When body temperature rises, fever occurs. A mild fever is usually beneficial because it indicates the body's ability to fight infection, since many pathogens are able to multiply in a narrow temperature range. However, too high a temperature (39.4 °C or higher in adults) is dangerous, and in this case the body temperature should be closely monitored and, if necessary, brought down with medication. A digital ear thermometer, sometimes called a tympanic thermometer (from the word "tympanum" - eardrum), allows you to quickly and easily measure body temperature in both adults and children. Ear thermometers measure the amount of infrared radiation (heat) coming from the eardrum in the ear, and in most cases they will indicate the correct temperature.


Part 1

Choosing a thermometer depending on age

    For newborns, it is better to use a rectal thermometer. The most appropriate type of thermometer is mainly determined by age. A digital rectal thermometer is recommended for measuring the body temperature of babies from birth to about six months, as it is considered the most accurate. The accuracy of an ear thermometer is affected by earwax, ear infections, and narrow, twisted ear canals, so this type of thermometer is less suitable for newborns.

    Use an ear thermometer on infants with caution. Until about age three, rectal thermometers provide the most accurate results. For children under three years of age, you can also use an ear thermometer to get a general idea of ​​body temperature (which is better than nothing), but remember that at this age, rectal, axillary and temporal (applied to the temporal artery) readings are considered more accurate ) thermometers. A relatively small increase in temperature in infants may represent a O greater danger than in adults, so at this age the accuracy of the thermometer is especially important.

    • Ear infections are quite common in newborns and infants, which distort the ear thermometer readings due to inflammation of the ear canal. In such cases, the ear thermometer usually gives high readings, so if only one ear is infected, take the temperature in the other as well.
    • Conventional digital thermometers can measure temperature in the mouth (under the tongue), armpit, or rectum, and are suitable for newborns, infants, older children, and adults.
  1. For a child over three years old, any thermometer will do. After three years of age, children are less likely to have ear infections and have a much easier time cleaning their ears to remove wax. Wax that accumulates in the ear canal distorts the readings of the ear thermometer, preventing it from registering the heat emanating from the eardrum. In addition, by the age of three, the auditory canal grows and becomes less curved. Therefore, from the age of three, all types of thermometers used in different parts of the body have approximately the same accuracy.

    • If you measure your child's body temperature with an ear thermometer and doubt its readings, measure the rectal temperature with a regular digital thermometer and compare the results.
    • Ear thermometers have become more affordable over the past decade and can now be purchased at many pharmacies and health supply stores.

    Part 2

    Temperature measurement
    1. First, clean your ear. Because the buildup of wax and other dirt in the ear canal can reduce the accuracy of the ear thermometer, you should thoroughly clean your ear before taking the temperature. Do not clean your ear with a cotton swab or similar method, as this may cause wax and other debris to block the eardrum. The safest and most effective method to clean the ear canal is to put a few drops of olive oil, almond oil, mineral oil, or a special ear liquid into it. The oil or ear drops will soften the wax so that it can be washed out with water using a small rubber ear rinse bulb. Wait until the ear canal is dry before taking your temperature.

      • If there is wax or other dirt in the ear canal, the ear thermometer will show a low temperature.
      • Do not attempt to take the temperature in your ear if it is sore, infected, damaged, or has recently had surgery.
    2. Place a sterile cap on the tip of the thermometer. After removing the ear thermometer from the box and reading the instructions, place a disposable sterile cap on the tip. Since you will be inserting the tip of the thermometer into the ear canal, it needs to be clean to avoid causing an ear infection, which young children are particularly susceptible to. If for some reason the thermometer does not come with sterile caps or is out of caps, wipe the tip of the thermometer with a disinfectant liquid (alcohol, white vinegar, or hydrogen peroxide).

      • An excellent antiseptic is colloidal silver, which can be made at home, which will allow you to save money.
      • Caps can only be reused if you sterilize them thoroughly. Clean them after And before use.
    3. Pull your ear back and insert the thermometer. Holding the thermometer in your hand, turn it on, and, being careful not to move your head (or holding your child's head in place), pull back the top of the ear, slightly leveling and opening the ear canal so that you can more easily insert the tip of the thermometer into it. More precisely, the adult's ear should be slightly pulled up and then back; if it is a child's ear, gently pull it straight back. By straightening the ear canal, you will not damage it and avoid irritation by inserting the tip of the thermometer into it, and will also increase the accuracy of measurements.

      • To insert the thermometer at the correct distance, follow the instructions that came with it. There is no need to touch the tip to the eardrum as the thermometer is not designed to do so.
      • When measuring temperature, the ear thermometer detects infrared signals coming from the eardrum, so its tip should be inserted into the ear canal at a distance sufficient to ensure that there are no gaps between it and the walls of the canal.
    4. Take readings. Carefully insert the thermometer into the ear canal and hold it in place until you hear a signal (usually a beep) indicating that the temperature has been taken. After this, slowly and carefully remove the tip of the thermometer from the ear canal and check the temperature by looking at the digital display. Do not rely on your memory and write down the measured value - perhaps it will be useful to the doctor.

    Part 3

    Interpretation of readings

      Consider temperature differences. Different parts of the body of a healthy person can have different temperatures. For example, the average normal temperature in the armpit of an adult is 36.6 °C, and in the oral cavity (under the tongue) - 37 °C, while the temperature of the eardrum is slightly higher and can reach 37.8 °C, which considered normal value. In addition, the body temperature of a healthy person depends on gender, level of physical activity, amount of food and drinks consumed, time of day, and menstrual cycle. All of these factors should be considered when determining whether a person has a fever.

    1. Determine if there is a fever. Due to all the factors listed above and the fact that measurements may be inaccurate due to the thermometer's inaccuracy and your mistakes, take the temperature several times; it is best to use different thermometers on different parts of the body. Compare the readings and average them. In addition, be aware of other signs of fever, such as sweating at rest, headache, muscle aches, weakness, loss of appetite, increased thirst.

      • No action or treatment should be taken based on a single temperature measurement using an ear thermometer.
      • Children can be seriously ill without a fever, or be completely healthy with a temperature of up to 37.8°C, so don't just rely on the thermometer reading and look for other symptoms.
      • Warnings

        • The information presented in this article does not constitute medical advice. If you think you or someone you know has a high temperature, contact your doctor, nurse or pharmacist.
        • Call your doctor if your child has a fever accompanied by vomiting, severe headache, or abdominal pain.
        • If your child develops a fever after being in a hot car, seek medical attention immediately.
        • Call the doctor if your child's fever lasts 3 days or more.

When planning to buy things for the birth of a baby, every expectant mother chooses a thermometer, because it must certainly be present in every home where a small child lives. Among the variety of modern thermometers, the attention of many parents is attracted by the infrared thermometer. What is its feature, how to measure temperature with such a device, and what infrared thermometer should you buy for a child?


There are the following options for infrared thermometers on sale:

  1. Ear. It measures the temperature in the baby's external ear canal. Many of these thermometers are also capable of measuring temperature at the temple where the temporal artery passes.
  2. Frontal. This type of thermometer measures the radiation on the skin of the baby's forehead.
  3. Contactless. Such a device determines the temperature at a certain distance from the skin.

There is also a laser infrared thermometer, the main feature of which is the presence of a laser pointer aimed at the location where the temperature is determined.

Principle of operation

The work of all infrared thermometers is to measure the infrared radiation emanating from a certain surface, be it the body of a child, water, or the surface of an object. The sensitive element of the thermometer detects the radiation and shows the result on the device display.

A non-contact medical infrared thermometer measures temperature without touching the child's body. This device is also called a pyrometer. Its operation is based on determining the power of thermal radiation from the measured object. In this case, the device takes into account mainly infrared rays. The device transforms the received data into degrees, displaying the result on the display.


  • Ease of use. After reading the instructions for the device, any mother will quickly understand how the measurement is performed.
  • Contactless. Many infrared thermometers are capable of measuring body temperature without touching it. This is very convenient if it is important to find out the temperature of a sleeping baby without disturbing his sleep.
  • Quick results. It only takes a few seconds to measure.
  • The ability to measure temperature on any area of ​​the skin. This advantage is important for parents of very tiny toddlers who protest against standard places for determining body temperature.
  • Safety for children. There is no glass or mercury in the infrared thermometer, so the baby cannot be injured by it or poisoned by its contents.
  • Compact sizes. The device is convenient to take with you on a trip and store at home.
  • The ability to determine the temperature of air, water, mixture and any surfaces that are sources of heat. To do this, you just need to select the appropriate mode.
  • The device often contains additional functions, for example, remembering the last temperature reading, battery charge indication, automatic shutdown, sound signal, screen backlight and others.
  • The device is often packaged in a convenient case and runs on batteries.


  • Forehead and ear types of infrared thermometers should only be used in the areas for which they are intended.
  • The results determined by an infrared thermometer have errors of 0.1-1 degrees. For more accurate measurements, the device should be adjusted using a conventional mercury thermometer. In addition, it is recommended to take measurements at the same location.
  • You will need to wait a bit before taking your temperature again. If you recheck the result before turning off the thermometer, the data will be incorrect.
  • During the measurement, the child should not move, as any movement will affect the results. This also makes the measurement inaccurate if the baby cries.
  • The measurement results will be incorrect if there is a temperature difference, for example, if the child has just been bathed or undressed after a walk. You should wait 30 minutes before using the thermometer.
  • Some ear thermometers are not suitable for determining the temperature of babies under one year old due to the large tip that does not fit in the baby's tiny ear.
  • An ear thermometer for otitis will show the wrong temperature.
  • There is a risk of injury to the child's ear when using an ear thermometer.
  • The ear thermometer requires additional disposable pads.
  • The cost of thermometers of this type is quite high.

How many seconds does it take to get results?

Data measuring a child's body temperature from an infrared thermometer is obtained in 1-5 seconds. In some models, determining the temperature takes a little longer - up to 30 seconds.

Instructions for use

It is important that the thermometer is in the room where the temperature is measured for at least 15-30 minutes before the measurement. If the baby's body temperature is measured, the child must stay in the room for at least 10 minutes.

The product is used as follows:

  1. Turn on the device by pressing the button.
  2. Select the desired operating mode.
  3. To measure the temperature in the ear, remove the cap from the device, insert the thermometer sensor into the ear canal, press the measurement button once and wait for a sound signal. After removing the sensor from the ear, look at the screen where the temperature is displayed.
  4. To measure the temperature on the temple, apply the thermometer sensor to the child’s temple, press the measurement button once, and then smoothly move the thermometer in a circle in the temporal region or slowly move it towards the forehead. After the signal, the result displayed on the screen is evaluated.
  5. To measure temperature in a non-contact manner, bring the thermometer to the body at a distance of 4-6 cm from its surface (most often to the child’s forehead) or at another distance according to the instructions for the device. By pressing the measurement button, wait for the sound signal and evaluate the result on the display.
  6. Turn off the thermometer.
  7. If you wish to re-measure, wait 1 minute.
  8. After use, wipe the device sensor.


The most popular models of infrared thermometers are:

  • WELL WF-1000- a device that measures the temperature in the ear canal, as well as at the temples. The measurement result appears in 2-3 seconds. To change the mode you need to remove or put on the cap. The device remembers the last measurement. In addition to body temperature, such a thermometer can measure the temperature of liquid without immersion in it and air temperature.

  • Sensitec NF 3101- a device that, without contact with the skin, measures the temperature in the temple area or on the forehead at a distance of 5-15 cm from their surface. The device can also determine the temperature of liquids, air and various surfaces. The device remembers 32 measurements and automatically saves the data. The thermometer, together with two batteries, weighs only 200 grams, and this device measures temperature in one second.

  • MEDISANA FTN- a popular infrared thermometer that measures temperature in 2 seconds 5 cm from the child’s forehead. Attracts attention with a comfortable ergonomic shape. The device can remember 30 measurements, emits a warning signal when a fever is detected, and can also measure the temperature of liquids, objects and air.

  • Testo 830-T2– a thermometer equipped with a two-point laser pointer. The device is capable of measuring temperatures in the range from -50ºС to +50ºС with an error of no more than 0.5ºС and weighs only 200 grams. The measurement result appears on the display within one second.

  • LAICA SA5900– a non-contact thermometer with a large LCD display that measures temperature from a distance of 3-5 cm from the temple area. At the end of the measurement, the device beeps and turns off automatically. The device's memory stores the last 32 measurements.
  • Omron Gentle Temp 510– an ear thermometer that can instantly measure the temperature in 1 second or take a measurement within 10 seconds of an infant to exclude incorrect placement in the child’s ear. The thermometer is easy to control with one button. The device comes with 10 replacement caps and a storage case.

  • Garin IT-1– an infrared thermometer for determining body or room temperature in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit. This non-contact thermometer with a convenient handle remembers the last measurement, gives the result in 2 seconds, notifies you about the end of the measurement with a sound, and also signals when your body temperature is elevated.

  • Thermal Duo Scan– a high-precision thermometer with an ergonomic design that allows you to measure the temperature on the forehead in 3 seconds and in the ear canal in 1 second. The device emits a long signal at the end of the measurement, remembers the last result, automatically turns off after a minute and is controlled by just two buttons.

Which one is better to choose?

The range of infrared thermometers is quite extensive, so when choosing a suitable device you should consider:

  • Child's age. For newborns, a non-contact thermometer is considered the best choice, and for children older than one year, you can purchase both an ear and a forehead thermometer.
  • Manufacturing company. It is better to prefer companies that have been producing similar devices for a long time. Having purchased a low-quality device from a little-known company, you may receive incorrect data when using it (the error will exceed 1 degree).
  • Purchasing budget. In the price range of infrared thermometers, it is worth choosing a model that will not hit the family budget. At the same time, you need to understand that cheap thermometers may turn out to be low-quality devices that incorrectly display body temperature and quickly fail.
  • Availability of guarantee. It is best to buy a thermometer in a specialized store or pharmacy, checking whether warranty service is available. You should also definitely check when purchasing whether the device works.

It is also important to pay attention to the reviews of mothers who have been successfully using infrared thermometers for a long time. You can also consult your doctor about the best model.

Ear inflammation is a pathology, the causative agents of which can be bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The main symptoms of inflammatory ear disease are pain, tinnitus, leakage of pus from the ear canal, and cold symptoms. The temperature during ear inflammation can rise to critical levels. The treatment regimen includes antibiotics, drugs to reduce pain, antipyretics, drops in the ears and nose.

There are the following causes of the disease:

  • weakened immune system;
  • complication of a cold;
  • the presence of chronic diseases in the patient;
  • head injuries, foreign objects in the ear canal;
  • violation of hygiene rules.

The immediate impetus for the development of inflammation can be improper nose blowing (the patient tries to blow mucus out of both nasal passages at once), and holding back sneezing (covering his nose with his fingers). Such actions lead to the throwing of mucus from the nose into the middle ear.

Types of otitis

  1. Otitis externa affects the concha and external meatus.
  2. Otitis media - the disease develops with the auditory ossicles located in it.
  3. Internal otitis is a lesion of the inner part of the ear with the apparatus located in it responsible for balance (vestibular).

Signs of illness

Otitis occurs with a rise in temperature. The temperature curve begins to rise from the first minutes of the disease. The degree of its rise depends on a number of reasons.

  1. Age of the patient (in children, the rise is usually higher due to the immaturity of thermoregulation systems).
  2. The degree of body resistance (in people with problems in the immune system, the body’s reaction is weak).
  3. The presence of chronic diseases (any concomitant diseases weaken the patient’s body).
  4. Type of pathogen.

It should be remembered that hyperthermia is a way to overcome the causative agent of the disease.

Pain can be the first symptom of pathology. Some time before its appearance, the patient may be bothered by cold symptoms. At first, the pain is acute, shooting in nature, intensifies when chewing food, coughing, hypothermia of the area of ​​​​the diseased organ, radiates to the teeth or bones of the skull, temple. From the moment pus forms, the pain becomes throbbing and unbearable. The severity of pain decreases after the pus comes out.

Acute otitis media is characterized by ear congestion and noise on the affected side. These patients are characterized by chills, loss of appetite, and lethargy. After the eardrum ruptures, pus begins to leak from the external auditory canal.

Internal otitis begins with imbalance and hearing impairment. The patient experiences a sensation of extraneous noise in the affected ear and dizziness. These symptoms intensify with sudden turns of the head.

The disease is accompanied by mucous or purulent discharge from the nose (a symptom of a cold).

Character of the temperature curve

Inflammation in the ears is characterized by hyperthermia with fluctuations at different times of the day. As a rule, in the morning hours its numbers decrease and increase in the evening. Such fluctuations can exceed 1 C and last for 3-4 days.

Reasons for the temperature drop:

  • the patient starts taking antibiotics;
  • The membrane ruptures and pus flows out.

If complications occur (a breakthrough of pus into the cranial cavity with the development of an abscess in the brain tissue), the temperature rises sharply and the patient’s condition worsens.


  1. General blood analysis.
  2. Inspection with a special funnel - examine the external auditory canal and eardrum. The membrane is red, bulges outward, and may have a hole. In this case, there will be pus in the passage.
  3. Sowing pus onto a nutrient medium.
  4. Audiometry – for diagnosing hearing impairment.
  5. Determination of dysfunctions of the vestibular analyzer - finger-nose test, study of trembling of the eyeballs.
  6. X-ray examination of the head to detect skull injuries and detect pus.
  7. A CT scan of the temporal bone is performed to identify pus in this area.
  8. MRI is performed to diagnose purulent complications.


The basis of treatment is antibacterial agents. Antibiotics are taken at regular intervals for at least 7-10 days. In the first days of illness, the doctor may prescribe antibiotic injections. After the patient’s well-being improves, they can be switched to tablets or capsules (in each case, the decision is made individually by a specialist). Only the attending physician selects antibiotics and changes their dose.

Antibiotics can provoke allergic reactions. Therefore, if a skin rash or itching is detected, the patient should consult a doctor, who will change this remedy to another.

Fighting hyperthermia

The fight against hyperthermia begins at numbers of 38.5 C and above. The exception is when in this state the patient begins to have convulsions, visions appear, consciousness becomes clouded, or the convulsions previously occurred against the background of a high temperature.

The fight against hyperthermia is carried out according to the following principles:

  • among antipyretic drugs, preference is given to paracetamol;
  • For children, the drug is used in syrup or suppositories (placed in the rectum);
  • after taking the drug, the patient does not need to be wrapped;
  • measure the temperature again after 15-20 minutes.

It is good to alternate this remedy with wiping the patient with water. To do this, the skin of the torso, arms and legs is rubbed until red with water at room temperature using a cloth made of natural material. After this, the patient is left undressed for some time. The temperature is measured again after 10-15 minutes.

Traditional medicine

At home, camphor oil is used. It is diluted with distilled water by half and heated in hands or in a water bath. Oil is dripped 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day. The area of ​​the ear canal is covered with cotton wool, and the head is wrapped in a woolen scarf.

Camphor oil is an antiseptic and reduces pain. Camphor oil can be used only at the very beginning of the disease, before pus forms. Camphor oil is contraindicated for children under two years of age and patients with epilepsy.

You can use camphor oil in compresses on the area around the diseased organ. To do this, moisten a thick ball of gauze with oil, cover it with cellophane, a ball of cotton wool, and wrap it all with a scarf.

The juice of onion, garlic, and aloe works well (good bactericidal preparations).

The onion (unpeeled) is simmered in a water bath until softened and juice appears, then squeezed through cheesecloth. Instill 1-2 drops of warm onion juice twice a day. This antiseptic will also help in the fight against noise.

It is better to use aloe juice from old leaves (over three years old). Garlic juice must be diluted in distilled water or glycerin before instillation. This can prevent the ear canal skin from burning.

To combat cold symptoms, means are used to stimulate the defenses (tea from linden flowers, raspberry stems, viburnum berries). Sugar is replaced with honey.


Otitis can be external, middle, internal (depending on location), acute and chronic (depending on the course). Symptoms differ depending on the location of the pathology. Antibiotics are used for at least seven (if necessary, ten) days. To combat fever, there are antipyretics (paracetamol). Among the folk remedies, camphor oil, aloe juice, and propolis will help. But you must remember that it is better to seek help from a specialist. And only after that start treatment. To combat cold symptoms, linden, raspberries, viburnum, and honey are used.

Imagine that once upon a time there were no thermometers at all. At the dawn of the development of science, body temperature was judged by direct sensation, that is, by touch and very approximately: hot, warm, cold. What can we say about the accuracy of such measurements. Finally, a mercury thermometer came into our lives - an extremely simple device in the form of a glass tube filled with mercury. However, scientific and technological progress also affected him. As a result, an electronic thermometer was born that combines not only the speed and accuracy of measurements, but also a number of additional functions.

Body temperature is one of the main indicators of health. And if children appear in the house, a thermometer becomes one of the essential items. After all, treatment first begins with diagnosis, and here you can’t do without thermometry. So how and how to measure a child’s temperature accurately, quickly, conveniently and safely?

Where can you measure your child's temperature?

  • in the armpit
  • in the rectum (rectal)
  • in the mouth (orally)
  • in the groin fold
  • in the elbow bend
  • on the forehead
  • in the ear.

How should you measure temperature?

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We measure the temperature: in the groin fold

To accurately measure children's body temperature in the groin fold, the child's leg must be slightly bent at the hip joint so that the thermometer is in the resulting skin fold.

We measure the temperature: in the elbow bend

To accurately measure a child’s body temperature in the elbow, it is necessary to bend the child’s arm at the elbow, place the thermometer in the elbow and press the hand so that the tip of the thermometer is tightly covered on all sides.

Forehead temperature measurement

To accurately measure body temperature on the forehead, simply run the forehead thermometer gently across the forehead near the temples, and after a few seconds the temperature will be determined. Or apply a thermal test strip to your forehead (for 15 seconds). The forehead is one of the best places to take temperature due to the presence of an artery that carries blood from the heart to the brain.

We measure the temperature: in the ear canal

To accurately measure body temperature in the ear canal, no effort is required on the part of the child. By pulling your earlobe up and back, you should try to straighten the ear canal so that the eardrum becomes visible. Then you need to insert the thermometer probe into your ear. Measurements taken in the ear measure the temperature of the body's "core," which represents the temperature of the vital organs because the eardrum receives its blood supply from the same system as the brain's temperature control center, the hypothalamus. Therefore, changes in body temperature are reflected faster and more accurately in the ear than in other places. Thermometry of ear thermometers lasts for one to two seconds. To avoid damaging the eardrum, ear thermometers are equipped with special soft tips and are absolutely safe.


Under no circumstances should you use the ear canal to measure temperature with conventional thermometers.

When measuring a child’s temperature, it should be taken into account that it is not the same in different parts of the body (relative to the temperature in the armpit

Material prepared by Ekaterina Belova

Body temperature is checked in different ways:

  1. Rectally - in the rectum.
  2. Orally - in the mouth.
  3. Under the arm.
  4. On the forehead - for this, infrared scanners are used to check the artery.
  5. In the ear - also with the help of scanners.

For each method, there are electronic thermometers specifically designed for each location. There is plenty to choose from. But there is also a problem: cheap (sometimes not very cheap) devices often lie or fail. Therefore, when choosing an electronic thermometer, do not skimp, be sure to read the reviews and check the mercury readings at least once.

The latter, by the way, is preferred by many. A maximum mercury thermometer (as a thermometer is correctly called) costs a penny and is quite accurate, which cannot be said about many electronic devices with “so-so” quality. However, it is dangerous because it is easy, and shards of glass and mercury vapor have not made anyone healthier.

No matter what kind of thermometer you use, read its instructions first.

After each use, it would be good to clean the thermometer: wash it, if possible, or wipe it with an antiseptic. Be careful if the thermometer is sensitive to moisture and may become damaged. It’s embarrassing to mention, but still, a thermometer for rectal measurements should not be used anywhere else.

How to measure the temperature under the arm

Most often, we measure the temperature under the arm with a regular mercury or electronic thermometer. Here's how to do it right:

  1. You should not take your temperature after eating or exercising. Wait half an hour.
  2. Before starting the measurement, the glass thermometer must be shaken off: the mercury column should show less than 35 °C. If the thermometer is electronic, just turn it on.
  3. The armpit should be dry. The sweat needs to be wiped off.
  4. Keep your hand pressed tightly. In order for the temperature under the armpit to become the same as inside the body, the skin must warm up, and this takes time. It is better to press the child’s shoulder yourself, for example, by picking up the baby in your arms.
  5. The good news: if you follow the previous rule, the mercury thermometer will take 5 minutes, not 10, as is commonly believed. Many electronic thermometers respond to temperature changes and measure as long as these changes exist. Therefore, if you do not press your hand, the temperature may change for a long time and the results will be inaccurate.

How to measure temperature rectally

This method is sometimes needed when you need to check the temperature of babies: it is difficult for them to hold their hand, it is unsafe to put something in their mouth, and not everyone has an expensive infrared sensor.

  1. The part of the thermometer that you will insert into the rectum should be lubricated with petroleum jelly or petroleum jelly (available at any pharmacy).
  2. Place the child on his side or back, bend his legs.
  3. Carefully insert the thermometer into the anus 1.5–2.5 cm (depending on the size of the sensor), hold the child while the measurement is taken. A mercury thermometer should be held for 2 minutes, an electronic one - for as long as written in the instructions (usually less than a minute).
  4. Remove the thermometer and look at the data.
  5. Treat your child's skin if necessary. Wash the thermometer.

How to measure the temperature in your mouth

This method is not suitable for children under four years of age, because at this age children cannot yet reliably hold a thermometer. Do not take your mouth temperature if you have eaten something cold in the last 30 minutes.

  1. Wash the thermometer.
  2. The sensor or reservoir of mercury should be placed under the tongue and the thermometer should be held with the lips.
  3. Use a regular thermometer to measure the temperature for 3 minutes, and an electronic thermometer for as long as necessary according to the instructions.

How to measure ear temperature

There are special infrared thermometers for this: it is useless to stick other thermometers into the ear. Children under 6 months old should not have their ear temperature measured. Age guidelines, because due to developmental characteristics, the results will be inaccurate. You can measure the temperature in your ear only 15 minutes after you return from the street.

Pull your ear slightly to the side and insert the thermometer probe into your ear. It takes a few seconds to measure.


Some infrared devices measure temperature on the forehead, where the artery runs through. Data from the forehead or ear are not as accurate Fever: First aid, as with other measurements, but they are fast. But for household measurements, it is not so important what your temperature is: 38.3 or 38.5 °C.

How to read a thermometer

The measurement result depends on the accuracy of the thermometer, the correctness of the measurements and where the measurements were taken.

The temperature in the mouth is higher than under the armpit by 0.3–0.6 °C, rectal - by 0.6–1.2 °C, in the ear - up to 1.2 °C. That is, 37.5 °C is an alarming figure for measurement under the arm, but not for rectal measurement.

The norm also depends on age. In children under one year old, the rectal temperature is up to 37.7 °C (36.5–37.1 °C under the arm), and there is nothing wrong with that. The 37.1°C under the armpit that we suffer from becomes a problem as we age.

In addition, there are individual characteristics. A healthy adult's temperature ranges from 36.1 to 37.2°C under the armpit, but someone's personal normal is 36.9°C and someone else's is 36.1. The difference is big, so in an ideal world it would be nice to take your temperature for fun when you are healthy, or at least remember what the thermometer showed during your medical examination.