Trait - This is a stable form of behavior in connection with specific situations typical for a given type of behavior. A trait can be spoken of as a stable characteristic of a person if the probability of its manifestation in a certain situation is quite high. However, probability means that this trait does not always appear, otherwise it would simply be a matter of mechanical behavior. A character trait includes a certain way of thinking and understanding. In the most general form, character traits can be divided into basic, leading, setting the general direction for the development of the entire complex of its manifestations, and secondary, determined by the main ones.

Strong-willed human character traits. The group of volitional traits includes those character traits that are associated with manifestations of a person’s will. On the one hand, this includes such character traits as determination, perseverance, determination, confidence, perseverance, the desire to solve assigned problems and overcome obstacles - all these qualities relate to the character of a person with a strong will. On the other hand, character traits that correspond to people with a weak will are also included here. This is spinelessness, compliance, lack of life goals, lack of will, unpredictability, inconsistency, etc.

Business character traits of a person. Business character traits are manifested in the area where human activity is carried out. This could be an attitude towards work, towards one’s responsibilities, towards business or any other type of activity. These character traits can also be attributed to two poles: positive and negative. The positive pole of business traits will correspond to hard work, responsibility, conscientiousness, accuracy, dedication, etc. The negative pole includes: laziness, negligence, irresponsibility, dishonesty, sloppiness, etc.

Communicative character traits of a person. Communicative character traits are those human characteristics that manifest themselves in relationships with other people. The range of this type of human character traits is extremely wide. These are all those properties that are revealed when people communicate with each other. These are honesty and integrity, kindness and unselfishness, responsiveness and gentleness, sociability and attentiveness, modesty and restraint, calmness and rationality. At the same time, these are deceit and anger, callousness and selfishness, isolation and resentment, aggression and neglect, impulsiveness and cunning, rancor and contempt. All this manifests itself through the expression of emotions, through communication with others.

E. Kretschmer identified and described the three most common types of human body structure or constitution, each of which he associated with character types:

1. Asthenic type characterized by a small body thickness in profile with average or above average height. An asthenic person is usually a thin and thin person, who, because of his thinness, seems somewhat taller than he actually is. An asthenic person has thin skin of the face and body, narrow shoulders, thin arms, an elongated and flat chest with underdeveloped muscles and weak fat accumulations. This is basically the characteristic of asthenic men. Women of this type, in addition, are often short.

2. Athletic type characterized by a highly developed skeleton and muscles. Such a person is usually of medium or tall height, with broad shoulders and a powerful chest. He has a dense, high head.

3. Picnic type characterized by highly developed internal body cavities (head, chest, abdomen), a tendency to obesity with underdeveloped muscles and the musculoskeletal system. Such a person is of average height with a short neck sitting between the shoulders.

Asthenic and athletic types are distinguished by aristocracy, subtlety of feelings, aloofness, coldness, selfishness, authority, dryness, and lack of emotions.

The picnic type is characterized by cheerfulness, talkativeness, carelessness, sincerity, energy, and an easy perception of life.

Character types. As shown above, there are a large number of character traits, each of which, to one degree or another, may be present or absent in a person. Due to such diversity, it is clear that it is quite difficult to identify character types, since they are completely different for different people. Nevertheless, in psychology there are various typologies of characters, which are based on one fact: the set of traits that is included in the structure of a person’s character is not random. All human character traits form very specific combinations, which make it possible to distinguish the types of people’s characters.

One example of classifying characters by type is their division into extroverts and introverts. The basis for this classification of character types is the predominance of external or internal interests in a person’s life. Extraversion and introversion how character types are manifested through a person’s openness or closedness in relation to the world around him and the people around him.

Personality type: extrovert. The extrovert character type corresponds to sociable people who clearly show interest in the outside world, in everything that happens around them. Usually these people are active, energetic, and inquisitive. They live by what surrounds them, their world is connected with what is around them. The life of people with this type of character is determined by their external interests, by the events that occur in the outside world. For an extrovert, the external world is higher than his internal subjective state.

Personality type: introvert. The introvert character type is characteristic of closed people whose attention is directed to themselves, to their own internal mental experiences. Such a person usually sooner or later becomes the sole center of his own interests. People with an introverted personality type put their individual inner world above what is happening in the world around them. They often exhibit character traits such as aloofness, detachment, and anxiety. At the same time, these are usually independent and practical individuals, whose lives are based on the dynamics of their own internal mental state.

As mentioned above, there are many other options for distinguishing different types of characters. There is no single strict classification here - the variety of character traits, the formation of which begins in early childhood, is too great.

The second typology, the founder of which is C. Jung, connects characters with the orientation of the individual and identifies a number of psychosociotypes. A psychosociotype, from the point of view of K. Jung, is an innate mental structure that determines a specific type of information exchange between a person and the environment.

K. Jung identifies four types of character:

1. Extrovert - introvert;

2. Rationalistic - irrationalistic;

3. Thinking (logical) - emotional;

4. Sensing (sensory) - intuitive.

Each of these four types can be combined with any other, forming new character types.

Recently, a typology of character has become widespread, linking its characteristics with accentuation - the excessive expression of individual character traits and aggregates. (K. Leongard, A. E. Lichko, etc.)

Each person has a unique set of qualities that define his personality. I wonder what character traits there are, what types of qualities there are and how they influence a person’s character?

What are the character traits?

Why bother understanding what character traits exist? In order to be able to determine the type of character of the interlocutor. And knowing what type of character a person has, it is easier to predict his actions, and this will help to avoid various unpleasant situations.

Even without being familiar with the topic, you can name many character traits, but how can you understand which of them are defining for a particular person? In psychology, there are concepts of leading and secondary character traits. That is, not every trait will manifest itself with equal force in a person’s behavior. For example, a truth-loving and fearful person will constantly endure ridicule from others, privately reasoning with himself how wrong they are if his fearfulness is the leading one. But if the love of truth prevails, then he will tell everyone who they really are, deep down fearing the consequences.

Therefore, character traits are classified in relation to different aspects of life.

  1. Attitude towards other people: rudeness, truthfulness, tactfulness, deceit, isolation, sociability, friendliness.
  2. Attitude to work: conscientiousness, responsibility, hard work, laziness.
  3. Attitude towards oneself: narcissism, self-criticism, modesty, pride, self-confidence.
  4. Attitudes towards property: greed, frugality, generosity, wastefulness, sloppiness, neatness.

The main group is the attitude towards other people, because it is in society that the main character traits are formed; without assessing behavior with other people, a person’s character cannot be understood. If a person has overly developed certain character traits, then this is called accentuation.

What kind of character does a person have with accentuation?

The most well-known division is into introverts and extroverts, reserved and sociable people, respectively. But there is also such a classification of the types of human character with accentuation.

4 types of character

Figuring out what kind of character a person has is not easy, because there are many classifications. From school we know the concepts of choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic - these are types of temperament, but they are often confused with types of human character. Temperament really has a huge impact on character. Therefore, in order to understand what types of character there are, it is imperative to take into account a person’s temperament.

Before proceeding with the classification and listing of human character traits, it is necessary to understand the meaning and concept of this term. Translated from Greek, “character” means difference, sign or sign. The personality of each person is multifaceted and in each there is an interweaving of a large number of personal properties that determine a person’s behavior in a given situation. What are the character traits?

Classification of personality traits

Conventionally, the main character traits are divided into three main groups.

The first characterizes emotions, the second – will, and the third – intellect. There is also a division according to the direction of impact.

First of all, this is characterized by the attitude towards the external environment - society and the people around.

Secondly, by the attitude towards one’s own person, and thirdly, by the attitude towards activity, that is, work and training.

The emotional group, which includes such traits as aggressiveness, apathy, artistry, quick temper, impressionability, good nature, cheerfulness, isolation, impulsiveness, capriciousness, love of love, melancholicity and others, are formed in early childhood, when the child’s psyche undergoes a stage of formation under the influence of many various factors.

Strong-willed character traits are acquired throughout life - these are power, masculinity, assertiveness, resourcefulness, obsession, prudence, pedantry, devotion, etc. The intellectual group includes insight, rationality, prudence, independence, savvy, intelligence, intelligence, integrity, etc.

The decisive factor here is natural predisposition, which is influenced by hereditary genes and temperament.

However, the child’s environment cannot be discounted: it would be more correct to say that it plays the same role in the development of personality as what is inherent in nature.

The baby grows, gains experience in interacting with the outside world and a set of positive and negative personality traits. This process continues throughout life and the list of existing character traits is constantly updated with new personality traits. And if at first this process occurs unconsciously, reflexively, then later, when a person realizes his actions, he can already make a choice. This conscious choice opens up opportunities for character transformation, that is, personal growth.

Basic personality traits

Today, the list of character traits consists of several hundred different definitions.

Their very different combinations can be found in the same person. But in general, the personal qualities that exist today are divided into positive and negative.

However, it is impossible to say with one hundred percent certainty that this is a bad character trait and that is a good one.

For example, adventurism can be called both a negative and a positive trait, depending on the impact it has on a person’s behavior.

If he is excessively and thoughtlessly carried away by various adventures of an incomprehensible nature, then this most likely will not bring him any good.

The healthy adventurism inherent in a successful businessman allows him to move forward, invest money in promising projects and prosper. Or, for example, envy. Everyone will say that this trait is extremely negative.

But psychologists say that it is the engine of progress, forcing people to strive forward and achieve more than others have. In most cases, it is worth talking about certain sets of properties that, depending on the current situation, can have a greater impact on a person. But from a social and moral point of view, they can all be divided into positive and negative.

Negative character traits

Here are some of them:

Negative personality traits also include rudeness, boasting, familiarity, gloominess, vanity, obstinacy, bitchiness, arrogance, promiscuity, etc.

List of positive human character traits

Here are some of them:

Positive personality traits also include meekness, sincerity, caring, trustfulness, restraint, politeness, nobility, accuracy, etc.

Each of us has both positive and negative qualities. And which of them are the worst?

So, the main bad qualities in a person

  • Envy is one of the worst qualities, which harms both the one who is envied and the envier himself. An envious person can throw out more negative emotions, and since they arise frequently, they can poison the life of the envious person (it has been proven that they not only often lead to depression, but also provoke the development of certain diseases). And envy also prevents you from developing, striving for more and living normally.
  • Arrogance. It is extremely difficult not only to interact with arrogant people, but also to simply communicate. They always consider themselves better than others and because of this they themselves suffer, since at some point even friends and family turn away from them.
  • Hot temper. Hot-tempered people often interfere not only with others, but also with themselves, since the inability to restrain their emotions prevents them from performing simple duties and achieving goals.
  • Arrogance. Arrogant people are extremely unpleasant, so it makes sense that no one likes them.
  • Selfishness. All egoists are doomed to loneliness. It is very difficult to live with them, they are not intended for a normal family life, since they are not ready to make sacrifices and think only about themselves.
  • Hypocrisy. This quality can help the hypocrites themselves, but everyone around them, when they find out the essence of a person, will certainly turn away from him.
  • Pessimism. Pessimists are often real whiners and greatly irritate others. In addition, this quality also hinders those who have it, because if a person is initially set up for failure, then he literally attracts them and does not consider it necessary to make efforts to achieve his goals.
  • Laziness. Lazy people cannot work normally in a team; their colleagues do not like them. And laziness is a big obstacle to achieving your plans. A lazy person can find a lot of excuses just to do nothing. Such people rarely become successful if they do not learn to fight their laziness.
  • Aggression. It interferes with communication, building a family, and working. Aggression is often combined with another similar quality - rudeness. People with this trait are not respected in the team, and relatives and friends try to limit communication with them.
  • Impudence. Yes, an arrogant person himself can achieve a lot thanks to this quality (it’s not for nothing that they say that “arrogance is the second happiness”). But everyone else has an extremely negative attitude towards impudent people.
  • Infantilism is immaturity and a delay in the development of personality. Infantile people behave like capricious and spoiled children, which greatly irritate those around them. They cannot make decisions, take responsibility and be responsible for their actions.
  • Cruelty. Abusive people are capable of any action, even the worst. In childhood, they torture animals, then move on to their peers. If such a person has a family, he will show cruelty towards his spouse and children. And these children, who will often see manifestations of such a negative quality, can adopt it and also become cruel.
  • Cowardice. Cowardly people evoke sympathy and sometimes contempt. This quality prevents you from making decisions, taking many actions, or trying something new.
  • Stupidity. She ranks first in the rankings of the worst human qualities. Stupid people are uninteresting to communicate with and difficult to interact with. At first, stupidity may seem innocent and even cute, but gradually it begins to irritate. Many people consider stupidity to be an innate trait, but in fact it can be eradicated if you develop, improve and constantly learn something new.
  • Deceit. White lies can sometimes be useful, but if a person lies constantly, then he will eventually become entangled in his own lies and will certainly be exposed. And few are willing to forgive lies. As a result, they will simply stop believing the liar, which at some point may turn against him.
  • Greed. It is a mortal sin and has always been punished. Nobody likes greedy people. This quality can interfere with working, living and enjoying life, because a greedy person always wants more, he is rarely satisfied with what he has.
  • Frivolity. Frivolous people often get involved in adventures, rush from one extreme to another and never think about the consequences, and this can at some point hinder not only them, but also those around them. Frivolous people often let others down.
  • Indifference sometimes hurts much more than rudeness or cruelty. And if a person is indifferent to family and friends, then they may feel unneeded and, in the end, turn away.
  • Touchiness is not the worst quality, but it can be a big hindrance. Firstly, touchy people often have no friends because they get offended by trifles. Secondly, it is very difficult to communicate with touchy people, because they can be offended by anything.
  • Irresponsibility. If a person is not ready to take responsibility for his actions, this means that he cannot be relied upon in a difficult situation. No one takes irresponsible people seriously, and no one turns to them for help.
  • Egocentrism. A self-centered person considers himself the center of the world and does not accept any opinions other than his own. And this prevents you from developing, interacting with people and building normal relationships.

If you have one of these qualities, start working on yourself to eradicate it and make yourself better.

Many people try to work on themselves throughout their lives, eliminating their bad qualities and developing good ones.

Let's look at the positive character traits of a person in the form of a list to make it more clear. what to work on.

What is character and what is it formed from?

Character- this is a set of stable mental traits of a personality that affect any of its activities and behavior.

It determines her attitude towards the world around her and other people, towards activities, towards herself.

9 qualities of a person to whom people are drawn:

Typical and individual

In character, individual and typical traits can be distinguished.

Individual traits are determined by the psychological properties of the individual, his temperament, as well as his attitude to life, which developed during the process of upbringing.

Typical Personality traits are determined primarily by the content of the era in which a person lives, as well as by his place of residence.

That is, the formation of these personality traits is influenced by the individual’s lifestyle.

What are the positive character traits?

Among women

The positive character traits inherent mainly in women and girls include the following:

In men

Positive character traits that apply specifically to men include the following:

Qualities of a real man:

In children

In the process of education and socialization are just beginning to acquire character traits.

Therefore, right now there is an opportunity to focus on positive qualities, such as:

  1. Goodwill. This quality will help you build relationships with others, attract people to you, and will also be useful later in life.
  2. Politeness. This quality will help the child communicate with both peers and adults.
  3. Honesty. This quality must be instilled in a child from an early age so that he knows that lying and deceiving is bad.
  4. Responsiveness. A very useful character trait. A responsive person is always attractive in the eyes of others.
  5. Hard work. A child must be taught to work, otherwise he will grow up lazy and careless.
  6. Accuracy. Sloppy people cause some rejection in society.
  7. Bravery. A child should not be fearful. Therefore, instill in him courage, the ability to perform actions.
  8. Responsibility. This quality will help him not to shift his affairs and problems onto other people, but to take them upon himself.

    It will help him both at school and later in life.

  9. Determination. Determined people are able to achieve more in life; everything comes easier to them. Therefore, this quality is also positive for the child.

List for resume

This situation has probably happened to you when you came for an interview, received the applicant’s questionnaire, reached the “positive qualities” column and We didn’t know what to write here at all.

What qualities are worth highlighting?

To begin with, we note that the qualities must be useful for the position for which you are applying. And if you do not yet have experience in such work, then you should focus primarily on your prospects and potential.

It is difficult to create a universal list of positive character traits to create the perfect resume. We can only note the main qualities that employers most often pay attention to.

But you should choose them based on each specific company and position.

So, positive characteristics for a resume:

However, it should be noted that it is not enough to simply list these qualities, you should really have them.

Yes, some of them cannot be shown immediately, and they will open only during the work process.

But if you write about self-confidence, but in reality you are talking to an employer hesitant and shy, then this will further distance you from your desired position. There is no point in ascribing to yourself qualities that you do not actually possess.

The presence of positive character traits in a person has a great influence on the quality of his life. That's why it's like that it is important to develop them in yourself.

Your weaknesses and strengths for an interview: