Video tutorial 2: Atmosphere structure, meaning, study

Lecture: Atmosphere. Composition, structure, circulation. Distribution of heat and moisture on Earth. Weather and climate


Atmosphere can be called an all-pervading shell. Its gaseous state allows it to fill microscopic holes in the soil; water is dissolved in water; animals, plants and humans cannot exist without air.

The conventional thickness of the shell is 1500 km. Its upper boundaries dissolve in space and are not clearly marked. The atmospheric pressure at sea level at 0 ° C is 760 mm. rt. Art. The gas shell consists of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% other gases (ozone, helium, water vapor, carbon dioxide). The density of the air envelope changes with increasing altitude: the higher you go, the thinner the air. This is why climbers may experience oxygen deprivation. The earth's surface itself has the highest density.

Composition, structure, circulation

The shell contains layers:

Troposphere, 8-20 km thick. Moreover, the thickness of the troposphere at the poles is less than at the equator. About 80% of the total air mass is concentrated in this small layer. The troposphere tends to heat up from the surface of the earth, so its temperature is higher near the earth itself. With a rise of 1 km. the temperature of the air shell decreases by 6°C. In the troposphere, active movement of air masses occurs in the vertical and horizontal directions. It is this shell that is the weather “factory”. Cyclones and anticyclones form in it, and western and eastern winds blow. It contains all the water vapor that condenses and is shed by rain or snow. This layer of the atmosphere contains impurities: smoke, ash, dust, soot, everything we breathe. The layer bordering the stratosphere is called the tropopause. This is where the temperature drop ends.

Approximate boundaries stratosphere 11-55 km. Up to 25 km. Minor changes in temperature occur, and above it it begins to rise from -56 ° C to 0 ° C at an altitude of 40 km. For another 15 kilometers the temperature does not change; this layer is called the stratopause. The stratosphere contains ozone (O3), a protective barrier for the Earth. Thanks to the presence of the ozone layer, harmful ultraviolet rays do not penetrate the surface of the earth. Recently, anthropogenic activities have led to the destruction of this layer and the formation of “ozone holes.” Scientists claim that the cause of the “holes” is an increased concentration of free radicals and freon. Under the influence of solar radiation, gas molecules are destroyed, this process is accompanied by a glow (northern lights).

From 50-55 km. the next layer begins - mesosphere, which rises to 80-90 km. In this layer the temperature decreases, at an altitude of 80 km it is -90°C. In the troposphere, the temperature again rises to several hundred degrees. Thermosphere extends up to 800 km. Upper limits exosphere are not detected, since the gas dissipates and partially escapes into outer space.

Heat and moisture

The distribution of solar heat on the planet depends on the latitude of the place. The equator and the tropics receive more solar energy, since the angle of incidence of the sun's rays is about 90°. The closer to the poles, the angle of incidence of the rays decreases, and accordingly the amount of heat also decreases. The sun's rays passing through the air shell do not heat it. Only when it hits the ground, solar heat is absorbed by the surface of the earth, and then the air is heated from the underlying surface. The same thing happens in the ocean, except that the water heats up more slowly than the land and cools down more slowly. Therefore, the proximity of seas and oceans influences the formation of climate. In summer, sea air brings us coolness and precipitation, in winter it warms, since the surface of the ocean has not yet spent its heat accumulated over the summer, and the earth's surface has quickly cooled. Marine air masses are formed above the surface of the water, therefore, they are saturated with water vapor. Moving over land, air masses lose moisture, bringing precipitation. Continental air masses form above the surface of the earth, as a rule, they are dry. The presence of continental air masses brings hot weather in summer and clear frosty weather in winter.

Weather and climate

Weather– the state of the troposphere in a given place for a certain period of time.

Climate– long-term weather regime characteristic of a given area.

The weather can change during the day. Climate is a more constant characteristic. Each physical-geographical region is characterized by a certain type of climate. The climate is formed as a result of the interaction and mutual influence of several factors: the latitude of the place, the prevailing air masses, the topography of the underlying surface, the presence of underwater currents, the presence or absence of water bodies.

On the earth's surface there are belts of low and high atmospheric pressure. The equatorial and temperate zones are low pressure; at the poles and in the tropics the pressure is high. Air masses move from an area of ​​high pressure to an area of ​​low pressure. But since our Earth rotates, these directions deviate, in the northern hemisphere to the right, in the southern hemisphere to the left. Trade winds blow from the tropical zone to the equator, westerly winds blow from the tropical zone to the temperate zone, and polar eastern winds blow from the poles to the temperate zone. But in each zone, land areas alternate with water areas. Depending on whether the air mass has formed over land or ocean, it may bring heavy rain or a clear, sunny surface. The amount of moisture in air masses is affected by the topography of the underlying surface. Over flat areas, moisture-saturated air masses pass without obstacles. But if there are mountains on the way, the heavy moist air cannot move through the mountains, and is forced to lose some, or even all, of the moisture on the mountain slope. The east coast of Africa has a mountainous surface (the Drakensberg Mountains). The air masses that form over the Indian Ocean are saturated with moisture, but they lose all the water on the coast, and a hot, dry wind comes inland. This is why most of southern Africa is desert.

Our planet has a spherical shape, so the sun's rays fall on the earth's surface at different angles and heat it unevenly. At the equator, where the sun's rays fall vertically, the Earth's surface heats up more. The closer to the poles, the smaller the angle of incidence of the sun's rays and the less the surface heats up.

In the polar regions, the rays seem to glide across the planet and hardly heat it up. Moreover, having traveled a long way in the atmosphere,

The sun's rays are greatly scattered and bring less heat to the Earth. The ground layer of air is heated by the underlying surface, therefore, air temperature decreases from the equator to the poles.

It is known that the earth's axis is inclined to the orbital plane along which the earth rotates around the sun, therefore the Northern and Southern hemispheres heat up unevenly depending on the seasons, which also affects the air temperature.

At any point on Earth, the air temperature changes throughout the day and throughout the year. It depends on how high the Sun is above the horizon and on the length of the day. During the day, the highest temperature is observed at 14-15 hours, and the lowest is shortly after sunrise.

The change in temperature from the equator to the poles depends not only on the geographical latitude of the place, but also on the planetary transfer of heat from low to high latitudes, on the distribution of continents and oceans on the surface of the planet, which

They are heated differently by the Sun and give off heat differently, as well as depending on the position of mountain ranges and ocean currents. For example, the Northern half

Sharia is warmer than the South, because in the southern polar region there is a large continent, Antarctica, covered with an ice shell.

On maps, air temperature above the earth's surface is shown using isotherms - lines connecting points with the same temperature. Isotherms are close to parallel only where they cross oceans, and bend strongly over continents.

The intensity of heating of the Earth's surface depending on the incidence of solar rays

Areas where the sun's rays greatly heat the Earth's surface

Areas where the sun's rays heat the Earth's surface less

Areas where the sun's rays barely heat the Earth

Based on isotherm maps, heat zones are identified on the planet. The hot zone is located in equatorial latitudes between the average annual isotherms of +20 °C. Temperate zones are located north and south of the hot zone and are limited by isotherms of + 10 ° C. Two cold belts lie between the isotherms of + 10 ° C and 0 ° C, and there are frost belts at the North and South Poles.

With altitude, air temperature decreases by an average of 6 °C with an increase of 1 km.

In autumn and spring, frosts often occur - the air temperature drops below 0 °C at night, while average daily temperatures remain above zero. Frosts most often occur on clear, quiet nights, when fairly cold air masses enter the area, for example, from the Arctic. During frosts, the air cools significantly near the earth's surface, warm air appears above the cold layer, and temperature inversion- temperature increases with altitude. It is often observed in polar regions, where the earth's surface cools greatly at night.

Night frosts

Thermal zones of the Earth

In the atmosphere, water exists in three states of aggregation - gaseous (water vapor), liquid (raindrops) and solid (crystals of snow and ice). Compared to the entire mass of water on the planet, there is very little of it in the atmosphere - about 0.001%, but its importance is enormous. Clouds and water vapor absorb and reflect excess solar radiation, and also regulate its entry to Earth. At the same time, they block oncoming thermal radiation coming from the Earth's surface into interplanetary space. The water content in the atmosphere determines the weather and climate of the area. It determines what the temperature will be, whether clouds will form over a given area, whether rain will come from the clouds, whether dew will fall.

Three states of water

Water vapor continuously enters the atmosphere, evaporating from the surface of reservoirs and soil. Plants also secrete it - this process is called transpiration. Water molecules are strongly attracted to each other due to the forces of intermolecular attraction, and the Sun has to spend a lot of energy to separate them and turn them into steam. It takes 537 calories of solar energy to create one gram of water vapor. There is not a single substance whose specific heat of evaporation is greater than that of water. It is estimated that in one minute the Sun evaporates a billion tons of water on Earth. Water vapor rises into the atmosphere along with

rising air currents. As it cools, it condenses, clouds form, and at the same time a huge amount of energy is released, which the water vapor returns to the atmosphere. It is this energy that makes the winds blow, carries hundreds of billions of tons of water in the clouds and moistens the surface of the Earth with rain.

Evaporation consists of water molecules breaking off from the water surface or moist soil, moving into the air and turning into water vapor molecules. In the air they move independently and are carried by the wind, and their place is taken by new evaporated molecules. Simultaneously with evaporation from the surface of soil and reservoirs, the reverse process also occurs - water molecules from the air pass into water or soil. Air in which the number of evaporating water vapor molecules is equal to the number of returning molecules is called saturated, and the process itself is called saturation. The higher the air temperature, the more water vapor it can contain. So, in 1 m3 of air


American microbiologist Parker found that the air contains a large amount of organic substances and many microorganisms, including algae, some of which are in an active state. The temporary residence of these organisms can be, for example, cumulus clouds. Acceptable temperature, water, microelements, radiant energy for life processes - all this creates favorable conditions for photosynthesis, metabolism and cell growth. According to Parker, “clouds are living ecological systems” that provide multicellular microorganisms with the ability to live and reproduce.

ha at a temperature of +20 °C can contain 17 g of water vapor, and at a temperature of -20 °C only 1 g of water vapor.

With the slightest drop in temperature, air saturated with water vapor is no longer able to contain moisture and precipitation falls out of it, for example, fog forms or dew falls. At the same time, water vapor condenses - passes from a gaseous state to a liquid one. The temperature at which water vapor in the air saturates it and condensation begins is called dew point.

Air humidity is characterized by several indicators.

Absolute air humidity - the amount of water vapor contained in the air, expressed in grams per cubic meter, sometimes also called pressure or density of water vapor. At a temperature of 0 °C, the absolute humidity of saturated air is 4.9 g/m 3 . At equatorial latitudes, absolute air humidity is about 30 g/m 3 , and in the circumpolar

areas - 0.1 g/m3.

Percentage of the amount of water vapor contained in the air to the amount of water vapor that can be contained in the air

at a given temperature is called


air humidity. It shows the degree of saturation of air with water vapor. If, for example, the relative humidity is 50%, this means that the air contains only half the amount of water vapor that it could hold at that temperature. In equatorial latitudes and polar regions, relative air humidity is always high. At the equator, with heavy clouds, the air temperature is not too high, and the moisture content in it is significant. In high latitudes, the air moisture content is low, but the temperature is not high, especially in winter. Very low relative humidity is typical for tropical deserts - 50% and below.

There are different types of clouds. On a gloomy rainy day, their dense gray layers hang low above the Earth, preventing the sun's rays from breaking through. In the summer, fancy white “lambs” run one after another across the blue sky, and sometimes high, high, where an airplane flies like a silver star, you can see snow-white transparent “feathers” and “claws”. All these are clouds - an accumulation in the atmosphere of water droplets, ice crystals, and more often than not, both at the same time.

Despite all the variety of shapes and types of clouds, the reason for their formation is one. A cloud forms because air heated near the Earth's surface rises and gradually cools. At a certain height, tiny droplets of water begin to condense from it (from the Latin condensatio - thickening), water vapor passes from a gaseous state to a liquid one. This happens because cold air contains less water vapor than warm air. To begin the condensation process, it is necessary that the air

condensation nuclei were present - tiny solid particles (dust, salts and other substances) to which water molecules can stick.

Most clouds form in the troposphere, but occasionally they occur in higher atmospheric layers. Tropospheric clouds are conventionally divided into three tiers: lower - up to 2 km, middle - from 2 to 8 km and upper tier - from 8 to 18 km. By shape, cirrus, stratus and cumulus clouds are distinguished, but their appearance and structure are so diverse that meteorologists distinguish types, types and individual varieties of clouds. Each cloud shape corresponds specifically

approved Latin name. For example, altocumulus lenticular clouds

called Altocumulus Lenticularis. The lower tier is characterized by stratus, stratocumulus and stratocumulus.

rain clouds. They are almost all

where they are impenetrable to sunlight and give continuous and prolonged precipitation.

IN in the lower tier, cumulus and cumulus can form

rain clouds.

Diagram of cumulus cloud formation

They often take the form of towers or domes, growing up to 5-8 km and higher. The lower part of these clouds is gray and sometimes blue-black and consists of water, and the upper part is bright white and consists of ice crystals. Cumulus clouds are associated with showers, thunderstorms and hail.

The middle tier is characterized by altostratus and altocumulus clouds, consisting of a mixture of droplets, ice crystals and snowflakes.

Cirrus, cirrostratus and cirrocumulus clouds form in the upper tier. The Moon and Sun are clearly visible through these icy translucent clouds. Cirrus clouds do not carry precipitation, but are often harbingers of changing weather.

Occasionally, at an altitude of 20-25 km, special, very light pearly clouds, consisting of supercooled water droplets. And even higher - at an altitude of 75-90 km - noctilucent clouds consisting of ice crystals. During the day these clouds are impossible to see, but at night they are illuminated by the Sun below the horizon, and they shine faintly.

The extent to which the sky is covered by clouds is called cloud cover. It is measured in points on a ten-point scale (totally cloudy - 10 points) or as a percentage. During the day, clouds protect the surface of the planet from excessive heating by the sun's rays, and at night they prevent cooling. Clouds cover almost half the globe, they are more numerous in areas of low pressure (where air rises) and are especially numerous over the oceans, where the air contains more moisture than over the continents.

Showers and drizzles, fluffy light snow

And heavy snowfalls, hail and dew drops, thick fogs and frost crystals on tree branches - that’s what precipitation is. This is water in a solid or liquid state that falls from clouds or is deposited on the surface of the Earth, as well as on various objects directly from the air as a result of condensation of water vapor.

Clouds consist of tiny droplets with a diameter of 0.05 to 0.1 mm. They are so small that they can float freely in the air. As the temperature in the cloud drops, more droplets form

And more, they merge, become heavier and finally fall to Earth in the form rain Sometimes temperature

V the cloud falls so low that the drops drain

when they melt, they form ice crystals. They fly down, fall into warmer layers of air, melt and also rain.

In summer, rain usually falls, consisting of large drops, because at this time the earth's surface is intensely heated and moisture-saturated air rapidly rises. In spring and autumn, it rains more often, and sometimes tiny droplets of water hang in the air - drizzle.

It happens that in the summer strong rising air currents lift moist warm air to a great height, and then the water drops freeze. As they fall, they collide with other drops, which stick to them and also

are freezing. Formed hailstones

rise upwards

moving air currents, gradually several layers of ice grow on them, they become heavier and finally fall to the ground. Having split a hailstone, you can see how layers of ice have grown on its core, like the growth rings of a tree.

Precipitation in the form of snow occurs when the cloud is in the air at a temperature below 0 ° C. Snowflakes are complex ice crystals, six-rayed stars of various shapes that are not repeated.

they eat each other. As they fall, they combine to form snow flakes.

During the day in summer, the sun warms the surface well

soil, the ground layer of air also heats up

Ha. In the evening the earth and the air above it

they poke. Water vapor, which was contained in the warm air, can no longer be retained in it, condenses and falls in the form of dew drops on the earth's surface, on grass, and tree leaves. As soon as the Sun heats the earth in the morning, the surface layer of air will also heat up and the dew will evaporate.

Frost is a thin layer of ice crystals of various shapes that form under the same conditions as dew, but at negative temperatures. Frost appears on quiet, clear nights on the surface of the Earth, on grass and various objects whose temperature is lower than the air temperature. In this case, water vapor turns into ice crystals, bypassing the liquid state. This process is called sublimation.

In calm, frosty weather, when fog forms, tiny drops of water settle in the form of ice crystals on tree branches, thin fences and wires. So it appears from -


In spring, during thaws, precipitation sometimes falls in the form of rain and snow at the same time

Precipitation on our planet is distributed extremely unevenly. In some areas, it rains every day and so much moisture reaches the surface of the Earth that rivers remain full all year round, and tropical forests rise in tiers, blocking sunlight. But you can also find places on the planet where for several years in a row not a drop of rain falls from the sky, the dried-up beds of temporary water streams crack under the rays of the scorching Sun, and meager plants can only reach deep layers of underground water thanks to their long roots. What is the reason for such injustice?

Precipitation distribution on the globe depends on how many clouds containing moisture form over a given area or how many of them the wind can bring. Air temperature is very important, because intense evaporation of moisture occurs at high temperatures. The moisture evaporates, rises and clouds form at a certain altitude.

Air temperature decreases from the equator to the poles, therefore, the amount of precipitation is maximum at equatorial latitudes and decreases towards the poles. However, on land, the distribution of precipitation depends on a number of additional factors.

There is a lot of precipitation over coastal areas, and as you move away from the oceans, their amount decreases. More precipitation on the

More precipitation falls on the windward slopes of the mountains than on the leeward ones

windy slopes of mountain ranges and much less on leeward ones. For example, on the Atlantic coast of Norway, Bergen receives 1,730 mm of precipitation per year, while Oslo (beyond the ridge) receives only 560 mm. Low mountains also affect the distribution of precipitation -

Over areas where warm currents flow, more precipitation falls, and over areas where cold currents flow nearby, less precipitation falls.

On the western slope of the Urals, in Ufa, an average of 600 mm of precipitation falls, and on the eastern slope, in Chelyabinsk, 370 mm.

The distribution of precipitation is also influenced by the currents of the World Ocean. Over areas near which


Some of the precipitation evaporates from the surface of the soil, and some seeps deeper.

Evaporation is the layer of water, calculated in millimeters, that can evaporate in a year under the climatic conditions of a certain area. To understand how an area is provided with moisture, the humidification coefficient K is used.

where R is the annual precipitation, and E is evaporation.

Humidity coefficient shows the ratio of heat and moisture in a given area, if K > 1, then the moisture is considered excessive, if K = 1, it is sufficient, and if K< 1 - недостаточным.

Distribution of precipitation around the globe

warm currents pass, the amount of precipitation increases, as the air heats up from the warm water masses, it rises and clouds with sufficient water content form. Over areas near which cold currents pass, the air cools and sinks, clouds do not form, and much less precipitation falls.

The greatest amount of precipitation falls in the Amazon basin, off the coast of the Gulf of Guinea and in Indonesia. In some areas of Indonesia, their maximum values ​​reach 7000 mm per year. In India, in the foothills of the Himalayas at an altitude of about 1300 m above sea level, the rainiest place on Earth is located - Cherrapunji (25.3 ° N and 91.8 ° E), where an average of more than 11,000 mm of precipitation falls in year. Such an abundance of moisture brings to these places the humid summer southwest monsoon, which rises along the steep slopes of the mountains, cools and pours down with heavy rain.

Exercise 1

(10 points) State the traveler's name. He passed through Siberia and Central Asia, Crimea and the Caucasus, Northern China and Central Asia. He studied the sands of the Karakum desert and developed the theory of moving sands. For his first works, he was awarded silver and gold medals of the Russian Geographical Society. After an expedition to China, he became known throughout the world as the largest explorer of Asia. The Russian Geographical Society awarded him its highest award - the Great Gold Medal. He is known to many as the author of fascinating science fiction novels.

Who is he? What books of his do you know? What geographical features are named after him?


Obruchev. Books “Plutonium”, “Sannikov Land”, “Gold Miners in the Desert”, “In the Wilds of Central Asia”. A mountain range in Tuva, a mountain in the upper reaches of the Vitim River, one of the peaks in the Russian Altai, and an oasis in Antarctica are named after Obruchev.

Evaluation criteria:Correct definition of a traveler – 2 points. For examples of books by a scientist and a list of geographical objects, 1 point each. Total 10 points.

Task 2

(15 points) The air is heated by the underlying surface; in the mountains, this surface is located closer to the Sun, and, therefore, the influx of solar radiation as it rises should increase and the temperature should increase. However, we know that this does not happen. Why?


Firstly, because the air heated near the earth quickly cools when moving away from it, and secondly, because in the upper layers of the atmosphere the air is more rarefied than near the earth. The lower the air density, the less heat is transferred. Figuratively, this can be explained as follows: the higher the air density, the more molecules there are per unit volume, the faster they move and the more often they collide, and such collisions, like any friction, cause the release of heat. Thirdly, the sun's rays on the surface of mountain slopes always fall not vertically, as on the earth's surface, but at an angle. And, in addition, the dense snow caps with which they are covered prevent the mountains from warming up - white snow simply reflects the sun's rays.

Evaluation criteria: Identification of three reasons and their explanation, 5 points each. Total 15 points.

Task 3

(10 points) Name the subject of the Russian Federation that is characterized by the following images.

Evaluation criteria: Total 10 points.

Task 4

About 10 days before the explosion, a small earthquake occurred in the area. This earthquake caused the opening of a natural gas field. The presence of gas deposits in this area has been confirmed by research from the Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources, which is confirmed by the institute’s official conclusion. As a result of the release of gas, craters should have formed on the surface. These craters exist in reality; they were discovered by Kulik’s expedition and mistakenly taken for meteorite craters. Emerging into the atmosphere, the gas rose to the upper layers of the atmosphere, mixed with the air and was carried by the wind. In the upper layers of the atmosphere, the gas interacted with ozone. Slow oxidation of the gas occurred, accompanied by a glow.

The gas emission hypothesis does not explain the observation of the fireball and does not fit well with the absence of gas emission channels at the epicenter.

There is an assumption that the Tunguska phenomenon is an explosion of a “spaceship”. 68 years after the Tunguska disaster, a group sent found a piece of the “Martian ship” on the banks of the Vashka River in the Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

Two fishing workers from the village of Ertosh discovered an unusual piece of metal weighing 1.5 kg on the shore.

When he was accidentally hit by a stone, he sprayed a shower of sparks. The unusual alloy contained about 67% cesium, 10% lanthanum, separated from all lanthanum metals, which has not yet been possible to do on Earth, and 8% niobium. The appearance of the fragment led to speculation that it was part of a ring or sphere or cylinder with a diameter of about 1.2 m.

Everything indicated that the alloy was of artificial origin.

The answer to the question was never received: where and in what devices or engines such parts and alloys can be used


Soviet astronomer,

Head of the London Observatory, Kew-F. Whipple

No crater. There are no traces of a celestial body on the soil.

Light phenomena in the night sky in different parts of the planet are possibly caused by the "dust-laden tail of the nucleus of such a small comet." Dust particles scattered in the planet's atmosphere and reflected sunlight

No one had noticed the approach of a celestial body before.


Nikola Tesla

In support of this hypothesis, it is reported that at that time Tesla was allegedly seen with a map of Siberia, including the area in which the explosion occurred, and the time of the experiments immediately preceded the “Tunguska Wonder”

There are no documents confirming N. Tesla's experiment. He himself denied his involvement in this event.

Evaluation criteria: For each proposed hypothesis, 9 points: only those answers are taken into account that are compiled according to the assignment (hypothesis and its author - 3 points, the presence of arguments confirming it - 3 points, the presence of facts refuting the hypothesis - 3 points). Up to 5 versions are expected. Total up to 45 points.

Total 100 points

Tasksschool tour of the Geography Olympiad

7th grade last name, first name_________________________________

When answering questions and completing assignments, do not rush, since the answers are not always obvious and require not only knowledge of the program material, but also general geographical erudition.

Good luck in your work!

1. Determine the geographical coordinates of the city of Cape Town (southern Africa)_________________

2. Convert the numerical scale to a named scale of 1:30000000__________________________

3. “The most, the most” (world records)

4) the highest waterfall_______________________________________________________________

5) the deepest lake_______________________________________________________________

6) the coldest continent_______________________________________________________________

7) the widest strait______________________________________________________________

8) the largest lake_______________________________________________________________

9) the smallest continent_______________________________________________________________

10) the saltiest place in the World Ocean________________________________________________

4 . Explain what the terms mean?

1) Laurasia _________________________________________________________________

2) Passat ______________________________________________________________

3) Meridian __________________________________________________________

4) Azimuth ______________________________________________________________

(for each correct answer 2 points)

5. Are there any points on Earth that require only latitude to locate them? If yes, then name them. ________________________________

(5 points)

6. The name of this object comes from the word “masunu”, which means “big water” in the Indian language. What is this object? _______________________________________

7. From the Tibetan language this name is translated as “goddess - mother of the Earth.” What is it


8. Which concept does the following associations belong to:

1) wave, earthquake, danger, speed, disaster ________________________

2) rocks, rapids, spectacle, roar, water _____________________________________

3) ocean, ice, mountain, danger _____________________________________________

(for each correct answer 2 points)

9. How can we explain the fact that the most abundant rivers in the world flow in the equatorial belt? ______________________________________________________________

(5 points)

10. Student Vanya Stepochkin did not prepare homework for any subject. He explained to all the teachers that yesterday after school, while walking along the beach, he saw how the wind was carrying a little girl on an inflatable mattress into the open sea. Naturally, he rushed to save her, but after what happened, he had no time for lessons. All the teachers praised him, except the geography teacher. What made the geography teacher doubt the sincerity of the boy’s words?_________________________________________________

(15 points)

11. Choose the correct statements

  1. The South Pole is colder than the North Pole
  2. The Bering Strait was discovered by Vitus Bering
  3. The map is on a larger scale than the topographic plan
  4. Azimuth to East means 180 degrees
  5. The largest island in the world is Sakhalin
  6. The highest peak in the world is called Chomolungma
  7. In the south, Eurasia is washed by the Indian Ocean

12. Solve a geographic problem.

An oil driller, a scuba diver, a polar explorer and a penguin argued - who is closer to the center of the Earth? The scuba diver says: “I will sit in the submersible and descend to the bottom of the Mariana Trench, its depth is 11022 m, and I will find myself closest to the center of the Earth.” The polar explorer says: “I will go to the north pole and will be closest to the center of the Earth.” The driller says: “I will drill a well in the Persian Gulf 14 km deep and I will be closest to the center of the Earth.” Only the penguin doesn’t say anything, he just lives in Antarctica (the height of Antarctica is 3000 m, the height of the ice sheet is 4 km). Which character is closest to the center of the Earth? ______________________________________ (10 points)


(for each correct answer 2 points)

14. The air is heated by the underlying surface; in the mountains, this surface is located closer to the Sun, and, therefore, the influx of solar radiation as it rises should increase and the temperature should increase. However, we know that this does not happen. Why?

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(15 points)


1. A navigator who conceived, but was unable to complete, the first trip around the world. This journey proved the existence of a single World Ocean and the sphericity of the Earth. ___________________

2. Russian navigator, admiral, honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, founding member of the Russian Geographical Society, head of the first Russian round-the-world expedition on the ships “Nadezhda” and “Neva”, author of the “Atlas of the South Sea” _____________________________________________

3. Italian traveler, explorer of China and India. The first to describe Asia in more detail was ______________________________

4. Russian navigator, discoverer of Antarctica. Commanded the sloop "Vostok" ______________________________

5. English navigator. He led three expeditions around the world, discovered many islands in the Pacific Ocean, found out the island position of New Zealand, discovered the Great Barrier Reef, the east coast of Australia, the Hawaiian Islands ___________________________

(for each correct answer 2 points)

Answers to the tasks of the Olympiad (school tour).

7th grade

1. 34 S 19E _

2. 1 cm 300 km _

1) Nile

2) Chomolungma

3) -Amazonian

4) -Angel


6) -Antarctica

7) -Drake

8) -Caspian

9) -Australia

10) Red sea ( 2 points for each correct answer)

1) Laurasia - an ancient continent, 2) Trade wind - wind from 30 latitudes to the equator

3) Meridian - line, conn. north and south pole

4) Azimuth - the angle between the direction north and the direction to the object (for each correct answer 2 b)

5. North and south pole(5 points)

6. Amazon river(2 points)

7. Chomolungma (2 points)

1) tsunami, 2) waterfall, 3) iceberg(for each correct answer 2 points)

9. highest amount of precipitation (5 points)

10. The daytime breeze blows from the sea to the land. And not vice versa(15 points)

11. Correct geographical errors

Island Madagascar, Arabian sea, Ladoga lake, mountains Himalayas, river Amazon, Red sea ,

island Greenland (for each correct answer 2 points)

12. _polar explorer(10 points)

13. Indicate the purpose of the devices and instruments listed in the table. Fill in the cells in the table.

Device name

Purpose of the device

to determine the height difference between points


To determine air humidity


To measure illumination


for taking a water sample from a given depth of a natural reservoir in order to study its physical and chemical properties, as well as the organic and inorganic inclusions it contains


for detecting and recording all types of seismic waves

(for each correct answer 2 points)

14. firstly, because the air heated near the earth quickly cools when moving away from it, and secondly, because in the upper layers of the atmosphere the air is more rarefied than near the earth. The lower the air density, the less heat is transferred. Figuratively, this can be explained as follows: the higher the air density, the more molecules there are per unit volume, the faster they move and the more often they collide, and such collisions, like any friction, cause the release of heat. Thirdly, the sun's rays on the surface of mountain slopes always fall not vertically, as on the earth's surface, but at an angle. And besides, the mountains are prevented from warming up by the dense snow caps with which they are covered - white snow simply reflects the sun's rays. (15 points)

17. Determine which of the travelers (geographers) we are talking about?

1. Magellan

2. Krusenstern

3. Marco Polo

4. Bellingshausen

5. Cook

  1. Vasco da Gama

The goals of the school stage of the Geography Olympiad are: to stimulate students’ interest in geography; identifying students interested in geography; assessment of the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by students in the school geography course; activation of students' creative abilities; identifying students who can represent their educational institution at subsequent stages of the Olympiad; popularization of geography as a science and school subject.



6th grade

Tests: (1 point for correct answer)

1. A fraction showing how many kilometers on the ground are contained in 1 cm on the map is called:

A) Numerical scale;

B) Named scale;

B) Linear scale.

2. The largest continent by area:

A) Australia; B) Africa;

B) Eurasia; D) Antarctica.

3. The largest landforms of the Earth’s surface:

A) Hills and ravines; B) Mountains and plains;

B) Hills and plateaus; D) Ridges and highlands.

4. Choose the correct statement:

A) America is the largest continent;

B) Europe is a part of the world;

C) There are 5 continents on planet Earth;

D) The deepest ocean is the Atlantic.

5. The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is located in the north of the largest plain on the planet:

A) Eastern European; B) Great Plains;

B) West Siberian; D) Central Siberian. (5 points)

II. Correct geographical errors:(for the correct answer - 1 point)

City of Madagascar ________________;

Arabian Gulf ________________;

Ladoga Sea___________________;

Himalaya Island___________________;

Lake Amazon___________________;

Red Lake ____________________;

Greenland Volcano________________. (7 points)

III. (for a correct answer 1 point)

The South Pole is colder than the North Pole

The Bering Strait was discovered by Vitus Bering

The map is on a larger scale than the topographic plan

Azimuth to East means 180 degrees

The largest island in the world is Sakhalin

The highest peak in the world is called Chomolungma

In the south, Eurasia is washed by the Indian Ocean (3 points)

IV. Arrange the countries from west to east:(3 points)

USA, Japan, India, Spain, Germany, China, Ukraine

V. There are cities on Earth where, when severe winter sets in in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, people do not need fur coats, fur hats and gloves. Select from the listed cities those whose residents do not need warm winter clothes in January.

Canberra, Beijing, Paris, Buenos Aires, Ottawa. (2 points)

TOTAL: 20 points

Keys to school stage assignments in geography in 6th grade:


A; 2. B; 3. B; 4. B; 5.B;

Island Madagascar, Arabian sea, Lake Ladoga, Himalaya mountains, river Amazon, Red sea, Greenland island.


USA, Spain, Germany, Ukraine, India, China, Japan

V. Canberra, Buenos Aires.

Olympiad assignments in geography, school stage

7th grade

Tests: (for a correct answer 1 point)

Which statement about the earth's crust is true?

A) The earth's crust under continents and oceans has the same structure.

B) Under the oceans the thickness of the earth's crust is greater than under the continents.

C) The boundaries of lithospheric plates coincide with the contours of the continents.

D) Lithospheric plates move slowly along the surface of the mantle.

2. When on the entire globe is the length of the day equal to the length of the night?

3. Due to the difference in atmospheric pressure over different parts of the earth’s surface, the following occurs:

A) wind; B) clouds;

B) rainbow; D) fog.

4. Match the names of countries and their characteristic features of territory or geographical location.

A) “country-mainland”; 1. Australia

B) “dwarf state”; 2. Monaco

B) an island state; 3. Mongolia

D) coastal location; 4. Philippines

D) is landlocked. 5. France

5. This ocean is located primarily in the Southern Hemisphere, with a small number of islands and slightly indented shores. What ocean are we talking about?

A) Atlantic; B) Indian;

B) Arctic; D) Quiet.

II. Determine which products of a volcanic eruption are described in the poem by A. S. Pushkin.

Vesuvius opened its mouth -

Smoke poured out in a cloud - flames

Widely developed

Like a battle banner.

The earth is agitated -

From the tottering columns

Idols fall!

A people driven by fear

Under the stone rain

Under the inflamed ashes.

In crowds, old and young,

Runs out of the city. (3 points)

Make a logical chain of the main elements of the global water cycle.(3 points)

Where are the deepest rivers in the world? Explain the reason for their fullness.(3 points)

Determine which of the following winds are constant: monsoon, trade wind, foehn, breeze, katabatic, westerly winds.

(3 points)

TOTAL: 17 points

Keys to school stage assignments in geography in 7th grade


G; 2. B; 3. A; 4. A) - 1; B) – 2; AT 4; D) – 5; D) – 3,

Lava, volcanic bombs, ash.

Ocean – steam – clouds – precipitation – land – rivers – ocean

The deepest rivers are located in equatorial latitudes. This is due to the highest amount of precipitation during the year. The average annual precipitation is 2000-3000 mm. in year.

Constant winds: trade winds, westerly winds.

Olympiad assignments in geography, school stage

8th grade

1. Which plant is typical for Australia?

a) eucalyptus

b) baobab

c) sequoia

d) Hevea

2. Which seas belong to the Atlantic Ocean?

a) Caribbean and Black c) Barents and Arabian

b) White and Barents d) Tasman and Bering

3. The highest mountains on the Eurasian continent are

a) Himalayas b) Tien Shan c) Caucasus d) Alps

4. What is the atmospheric layer closest to the earth's surface called?

a) troposphere c) ionosphere

b) stratosphere d) thermosphere

5. Determine what natural zone of Africa we are talking about: There are two seasons of the year - dry winter and wet summer. This zone occupies about 40% of the continent's area

a) zone of humid equatorial forests

b) zone of savannas and woodlands

c) tropical desert zone

6. Does the foundation of the Siberian Platform come to the surface in the form of shields?

a) Anabar and Baltic

b) Anabarsky and Aldansky

c) Aldan and Ukrainian

d) Ukrainian and Baltic

7. Russia occupies a leading place in the world in terms of reserves:

a) natural gas, diamonds, coal

b) copper ores, coal, gold

c) gold, diamond

8. Which of the listed periods belong to the Paleozoic era.

a) Cambrian b) Ordovician c) Devonian d) Paleogene e) Jurassic f) Quaternary

9. What area do the East European Plain, West Siberian Plain, and Central Siberian Plateau have?

10. What time zones is our country located in? How many time zones separate Chukotka and the Kaliningrad region?

11. With which state does Russia have the longest border?

12. Match:

Mainland Highest point

A) Africa 1) Mount Kosciuszko

B) South America 2) Mount Chomolungma

B) North America 3) Mount Aconcagua

D) Australia 4) Mount McKinley

D) Eurasia 5) Kilimanjaro volcano

13. Add:

1) The largest area of ​​the zone of savannas and woodlands occupies in ………...

2) The most lifeless zone is………. deserts.

3) Forests are completely absent on the mainland………..

4) Campos is a natural area located on the ……… plateau

14. What are the extreme points of Russia? Indicate the islands, peninsulas, mountains on which they are located?

15. Name the countries that neighbor Russia across maritime borders?

16. As a rule, the following people come from the Atlantic Ocean to Russian territory:

a) cyclones b) anticyclones c) cold front d) stationary front

17. Moderately - sharply continental type of climate in Russia is typical for:

a) East European Plain

b) West Siberian Plain

c) North-Eastern Siberia

d) Far East.

18. Which side does azimuth 225 degrees correspond to?

a) South - West

b) South - East

c) Northeast

d) North-west

19. Which scale is larger?

a) 1: 50,000

b) 1: 50,000,000

20. Toponymy is a field of knowledge that studies:

a) climatic features of the area

b) relief

c) geographical names

d) animals

TOTAL: 25 points

8th grade:

1. a - 1 point

2. a - 1 point

3. a - 1 point

4. a - 1 point

5. b - 1 point

6. b - 1 point

7. a - 1 point

8. a, b, d - 2 points

9. Eastern - European - 4 million sq. km, Western - Siberian - 3 million sq. km, Central Siberian Plateau - 3.5 million sq. km 2 points

10. There are 9 time zones in Russia, 8 zones separate Chukotka and the Kaliningrad region.

1 point

11. Kazakhstan 1 point

12. a-5, b-3, c-4, d-1, d-2 2 points

13. Africa, Arctic, Antarctica, Brazil. 2 points

14. southern point - the city of Bazarduzu in the Caucasus

Northern point - on the mainland Cape Chelyuskin, Taimyr Peninsula,

Cape Fligeli on Rudolf Island

Western point – Baltic Spit

Eastern point - on the mainland Cape Dezhnev, on Ratmanov Island

2 points

15. USA, Japan. – 1 point

16. a - 1 point

17. in - 1 point

18. a - 1 point

19. a - 1 point

20. in - 1 point

TOTAL: 25 points

Olympiad assignments in geography, school stage

9th grade

I. Determine which of the travelers (geographers) we are talking about?

A navigator who conceived, but was unable to complete, the first trip around the world. This journey proved the existence of a single World Ocean and the sphericity of the Earth.

Russian navigator, admiral, honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, founding member of the Russian Geographical Society, head of the first Russian round-the-world expedition on the ships Nadezhda and Neva, author of the Atlas of the South Sea.

Italian traveler, explorer of China and India. He was the first to describe Asia in more detail.

Russian navigator, discoverer of Antarctica. Commanded the sloop "Vostok".

English navigator. He led three expeditions around the world, discovered many islands in the Pacific Ocean, found out the island position of New Zealand, discovered the Great Barrier Reef, the east coast of Australia, and the Hawaiian Islands.

II. Determine the match:

(for each correct answer 1 point)

III. Choose the correct statements.

Russia's largest lowlands are located east of the Yenisei.

Mudflows, landslides and slides most often occur in areas with a large slope.

The transformation of the relief of the East European Plain is largely associated with Quaternary glaciation.

Western Siberia is the main sunflower growing region in Russia.

Corn is the most important grain crop in Russia.

The largest hydroelectric power stations in Russia are located in Eastern Siberia.

Rice is grown in Russia in the floodplain of the Kuban River.

The oldest coal basin in Russia is Podmoskovny.

The population of Russia is characterized by a decline in numbers.

Natural increase is the difference between the number of people arriving and leaving

(for each correct answer 1 point)

IV. The air is heated by the underlying surface; in the mountains, this surface is located closer to the Sun, and, therefore, the influx of solar radiation as it rises should increase and the temperature should increase. However, we know that this does not happen. Why?

(for the correct answer with evidence 5 points)

V. You work for a large travel company and you need to develop routes in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug that would take into account the interests of the following groups:

A) ecologists studying protected natural monuments

B) ethnographers studying the life of northern peoples

B) historians

TOTAL: 35 points

Keys to the tasks of the school Olympiad in geography for 9th grade:

(for each correct answer 1 point)



Marco Polo



1 - D ; 2-H; 3 - E; 4 - J; 5 - I; 6-G; 7-B; 8-A; 9 - C; 10 - F

(for each correct answer 1 point)

III. 2, 3, 6, 7, 9 (for each correct answer 1 point)

IV. Firstly, because the air heated near the earth quickly cools when moving away from it, and secondly, because in the upper layers of the atmosphere the air is more rarefied than at the surface of the earth. The lower the air density, the less heat is transferred. Figuratively, this can be explained as follows: the higher the air density, the more molecules there are per unit volume, the faster they move and the more often they collide, and such collisions, like any friction, cause the release of heat. Thirdly, the sun's rays on the surface of mountain slopes always fall not vertically, as on the earth's surface, but at an angle. And, in addition, the dense snow caps with which they are covered prevent the mountains from warming up - white snow simply reflects the sun's rays. (for the correct answer with evidence 5 points)

V . 501 and 503 construction sites; in the Verkhnetazovsky and Gydansky reserves, Mangazeya, Salekhard, etc.

(3 points for an interesting route, + 1 point for an annotation of each visited object.)

Olympiad assignments in geography, school stage

10 - 11 grades

1 . Which peak: Chomolungma, Aconcagua, Kilimanjaro is further away from the center of the Earth? (for a correct answer 1 point)
2. Read a fragment of a literary work and answer the questions.

“...I swear to you that this region is the most curious on the entire globe! Its emergence, nature, plants, animals, climate, its future disappearance - all this surprised, surprises and will surprise scientists all over the world. Imagine, my friends, a continent that, when formed, rose from the sea waves not with its central part, but with its edges, like some kind of giant ring; a continent where, perhaps, in the middle there is a half-evaporated inland sea; where the rivers are drying up more and more every day; where there is no moisture either in the air or in the soil; where trees annually lose not leaves, but bark; where the leaves face the sun not with their surface, but with their edges and do not provide shade; where the forests are stunted and the grasses are gigantic in height; where the animals are unusual; where quadrupeds have beaks. The most bizarre, most illogical country that has ever existed..."

(for each correct answer 1 point)

3. Select federal states with a monarchical form of government

A) Saudi Arabia D) Russia G) Belgium

B) USA D) India H) Brazil

B) Malaysia E) Switzerland I) France

4 . In which country are Portuguese spoken by 18 times more people than Portugal?

1) Argentina 2) Mexico 3) Brazil 4) Peru (1 point)

5. Correct geographical errors

Yucatan Island; Bay of Jutland; Caribbean Lake; Hekla River; Mekong Mountain; City of Labrador; Country Tehran (for each correct answer 1 point)

6 . What is not located in Russia

Atlas, Vosges, Suntar-Khayata, Angara, Sikhote-Alin, Nyasa, McKinley

(for each correct answer 1 point)

7 . What is unnecessary and why?

UK, Sweden, France

Argentina, Portugal, Peru

Germany, Lithuania, USA

Georgia, Liechtenstein, Armenia

Madagascar, Italy, Philippines

Theocratic, parliamentary, absolute

Ankara, Liverpool, Glasgow (7 points)

8 . Choose the correct statements

The second most populous country in the world is the USA.

B) The highest birth rate in the world is in France

C) Independent states are called sovereign

D) India, Brazil, Mexico - key developing countries

E) Ore minerals accompany the sedimentary cover of platforms

f) 88% of the products needed by humanity come from cultivated lands

g) Pakistan has a unitary form of administrative structure

(for each correct answer 1 point)

9 . The international organization OPEC is

a) Association of Southeast Asian Nations

b) organization of oil exporting countries

c) League of Arab States

D) North American Free Trade Association. (1 point)

10. Which of the “millionaire” cities in Russia is the northernmost, eastern, southern and western? How many “millionaire” cities are there currently in Russia? (3 points)

11 . Name the African countries:

a) Rwanda, Barbados, Eritrea b) Burundi, Lesotho, San Tome, Swaziland

c) Principe, Burkino - Faso, Tonga d) Cape Verde, Brunei, Dominica (1 point)

12. Identify the country by its brief description.

This Latin American country was a former Spanish colony. On its territory there is the largest lake on the continent. Rich mineral resources and extensive forests create good preconditions for the development of the economy, the basis of which is the oil industry. (1 point)

13. Identify the country by its brief description.

The CIS country has a dense network of railways, a large producer of grain, sunflower and sugar beets, and a powerful ferrous metallurgy region near deposits of coal, iron ore and manganese. (1 point)

14. Do you know that people living in tropical rainforests never have allergies? Why? Give at least three reasons. (3 points)

15. These mountains have repeatedly been the theater of military operations: in 218 BC. there was Hannibal, in 58 BC - Julius Caesar, in 1799 - A. Suvorov. What are these mountains? (1 point)

TOTAL: 40 points

Keys to Olympiad assignments in geography for grades 10-11

Kilimanjaro. (for a correct answer 1 point)

What is the name of the continent in question? Australia.

Which natural zone occupies the largest territory within this continent? Desert.

What unusual mammals are found on this continent? Kangaroo

What is the name of the "inland sea" mentioned in the text?Large artesian pool.In which part of the continent is its highest mountain system located? Southeast (for each correct answer 1 point)

3. V, F (for each correct answer 1 point)

4. Brazil (1 point for correct answer)

5. Yucatan Island, Florida Gulf Peninsula , Caribbean lake sea, Hekla River volcano, Mount Mekong river, Labrador city peninsula, Country Tehran city. (for each correct answer 1 point)

6 . Atlas, Vosges, Nyassa, McKinley(for each correct answer 1 point)

France is not a monarchy, but a republic

Portugal is not in the South. America

Lithuania is not a federation, but a unitary state

Liechtenstein is not in the Caucasus

Italy is not an island state

parliamentary - a form not found in monarchies

Ankara is not a city in the UK(for each correct answer 1 point)

8 . c, d, e. (for each correct answer 1 point)

9 . b (1 point)

10 . Northern and western – the city of St. Petersburg

Vostochny – city – Novosibirsk

Yuzhny – Rostov – on Don. Total millionaire cities in Russia - 12

(total 3 points)

B (1 point)

Venezuela(1 point)

Ukraine(1 point)

1. Due to heavy rainfall, there are no wind-pollinated plants in tropical forests, which means that pollen, the most important allergen, does not get into the air. 2. Frequent rains wash the air, which means there is little dust in it. 3. Tropical rainforests are located in countries where the chemical industry is poorly developed, which means there are no chemical allergens.(total 3 points)

Alps. (1 point)