Success can be achieved by anyone, regardless of the presence of higher education. But it can be a good start for a career. And the list of specialties requiring a diploma for employment is very large. Reckless student years for many become the best memories of a lifetime. So that this fun time does not pass in vain, and when applying for a job, you don’t have to hear: “Now forget everything you were taught!” Choose your university carefully. We bring to your attention the rating of the TOP-10 of the best universities in Russia in 2016. It is compiled on the basis of the rating of the Expert RA agency. 10th Place UrFU - Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia BN Yeltsin This is the largest university in the Urals, teaching more than 50,000 students. This is one of the best universities in Russia in 2016. It consists of 17 institutes and other departments offering training in a large number of specialties. He cooperates with large enterprises, conducting internships for students on their basis. This university has its own observatory, botanical garden and many laboratories. It constantly conducts scientific work in various areas: physics, energy, communications, philosophy, biology, etc. According to the demand for graduates among employers, according to the Expert RA agency in 2016, it ranks fourth. 9th Place NSU - Novosibirsk National Research State University The development of this educational institution is inextricably linked with the Novosibirsk Scientific Center, and its main goal is to train good specialists. The university has created all the conditions for teaching people with disabilities, in addition, it offers a huge amount of materials to everyone on the global network. Most of its teachers are members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and students from the very beginning of their studies are engaged in real laboratories. The motto of NSU is the phrase: "We will not make you smarter, we will teach you to think!" 8th Place TPU - National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University The people trained here played a decisive role in the development of the Asian part of Russia. For a long time TPU was the only technical university beyond the Urals. Mendeleev himself actively participated in its creation. This university today does not rest on the laurels of the past, but continues to train qualified specialists in various fields. More than 90% of graduates of this university find a job in their field in the first year after graduation. 7th Place MGIMO - Moscow State Institute of International Relations Initially, MGIMO was created to train diplomats, but today it offers 16 areas of training: economics, political science, journalism, trade, etc. Many foreign citizens study there. It is even listed in the Guinness Book of Records as a university with the largest number of foreign languages ​​taught, the study of two of which is mandatory for any student. He is also known for the high cost of paid education. Annual training in some specialties costs more than 500,000 rubles. 6th Place HSE - National Research University "Higher School of Economics" It cannot boast of a rich history, but has already managed to train more than 20,000 people and become one of the most popular in Russia. Basically, socio-economic and humanitarian sciences are taught here, but there are also specialties related to mathematics, mechanics and computer science. He is known to the general public for the “University Open to the City” campaign, which consists in giving public lectures in Gorky Park. The quality of the education received here is noted by many international ratings. The competition for the most popular specialties in it is more than 7 people per place. 5th Place St. Petersburg State University - St. Petersburg State University This is the oldest university in the country and, of course, one of the best institutions in Russia in 2016, its history goes back more than 290 years. Working here as head of the department of general chemistry, Mendeleev created the periodic table of elements. This university has been given a status that allows it to issue its own diplomas and have its own educational standards. It ranks among many world rankings as a university with a quality education. It differs from other universities by the presence of resource centers, the equipment of which is available to all students and representatives of other educational institutions. He actively cooperates with world educational institutions, being the only member of the Coimbra Group from Russia. 4th Place MSTU im. N.E. Bauman - Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman "Bauman", as it is usually called, prepares students for many educational programs. They are mostly technical, but there are also humanitarian ones among them. The quality of education received here is valued all over the world. MSTU actively cooperates with more than 70 educational institutions, conducting joint scientific research, seminars and conferences. His diploma can be used in 11 European countries. In addition to Moscow, it has branches located in Kaluga and Dmitrov. There, students have the opportunity to practice at the factories of Samsung and Volkswagen. All this allows us to call it one of the best universities in Russia in 2016. 3rd Place NRNU MEPhI - National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" "Mifi" is interesting for the presence of a training nuclear reactor on the territory and the recent opening of the Department of Theology. This event led many to talk about a possible drop in the quality of education, but fears were not justified. MEPhI still occupies high positions in international and Russian rankings, continuing the tradition of transferring quality training, established in 1942 by the Moscow Mechanical Ammunition Institute. This university uploads a large number of educational materials and even organized its own "Network School". Among Russian universities, it ranks 6th in terms of the demand for graduates among employers. Such an educational institution, of course, deserves to be ranked with the best Russian universities in 2016. 2nd Place MIPT - Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Phystech stands out from other universities with an unusual education system, in which students are carefully selected and actively participate in scientific work. Winners of some competitions and olympiads receive benefits when entering it. The main areas of training at Phystech are economics, physics and computer technology. In 2009, he was awarded the status of "National Research Institute". There are legends about Fiztekh, often not true. This applies to claims that 65% of classes here end after sunset, and the number of expelled students in it is higher than in other universities. 1st Place Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov - Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov is the best university in Russia in 2016. This university has the right to issue diplomas of its own sample and use its own educational standards, as the holder of a special status. Its rector is appointed by the President of the Russian Federation. In 2014, the Expert RA agency awarded Moscow State University a unique status for Russian universities as an "exceptionally high" level of graduate training. It is also distinguished by its approach to teaching; a specialty has been preserved here. It has over 35,000 students and, in addition to Russia, has branches in five CIS countries. It is his agency "Expert RA" that considers the best institute in Russia for 2016 in terms of a combination of all indicators. If you want to see the full ranking of the best universities in Russia in 2016, then I recommend that you visit the website of the Expert RA agency using the link that is in the description of this video. ( If you liked the video, put "Like", and if not, "Dislike" and write a comment - this is very important for the development of our channel. And don't forget to subscribe to our channel if you haven't already! That's all! Bye!

The HSE was created as an economic university, so the first HSE faculties trained mainly economists, managers And sociologists. But modern socio-economic education is based on interdisciplinarity. Not only educational, but also research discoveries and breakthroughs occur at the intersection of various disciplines and sciences. On interaction economic, engineering And humanitarian schools are based on models of such world famous universities as MIT and Caltech. Vyshka followed the same path.

Lawyers And philosophers appeared at the university a long time ago. A little later, the HSE opened a historical direction of study. Students- historians receive a broad humanitarian education, which allows them to work not only in their specialty, but also in analytical organizations that study social development. In 2014, the HSE also began teaching art history. BUT orientalists from HSE (the university trains sinologists, Japanese scholars, Arabists, and Korean scholars) can be considered historians, culturologists, philosophers, and political scientists at the same time.

After the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics joined the HSE, future specialists in electronic engineering, telecommunications, computer security And space technologies. With the participation of the Yandex company, the Faculty of Computer Science was opened at the university. His students study software engineering, data analysis and problems artificial intelligence, as well as solve fundamentally new research problems - in the field big data And information retrieval.

At the intersection of mathematics and the humanities, the direction " Fundamental and Applied Linguistics". At the same time, the university teaches classical philology. Knowledge of computer technology will be useful in the future journalists- at HSE they will be taught all the intricacies of the production and operation of digital media. And the whole educational process in graphic, interior, web and other designers Vyshka is "tied" to design activities under the guidance of the "stars" of the Russian design industry.

A kind of spatial “design” is being carried out by the Higher School of Urban Studies at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. So far, this is the only research and educational center in Russia that trains specialists in the field of spatial development of cities and regions and also conducts fundamental and applied urban research.

In 2019, the HSE joined in 16 subject and 3 industry QS rankings. In the top 100 HSE is represented by 3 subjects: "Sociology", "Politics and International Relations", "Economics and Econometrics" and the branch "Social sciences and management". In the same subjects, the HSE is the undisputed leader among Russian universities.

The tower entered top 100 in sociology and mathematics of the Shanghai ranking, has become a leader among Russian universities in economics, political sciences and management, and is also included in the top 75 best universities in the world in sociology, where it is the only Russian representative.

National Research Universities (NRUs), according to the existing concept, should take on the main burden in terms of staffing and scientific support for the needs of the high-tech sector of the Russian economy.

A research university is a higher educational institution that effectively carries out educational and scientific activities based on the principles of integrating science and education. The most important distinguishing features of NRUs are the ability to both generate knowledge and ensure an effective transfer of technologies to the economy; conducting a wide range of fundamental and applied research; availability of a highly effective system for training masters and highly qualified personnel, a developed system of retraining and advanced training programs.

NRUs should be an integrated scientific and educational center or include a number of such centers in the form of structural units that carry out research in a general scientific direction and train personnel for certain high-tech sectors of the economy.

The mission of the National Research University is to promote the dynamic development of the country's scientific and technological complex and provide it with the necessary human resources, balanced in terms of number, areas of training, qualification and age structure, taking into account the necessary pace of their renewal and predicted structural changes in science and economy.

The main task of the state NRU is to bring educational organizations to the world level, capable of taking responsibility for maintaining and developing the human resources of science, high technologies and vocational education, developing and commercializing high technologies in the Russian Federation.

In order to implement priority areas for the development of science, technology and technology, scientific and staffing the needs of economic and social sectors, the first NRUs were created by the Decree of the President of Russia dated October 7, 2008 "On the implementation of a pilot project to create national research universities." The President accepted the proposal of the Government on the implementation of a pilot project to create a National Research Nuclear University on the basis of the state educational institution of higher professional education "Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (State University)" and the National Research Technological University on the basis of the federal state educational institution of higher professional education "State Technological University "Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys".

winners of the competitive selection of university development programs,
for which the category is established
"national research university"

N p / p

Name of the state educational institution
higher professional education

State University - Higher School of Economics

Kazan State Technical University A. N. Tupoleva

Moscow Aviation Institute (State Technical University)

Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)

Nizhny Novgorod State University N. I. Lobachevsky

Novosibirsk State University

Perm State Technical University

Samara State Aerospace University acad. S. P. Koroleva

St. Petersburg State Mining Institute. G. V. Plekhanov (Technical University)

St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics

Tomsk Polytechnic University

winners of the second competitive selection of university development programs for which the category "national research university" is established

N p / p

Name of the state educational institution of higher professional education

Belgorod State University

Irkutsk State Technical University

Kazan State Technological University

Mordovian State University N.P. Ogaryova

Moscow State Institute of Electronic Technology

Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU)

Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University)

Perm State University

Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development

Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin

St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University

Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky

Tomsk State University

Establishment of the Russian Academy of Sciences St. Petersburg Academic University - Scientific and Educational Center for Nanotechnology RAS

South Ural State University

Information from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation was used

Belgorod State National Research University- one of the oldest universities in Belgorod, the largest university in the Belgorod region.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 5

    ✪ Film about NRU "BelSU"

    ✪ Join us! Open Doors Day at NRU "BelSU"

    ✪ Presentation film about NRU "BelSU"

    ✪ Film about NRU "BelSU"

    ✪ Institute of Economics NRU "BelSU"



In September 1876 in the county town of Belgorod, by order of the Ministry of Public Education of the Russian Empire, a teacher's institute was opened, the ninth in Russia.

June 4 1919 he became the Belgorod Pedagogical Institute, and in 1920 - the Belgorod Institute of Public Education.

IN 1923 a decision was made to transform it into a pedagogical college.

IN 1939 The technical school again became the Belgorod Teachers' Institute.

IN 1941 The Institute temporarily ceased its activities due to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. In 1944, when the Nazi invaders were expelled from the territory of the USSR, the institute resumed its work in the city of Stary Oskol, since Belgorod was destroyed.

21st of June 1954 The Belgorod State Pedagogical Institute was reorganized into the Belgorod State Pedagogical Institute.

IN 1957 the university returns to Belgorod and will be located in the building on the street. Communist (today it is the building of the socio-theological faculty, Preobrazhenskaya St., 78).

IN 1966 Institute transferred to a new educational complex on the street. Zhdanov (Studencheskaya St., 14).

IN 1994 Belgorod State Pedagogical Institute was transformed into a Pedagogical University.

In July 1996, according to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the university becomes Belgorod State University.

The logo of NRU "BelSU" includes the emblem of the university and the name of the university in Russian and English.

University today

National Research University "BelSU" is a university with a developed infrastructure: 22 academic buildings, seven student dormitories, Youth Cultural Center, Church of the Archangel Gabriel, health-improving complex "Nezhegol", polyclinic of National Research University "BelSU", equestrian school, Svetlana Khorkina Training and Sports Complex, sports complex " Burevestnik, a pharmacy with production, public catering facilities, the BelSU High Technologies technopark with a business incubator, a library, a museum complex, a botanical garden and other departments allow students and teachers to realize themselves in various fields of activity. In the property complex of the NRU "BelSU" in permanent use are 22 land plots with a total area of ​​261.86 hectares, 57 buildings, premises and structures with a total area of ​​240,774 sq.m., including educational and laboratory 175,569 sq.m.

Today, 23 thousand students from all regions of Russia and 80 countries of the world study at BelSU. The university offers 255 areas of training, 349 educational programs. 3 educational programs have the European quality mark EUR-ACE® (Accreditation of European Engineering Programs).

NRU "BelSU" has 17 councils for the defense of doctoral and master's theses. At the Youth Cultural Center of the National Research University "BelSU" there are 17 student groups of amateur performances. The university has 9 museums (Museum of the History of the National Research University "BelSU"; forensics, zoological, forensic, history faculty, pedagogical faculty, international faculty, library-museum of N. Strakhov, geological and mineralogical).

A youth media holding operates at the university, which combines the editorial offices of the youth supplement to the newspaper "Vesti BelGU" "Nota Bene", radio "White Gus", television "TUT". The student portal of the National Research University "BelSU" is working.


In 2017, BelSU took the position of 76-100 in one of the main world rankings - the Shanghai Global Ranking of Academic Subjects (ARWU) in the subject category - "Metallurgy" in the "Physical Sciences" section. The university was immediately among the four Russian universities included in the TOP-100 of this ranking. “Metallurgy” is one of 52 subject categories, up to 500 universities are ranked in it, but only 200 entered the final ranking. In addition to BelSU, this includes MISIS, Tomsk State University, Ufa Aviation Technical University and Moscow State University. The best universities are determined based on five criteria: the productivity of scientific activity, citation index, international cooperation, the number of publications in the best journals, the presence of international awards and prizes. In total, 1409 universities of the world made it to the final part of the ranking. 12 Russian universities entered this ranking in 2017 for the first time. Among them is National Research University "BelSU".

In 2016, BelSU was ranked 19th among 238 Russian universities in the National Ranking of Universities (NRU) by the Interfax International Information Group, 17th in Research and 21st in Education.

In 2017, according to the results of the VIII annual National University Ranking (NRU) of the Interfax International Information Group, BelSU entered the TOP-20 best universities in Russia, taking 19th position among 265 leading universities in Russia.

In the "Expert RA" rating in 2016, the university took 59th and 37th among the best universities in Russia with a high reputation in the field of "Economic and managerial areas". In 2017, NRU "BelSU" retained the 59th position in this rating.

Faculties and institutes of NRU "BelSU"

BelSU is a multidisciplinary scientific and educational complex, which includes 7 institutes and 4 faculties, a Medical College and 1 branch.

– Pedagogical Institute:

Faculty of Physical Education

Faculty of Early Childhood, Primary and Special Education

Faculty of History and Philology

Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education

Faculty of Foreign Languages

Psychology faculty

– Law Institute

– Medical Institute:

Medical College

Center for Additional Professional Medical and Pharmaceutical Education

– Institute of Intercultural Communication and International Relations:

Faculty preparatory

- Institute of Management:

Graduate School of Management

– Institute of Economics

– Institute of Engineering Technologies and Natural Sciences

– Faculty of mining and environmental management

– Faculty of Journalism

– Socio-theological faculty

– Faculty of secondary vocational education

BelSU Medical College

BelSU Medical College - one of the oldest colleges in Russia - traces its history back to 1932, when a medical college was opened in Belgorod by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars. It was located in a pre-revolutionary merchant's house on the site of a modern building [[[Wikipedia:Links to sources| source unspecified 1983 days]]] . In 1935, the technical school was reorganized into a feldsher-obstetric school. In 1954, by order of the Minister of Health of the USSR, the feldsher-obstetric school was transformed into a medical school. In 1992, the school received the status of a medical college. In 1997, the college became a structural subdivision of the Belgorod State University. In 2017, the BelSU Medical College celebrated its 85th anniversary.

Students study in the following areas: General Medicine, Obstetrics, Nursing, Preventive Dentistry, Orthopedic Dentistry, Pharmacy, Laboratory Diagnostics, Medical Massage. %D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B6_%D0%9D%D0%98%D0 %A3_%C2%AB%D0%91%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%93%D0%A3%C2%BB.jpg


The Stary Oskol branch of the NRU BelSU is located in the city of Stary Oskol, Belgorod Region. It was the successor of the Stary Oskol Teachers' Institute (1866-1917), the Stary Oskol Pedagogical Institute (1917-1941), the Stary Oskol Pedagogical University (1941-1954), the Stary Oskol Pedagogical Institute (1954-1999).

Scientific and innovative activity

The most important activity of BelSU is science. The university has a powerful research and innovation infrastructure. This 55 research centers and laboratories, including 2 centers for the collective use of scientific equipment; Engineering center "Pharmaceutical and medical industry"; Regional microbiological center; Technopark "High Technologies of BelSU" with a business incubator; Center for preclinical and clinical research. 45 small innovative enterprises have been created. Scientists who returned to Russia from Japan, Germany, and Poland work in the scientific divisions of BelSU.

University scientists conduct fundamental and applied research in 54 scientific areas: including physics, mathematics, IT technologies, photonics, mechatronics, materials science and nanotechnology, radiation physics, biotechnology and microbiology, chemistry, geology and mining, ecology, geography , geoecology, biology, medicine, pharmacy, pharmacology, molecular genetics, genomic selection, economics, law, history, linguistics, philology, journalism, theology, cultural studies, political science, sociology and social technologies, management, psychology, pedagogy, etc., and also in the field of interdisciplinary research.

In partnership with high-tech companies, BelSU conducts developments in the field of vision systems, IT technologies, biocompatible coatings for medical applications, technologies for strengthening critical parts made of aluminum, magnesium and titanium alloys, high vacuum equipment and others.

Over the past 10 years, more than 5,000 research projects have been implemented at NRU "BelSU", including 5 projects under the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 218, the annual volume of research and development work has doubled, the volume of contractual work - 4 times. Over the past three years, the total volume of R&D performed at the university amounted to about 3 billion rubles.

The international cooperation

NRU "BelSU" ranks 7th in Russia in terms of the number of foreign students, more than 2,500 students and postgraduates from 80 countries of the world study here.

Being the base university of the University of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization since 2009, BelSU develops relevant scientific areas. In 2017, five areas are being implemented: "Nanotechnologies"; "Regional studies"; "Ecology"; "Economy"; "Pedagogy".

In 2015, the NRU "BelSU" hosted the IX week of education of the SCO member states "Education without Borders". In 2016-2017, the university hosted the International Youth Forums of SCO Universities.

BelSU is included in the number of universities participating in the Presidential Program for the promotion and dissemination of the Russian language in the Ibero-American region.

Currently, BelSU cooperates within the framework of bilateral agreements with 160 foreign universities and scientific organizations in Germany, the USA, Italy, Finland, China, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries. There are 18 joint educational programs with leading universities in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, 10 of them provide for obtaining two diplomas. As part of academic exchange programs, students study at foreign partner universities (the Netherlands, Germany, France, Serbia, Poland, China, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia). Educational programs of the specialist and magistracy are taught in English.

National Research University "BelSU" - member of the Erasmus+ program with universities in the Netherlands, Germany and Bulgaria. Since 2016, BelSU has received the right to issue a pan-European Diploma Supplement, which ensures the recognition of the level of education and qualifications of NRU “BelSU” graduates by potential foreign educational institutions and employers. It is an official document developed by the European Commission, the Council of Europe and UNESCO.

The university implements joint research programs with leading foreign universities and research centers. Foreign teachers teach at the university. Scientists of NRU "BelSU" conduct scientific and teaching activities abroad.

Scientific Library named after N. N. Strakhov

The Scientific Library named after N. N. Strakhov is one of the oldest university libraries in the Belgorod region. The history of the library began with the opening of the Teachers' Institute in 1876.

The library is the central library of the University's Corporate Library System. Today, the fund of the University's Corporate Library System has more than 1.26 million items. The service system includes 10 reading rooms (including 3 rooms for open access to the fund), 8 subscriptions. In the reading rooms automated workplaces for persons with disabilities and the disabled are organized.

Since 2002, the Scientific Library has been a member of the Russian Library Association (RBA) Russian Library Association.

Since 2003, the library has been a member of the Non-Commercial Partnership "Association of Regional Library Consortiums" (ARBICON). In 2008, the Belgorod Declaration on Open Access to Scientific Knowledge and Cultural Heritage was adopted. The Belgorod Declaration ranks among other international initiatives for open access to scientific and humanitarian knowledge (Budapest Initiative, Berlin Declaration, etc.).

In 2009, an open-access electronic archive of scientific publications of university scientists was created - the third among Russian universities.

In 2009, the library-museum of N. N. Strakhov, a Russian philosopher, literary critic, translator and publisher, librarian of the Imperial Public Library, a native of Belgorod, was opened.

In 2010, with the financial support of a grant from the President of the Russian Federation, an electronic collection "Archive of the Epoch" was formed, reflecting the activities of N. N. Strakhov.

In 2011, following the results of the implementation of the grant of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of culture and art, the library was named after Nikolay Nikolaevich Strakhov by the decision of the Academic Council of the University.

In 2013, the ISSN International Center assigned an international standard number for periodicals to the open access electronic archive (ISSN: 2310-7529) as a continuously growing database among the first six Russian academic open access repositories.

In 2014, the electronic reading room of the Presidential Library named after B.N. Yeltsin.

In 2016, the Belgorod Declaration on open access to scientific knowledge and cultural heritage in the scientific and educational space was developed for Russian partner universities. At present, the heads of 23 Russian universities have signed the Declaration.

On the basis of the reading room of scientific literature, the Center for Intercultural Communication was created, which helps to meet the information needs of students on issues of humanistic interethnic relations, ethnic tolerance, countering extremist activities.

The library conducts humanitarian and educational activities aimed at the spiritual, moral, civic, patriotic, cultural and aesthetic education of young people, legal education, and the formation of readers' attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle.

Library-Museum of N.N. Strakhova

The N.N. Strakhov - Russian philosopher, literary critic, translator and publisher, librarian of the Imperial Public Library, a native of Belgorod.

In 2010, with the financial support of a grant from the President of the Russian Federation, an electronic collection "Archive of the era" was formed, reflecting the activities of N.N. Strakhov. The collection consists of modern and rare editions of N.N. Strakhov, his contemporaries, works of domestic and foreign researchers of the philosopher's work.

In 2011, following the results of the implementation of the grant of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of culture and art, by the decision of the Academic Council of the National Research University "BelSU", the Scientific Library was named after Nikolai Nikolaevich Strakhov.

In 2011, the Scientific Library named after. N.N. Strakhov National Research University "BelSU" together with Professor E.A. Antonov prepared and published a bibliographic index "Nikolai Nikolaevich Strakhov: Philosopher, Literary Critic, Translator" (about 800 sources).

In 2016, with the participation of Professor E.A. Antonov, Professor P.A. Olkhov and associate professor E.N. Motovnikova published the second, supplemented, edition of the index "Nikolai Nikolaevich Strakhov: Philosopher, Literary Critic, Translator". Today - this is the most complete list of published works of the outstanding Russian philosopher and literature about him (over 900 sources).

NRU "BelSU" is the initiator of regular scientific conferences and Strahov readings dedicated to the work of N.N. Strakhov. For twenty years, university scientists have been actively engaged in research work in the field of studying the heritage of N.N. Strakhov. Recognition of the relevance and form of effective support for research issues related to the legacy of N.N. Strakhov, were successfully implemented grants from the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation (RHF).

Cooperation has been established with the national libraries of Russia (RSL, RNL), libraries of the Institute of World Literature (IMLI RAS), Institute of Philosophy (IPh RAS), scientific libraries of St. Petersburg State University, University of Brno (Czech Republic), Suzhou University (China).

On the basis of the library-museum, the literary and philosophical club “On Wednesdays at Strakhov”, created on the initiative of the scientists of the National Research University “BelSU”, operates, excursions, exhibitions and other cultural and educational events are held. Students, teachers, cultural figures take an active part in the activities of the club. Currently, work is underway to organize a card index of N.N. Strakhov.

The library-museum is located in a historic building of the 19th century. In 2016, a memorial plaque dedicated to N.N. Strakhov (sculptor - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation A.A. Shishkov).

In 2017, the library-museum of N.N. Strakhov, the opening of the apartment-museum of N.N. Strakhov. The library-museum acquired the appearance of the St. Petersburg apartment of N.N. Strakhov.

At present, the library-museum of N.N. Strakhova is the only internationally recognized research and information and bibliographic center in Russia for studying the heritage of N.N. Strakhov, with a unique repository of electronic documents and memorial items.

equestrian school

The equestrian school is a structural subdivision of the NRU "BelSU". Its activities are inextricably linked with the development of equestrian sports in the Belgorod region, with the popularization of horse riding, with work aimed at implementing programs for equestrian tourism, cultural leisure activities, rehabilitation and social adaptation of disabled children, health promotion, development and formation of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality . Today the complex has two modern stables for 40 horses, garages for vehicles and warehouses with a total area of ​​700m², a hangar for storing feed. Pets of KSSh, horses - graceful handsome men of different breeds: Trakehner, Hanoverian, Terek, thoroughbred riding, Arabian, Oryol and Russian trotting, Ukrainian, Akhal-Teke, Russian riding and crossbreeds work in tandem with both beginners and already professional riders. , gyms, gyms, halls for table tennis, choreography and aerobics. On the site at st. Student sports complex "Petrel" is located.

Polyclinic of NRU "BelSU"

Polyclinic of NRU "BelSU" is a modern educational platform, which is a medical, practical and research base of the university. The structure of the polyclinic includes departments of general (family) practitioners and physiotherapy, a modern diagnostic center, a bacteriological laboratory and a unique department for clinical trials of drugs.

The polyclinic is equipped with modern diagnostic and laboratory equipment. The Department of Computed Tomography performs diagnostics of all human organs and systems.

Polyclinic specialists provide medical services in 15 specialties of therapeutic and surgical profile.

The polyclinic provides services to students, employees, veterans of the National Research University "BelSU" and residents of the Belgorod region. Since 2015, the polyclinic has a day hospital department.

Since 2005, pharmaceutical services have been provided by the complex “Pharmacy of the NRU “BelSU”. This structural subdivision of the Medical Institute is a developed educational and production base for training specialists in the direction of "Pharmacy". Scientific research is carried out on the basis of the pharmacy.

Since 2015, a microbiological laboratory has been operating, which has no analogues in the Central Chernozem region. 60 thousand people a year visit the polyclinic.

Health complex "Nezhegol"

Founded in 2004. Located on six hectares in a magnificent mixed forest.

Infrastructure of the complex: guest houses, cafes, gazebos for recreation, sports and playgrounds, bicycle paths and tennis courts, football field.

Major university events are held here: the International Summer Language School, the Pegasus International School of Project Management, the School of Trade Union Activists.

Botanical Garden of National Research University "BelSU"

Founded in 1999 by order of the Governor of the Belgorod region E.S. Savchenko.

Located in the South-Western region of Belgorod on an area of ​​over 70 hectares. In 2013, the Botanical Garden of the National Research University "BelGU" was included in the database of the Ministry of Education and Science as a unique infrastructure object of the Russian Federation.

Over 2,700 species and varieties of plants have been collected on the territory of the botanical garden, including endemic, relict, rare and endangered species of the Red and Green Books of Russia.

Since 2015, the Botanical Garden has been implementing a joint project of the National Research University "BelSU" and the Belgorod State Philharmonic Society "Non-Random Meetings". The best performers of classical, folk, jazz music perform at the concert venue, excursions by electric car are held, visitors are offered aromatic tea from herbs collected in the garden.

Museums of NRU "BelSU"

There are 9 museums at the university: Museum of History of National Research University "BelSU"; criminology, zoological, forensic medical examination, historical faculty, pedagogical faculty, international faculty, library-museum of N. Strakhov, geological and mineralogical.

Museum of History of National Research University "BelSU"

The Museum of the History of the Belgorod State National Research University was established on October 22, 2002.

The funds of the museum of the history of the university include 1,290 items of storage of the main fund and over 3,000 items of the scientific auxiliary fund. Among the unique exhibits are the medal of the pupil of the Belgorod Teachers' Institute "Worthy" (1880s), a student card of 1908, certificates of graduates of different years, rare printed editions of the early 20th century, reprints of educational publications of the directors of the Belgorod Teachers' Institute, household items of the late 19th century - the beginning of the XX century.

In 2012, the Museum of History of the National Research University "BelSU" was awarded a diploma of the 1st degree following the results of the regional review competition of museums "Let's Preserve and Grow".

Geological and Mineralogical Museum

Created March 2, 2015. The structure of the museum has five halls and a depository. The exposition includes 150 showcases with samples of minerals, rocks, fossils, soil profiles, two interactive kiosks with a large-format TV-panel. The museum has a library with more than 400 items (books, CDs). The museum's funds contain over one and a half thousand exhibits. Here are samples of the fossil resources of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, Russia and the world. Thematic expositions are devoted to the Crimean geological range, the glow of minerals under the influence of UV rays; Exhibits from the collection of the Museum Terra Mineralia of the Freiberg Mining Academy are presented in a specialized photo exhibition.

The constant replenishment of the collection is due to the participation of employees of the mining and processing enterprises of the Belgorod and Kursk regions, due to their own expedition fees, purchases and exchange of exhibits with geological museums in Russia and abroad, gifts from teachers, students, graduates of the National Research University "BelSU", individuals.

Over 230 samples of minerals and ores, including the rare mineral tumasite and samples of valuable copper-nickel ores, which include precious metals - silver, gold, platinum and platinoids, were presented to the museum by the chief geologist of the Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Combine Vladimir Efimovich Kurilov.

Zoo museum

Founded in 1978. The museum carries out educational work with students, excursion and educational activities, scientific work on the study of the fauna of the Belgorod region and the creation of a fund collection of animals.

The museum funds contain exhibits from field practices, collections donated to Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov and the University. A. I. Herzen; unique exhibits of animals from different parts of the world (200 stuffed birds and 50 stuffed mammals). The exposition of the museum includes collections of vertebrates and invertebrates and has a thousand specimens.

Among the exhibits of the museum there are stuffed birds made by the famous Russian taxidermist F. K. Lorenz at the beginning of the 20th century.

Spiritual and Educational Center named after Metropolitan Macarius (Bulgakov)

In 2016 based on socio-theological faculty named after Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna Macarius (Bulgakov) The Spiritual and Educational Center named after Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna Macarius (Bulgakov) was opened. It was created with the blessing of Metropolitan John of Belgorod and Stary Oskol in honor of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Metropolitan Macarius. Conferences of regional, federal and international levels are held here. The permanent museum exposition of the center presents monuments to the life and work of Metropolitan Macarius, paintings and sculptures. On the basis of the Spiritual and Educational Center, the volunteer organization "At the call of the heart", the religious and philosophical club "Logos" and the "Young Family Club" work.

Temple-chapel in the name of the Holy Monk Martyr Eugenia of Rome

The temple-chapel in the name of the Holy Martyr Eugenia of Rome was recreated in 2016 on the basis of the socio-theological faculty named after Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna Macarius (Bulgakov)

The revival of the temple-chapel of the Holy Martyr Eugenia of Rome is the restoration of historical justice. The gymnasium house church was built in the building of the male gymnasium named after the Duke Alfred of Edinburgh at the end of the 19th century with donations from the Belgorod philanthropist Sofia Arseniyevna Mustyats. In 1886, divine services began in the temple, which continued for more than thirty years until the ban that followed the revolutionary events of 1917. The unique Belgorod church resumed its activities on its original territory on the occasion of the 130th anniversary of the first divine service with the blessing of Metropolitan John of Belgorod and Stary Oskol.