. With a little practice, most of the dialogue will be understood by ear, and there will be no need for subtitles. In addition, Turkish TV series are not only useful, but also very interesting.
  • Listen to songs in Turkish. Another way to help you master the basics of the language at home. Listening to the same song over and over again will improve your pronunciation and memorize phrases. You can find translations of your favorite compositions on the Internet, which will make it easier to learn grammatical structures.
  • Read books in Turkish. You can start with children's books, and, developing your level, move on to more complex reading. If at first you need a translation of literally every word, then after a month or two of daily lessons from scratch, you will turn to the dictionary much less often.
  • More communication. It's great if you have a trip to Turkey planned - you can practice your pronunciation.

You can meet a native speaker on a social network or chat in our conversation club. Don't forget that spoken language may differ from the language in movies and TV shows. In addition, there is a whole mosaic of adverbs and dialects even within Istanbul itself - do not panic if you do not immediately begin to understand what the interlocutor is telling you, over time your hearing will adapt and any dialect will become intelligible.

Those who have been to Turkey probably know that almost all large hotels and retail outlets have English- or Russian-speaking staff. Therefore, while relaxing and buying souvenirs, no discomfort should arise. However, a tourist must have at least a minimum set of Turkish expressions in his vocabulary.

Why does a tourist need to know Turkish?

If you want not only to sunbathe and swim to your heart’s content in the warm sea, but also to learn the culture and characteristics of the country, you definitely need to know the Turkish language at least to a minimum extent. The basics for a tourist do not include much information that will allow you to communicate with the local population.

Another factor that speaks in favor of the need to take a Turkish language course is that unforeseen situations may arise during travel. When faced with the staff of hospitals, police or other services, you are unlikely to meet a person who sufficiently speaks English, much less Russian.

Features of the Turkish language

First you need to figure out what the basics are for a tourist; they may seem quite complicated, but this is only at first glance. The thing is that in terms of grammar it is very different from Russian. Pronunciation may also cause some difficulties. Thus, we can highlight the following features of the Turkish language that will be useful to tourists:

  • in 90% of cases the stress falls on the last syllable;
  • most of the concepts associated with scientific and technological progress are borrowed and therefore do not cause difficulties in understanding;
  • Turkish speech is filled with many set expressions that are associated with traditions of politeness, superstition and religion;
  • no matter how long the sentence, the predicate is always put at the end;
  • Turks often violate the rules of syntax when it comes to emotional speech or poetry;
  • Despite the fact that the alphabet is based on the Latin alphabet, some letters may cause difficulties for tourists. Here are some of them:

How to learn Turkish?

Of course, it is simply impossible to learn Turkish in a short time. The basics for a tourist include a minimum set of rules and words that will allow him to at least superficially communicate with the local population. In this case, you can go in several ways:

  • take a Turkish language course at a linguistic center or school (this is one of the best options that gives the fastest results);
  • hire a tutor or take lessons via Skype;
  • study with the help of a self-instruction manual, as well as materials posted on the Internet.

Whatever method you choose, it is important to base your goal on learning Turkish. The basics for a tourist should include the basics that will allow you to express yourself politely and competently in the most common life situations.

How to understand Turkish by ear?

Communication involves not only speech, but also auditory perception. Any foreign language is not so easy to understand, and Turkish even more so. To learn to understand fluent speech, theoretical knowledge alone is not enough. You need to use additional techniques:

  • Listen to songs in Turkish. And don’t just listen, but try to recognize and translate individual words and sentences. If the task turns out to be overwhelming for you, find the lyrics of the song on the Internet and read them while listening to the song.
  • Watch Turkish films. Thanks to them, you will not only learn to perceive speech by ear, but also become familiar with its basic intonations. Ideally, you should use the video without translation (in extreme cases, with subtitles).

Sign language

One of the most mysterious countries is Türkiye. It is very important for tourists to know so as not to get into an awkward or even conflict situation. Here are the main points:

  • A thumbs up signifies approval. But it’s better for girls not to use it, and even more so, not to catch a car in this way. Such a gesture can be misinterpreted by hot Turkish men.
  • Do not use when wishing good luck. The Turkish may think that you do not want to continue communication.
  • A clenched fist with an extended little finger symbolizes resentment towards a person.
  • If a Turk pulls back his lower eyelid with his finger, this means that he has noticed the deception. This is a kind of manifestation of mistrust.
  • Never use the "OK" gesture. In Turkey it is associated with homosexuality.
  • “Dulya,” which in our country is considered a fairly harmless gesture, in Turkey is equivalent to raising the middle finger up.
  • Nodding your head means denial.

Body language is quite insidious, so unless you know its meaning thoroughly, it is better to behave as reservedly as possible.

Some common phrases

When going on a trip, many take a Russian-Turkish phrasebook with them. This is an important acquisition for a tourist, but you also need to learn the most popular phrases in Turkish:

These, of course, are not all the words a tourist needs. Start small and the Turkish language will surely follow you!

Many people wonder if learning Turkish is worth it. Active relations between the Turkish and Russian states, the opening of mixed companies and the holidays of many Russians in Turkey indicate the popularity of the Turkish language. Many people sign up for specialized courses to learn Turkish for beginners, but there are also many who do it on their own.

The main thing when learning Turkish is to understand and learn the strict rules of the language, as well as to have great motivation and perseverance. Many words in Turkish are heard and written the same, and there are no complicated cases or genders.

Is it difficult to learn Turkish?

All beginners, just starting to learn the language, have many questions: is it difficult to learn Turkish, how long will it take, but this is all individual. Each person has different linguistic abilities, perseverance, motivation, availability of free time and the desired degree of Turkish language proficiency. A small vocabulary is enough for vacationing tourists, but those who have their own business in Turkey need an in-depth study of the language with all the intricacies of business communication.

How to learn Turkish on your own

Independent study of the Turkish language requires purchasing the necessary educational literature or having daily Internet access to use online resources. The manual must be written in clear language, accessible, and all information must be presented in portions. You need to decide the required number of hours per day that will be spent on language classes.

When the initial course of learning the Turkish language has been completed, you need to start practicing, otherwise, why learn Turkish. The simplest option is when the student has friends who are native speakers of Turkish or who speak it perfectly.

Communication should start with correspondence on social networks; friends will be able to point out mistakes and correct shortcomings. During correspondence, the skills of memorizing a new language are honed - the student thinks about each phrase and tries to write correctly.

But not everyone can boast of having Turkish nationals as friends. Then you need to find an interlocutor via the Internet who speaks Turkish, who in turn trains his Russian, and together begin to improve each other’s languages. Online learning is becoming quite a popular way to learn Turkish and other languages.

Additional ways to learn Turkish

All Turkish language teachers advise students to watch films in Turkish with Russian subtitles or television programs, as well as listen to Turkish music. Listening to Turkish speech every day helps you quickly get used to the language, its features and pronunciation. At first, even without understanding the meaning of what you heard, you just need to get used to the intonation of Turkish speech and the stresses. When learning any language, it is very important to immerse yourself in a new language environment.

Self-studying the Turkish language has many advantages over other methods, the main one being the absence of payment for the acquired knowledge. When studying at home, it is very important to have good motivation and perseverance, which will allow you to obtain the required high level of knowledge of the Turkish language.

Cost of Turkish language courses

The cost is calculated for a month of training (16 academic hours). Classes are held in Moscow. The teacher can visit your home.

Cost of corporate training in Turkish

Good Turkish language textbook can become a serious help and reliable adviser when mastering new material. It can be used both for independent learning of the Turkish language at home, and as an auxiliary aid during language courses. How to choose a “helper” among the many books on the market? We have selected for you the best Turkish language textbooks, which will come to the aid of both those who are beginning to learn a new language and those who want to improve their knowledge.

  • Bengis Rona "Turkish in three months." The author is an experienced language teacher at the University of London. Turkish language textbook for beginners with lots of illustrations. Well-chosen examples, tests and exercises have answer keys. The first lesson can be used as a reference book - it contains all the features of consonant alternation and vowel harmony in the Turkish language.
  • Morozov A., Shen Y., Akhmetov B. Yeni Diyalog Turkce kursu “Learning to speak Turkish.” Consisting of 18 lessons manual in Russian language, contains a grammar section with several topics. For each topic there are special exercises to reinforce the material, dialogues and texts. Simple presentation of material, interesting topics and well-chosen exercises allow you to acquire excellent knowledge.
  • Karepina I.V. “How to speak Turkish clearly.” If you dream of speaking Turkish like a native of this sunny country, this book is for you. The manual teaches correct conversational speech, step by step the necessary pronunciation is developed and the accent disappears.

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  • Hengirmen Mehmet “Turkish in thirty lessons.”Russian-Turkish textbook designed for learning the language from “zero level”. At the end of each lesson there are reinforcement exercises, there is also a dictionary.
  • Kabardin O.F. "Turkish language self-teacher."Author does not offer a breakdown of lessons - the student is encouraged to go at the speed with which he is able to master the material. The chapters are divided into different topics, which allows you to use the tutorial as a phrasebook. The answers come immediately after the exercises.
  • Ahmet Aydin, Maria Bingul “Textbook of spoken Turkish. Funny interjections." An educational publication describing “emotional signals” - interjections; the situations in which they are used are also given. An excellent option for improving knowledge and enriching vocabulary.
  • Kuznetsov P.I. “Textbook of the Turkish language. Beginning course." All basic information on the phonetics of the Turkish language, rules of syntax and morphology are presented. There are detailed instructions on pronunciation features. At the end of each topic, 30-50 new words are added separately.
  • Olga Sarygez “languages ​​in tables for beginners”. An excellent tool for systematizing knowledge - summary tables, pictures and diagrams greatly facilitate the acquisition of knowledge. Can be used in lessons as teaching material.

The Dialogue Language Center offers a textbook store where you can purchase books for learning Turkish, phrase books and dictionaries.

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