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    14:28 24.05.2018

    Carpenter or librarian: where will Belykh and Ulyukaev sit?

    Artem Sizov/ Gazeta.Ru Former Russian Minister of Economic Development Alexey Ulyukaev before the announcement of the verdict in the Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow, December 15, 2017 The ex-governor of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh will soon be transferred to a maximum security colony. As Gazeta.Ru learned, he may end up in an Irkutsk colony, where, presumably, former head of the Ministry of Economic Development Alexey Ulyukaev will also end up. Representatives of the Public Monitoring Committee also do not rule out that Belykh may spend his term in Bryansk or Tula, where the former official has the opportunity to become

    14:12 03.02.2018

    Sobchak on Belykh’s verdict: I’m horrified and shocked

    Russian presidential candidate from the Civil Initiative party Ksenia Sobchak believes that the verdict against the former governor of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh is a complete discredit to the rule of law in the country. I'm horrified and shocked. In high school, I read “The Gulag Archipelago” by Alexander Solzhenitsyn and could not understand how it would be to go to jail for 8 or 10 years without committing any crime? I couldn’t believe that this could even happen on earth, in my country, just half a century ago. And I certainly couldn’t imagine that something like this could ever happen.

    17:37 26.01.2018

    Nikita Belykh made his last speech in court

    Former head of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh, who is accused in the case of receiving bribes totaling 600 thousand euros, on Friday pronounced his last word in the Presnensky District Court of Moscow. The text broadcast of the meeting was conducted by Mediazona. Let us recall that earlier this week state prosecutor Marina Dyatlova demanded that Belykh be sent to a maximum security colony for 10 years. Belykh began his speech at approximately 14:00, after he was given an injection due to his high blood pressure. Dear court, dear present.

    19:10 24.01.2018

    For the Whites they asked for 10 years in prison and a 100 million fine

    State prosecutor spoke at the debate in court State prosecutor Marina Dyatlova on Wednesday proposed that the Presnensky court sentence former governor Nikita Belykh to 10 years in a maximum security colony and a fine of 100 million rubles for receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. This was reported in a video by the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation posted on the Youtube channel. The official representative of the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia, Alexander Kurennoy, said in this video that the prosecution also asked the court to deprive Belykh of the right to hold positions in the country's power structures and

    18:58 18.10.2017

    The Kremlin has closed the issue of reforming Russia “from above” and “from within”

    Shevtsova: The Kremlin has closed the issue of reforming Russia from above and from within, leaving only one scenario of a street riot. The Kremlin’s transition to preventive repression indicates uncertainty that power will be retained, says Russian political scientist Liliya Shevtsova. In Russia they constantly say that the Kremlin is losing control over the situation, but the authorities continue to hobble, while snapping painfully. Russian political scientist Liliya Shevtsova wrote about this in a column for Radio Liberty. True, it is also noticeable that the current holders of power are not sure

    18:21 29.03.2017

    The investigation into the case against the former governor of Belykh has been completed

    In the case of the former governor of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh, accused of receiving a bribe, investigative actions have been completed. Svetlana Petrenko, official representative of the Investigative Committee of Russia (ICR), reported this to on Wednesday, March 29. Belykh is accused of committing two episodes of crimes under Part 6 of Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Taking a bribe). According to investigators, in 2012-2016, Nikita Belykh personally and through intermediaries received bribes on an especially large scale totaling 600 thousand euros for committing

    05:09 20.01.2017

    Nikita Belykh lost his leg in the pre-trial detention center

    Ex-governor Nikita Belykh, who is in the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center on suspicion of receiving a bribe totaling 400 thousand, the lawyer told MK about the ailments of the ex-governor of the Kirov region. euro, began to lose his leg. In addition, the former official’s general health has deteriorated; his heart and head constantly hurt. His defense lawyer Andrei Grokhotov on Thursday, January 19, told MK about the deplorable condition of his client, as well as the prospects for the case. - Today I was in Nikita Belykh’s pre-trial detention center and saw him. He seemed broken and tired to me. Limps -

    12:04 25.11.2016

    Media: Nikita Belykh was offered to testify against Navalny

    They allegedly promised to transfer ex-governor of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh to house arrest if he testifies against oppositionist Alexei Navalny in the Kirovles case. Vedomosti reported this with reference to a friend of the governor. According to the source, the recent change of Nikita Belykh’s lawyers may be connected with this. Meanwhile, lawyers Vadim Prokhorov and Olga Mikhailova, who withdrew from his case on November 9, did not comment on the situation. A source close to the investigation said that Belykh could allegedly make a deal with the investigation.

    17:24 21.10.2016

    "United Russia" denied the information about the White bribe "for the elections"

    United Russia denied information that the arrested ex-governor of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh collected money for city projects as part of the party’s election campaign. This is exactly what the Reuters agency reported the day before, interviewing the owner of the Novovyatskiy ski plant, Yuri Südheimer, who handed over the marked money of the Belykhs in the capital’s restaurant. Nonsense about vegetable oil. In fact, it is not surprising that such information came from some unnamed sources, since anyone who is even slightly familiar with

    04:36 21.10.2016

    Reuters linked the case of Governor Belykh with the State Duma elections

    The money that German businessman Yuri Südheimer handed over to the ex-governor of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh was asked by the ex-head of the region himself to conduct an election campaign. Südheimer told Reuters about this. He explained to the agency that Belykh demanded money from him for the elections back in 2014. The businessman assured that he transferred €200 thousand to the ex-governor in 2014 and €50 thousand through an intermediary in Moscow in May 2016. According to him, later the former head of the region again asked him for €150 thousand for the elections. I had no choice. I

    02:34 13.10.2016

    The seizure of Belykh's property was canceled

    The Moscow City Court canceled the seizure of the property and accounts of the former governor of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh. Interfax reports this. Thus, the court satisfied the complaint of the lawyers of Nikita Belykh and his ex-wife Ella, who asked to cancel the arrest order as made with violations and unfounded. The judge also decided to send the case for a new trial by a new court. Belykh's property was seized by the Basmanny District Court of Moscow in August of this year as part of a bribery case, of which the ex-governor is accused of receiving.

    22:19 24.08.2016

    The media reported on the wedding of Nikita Belykh in a pre-trial detention center

    Former governor of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh, who is in the capital's Lefortovo pre-trial detention center, is marrying his chosen one, Katrin Reifert. reported this with reference to its own sources on Wednesday, August 24. According to the publication, the wedding is scheduled for August 27. On July 28, it became known that Belykh sent a petition to the management of the pre-trial detention center for marriage. At that time, nothing was known about the investigator's response. Later, information appeared that the former governor did not apply, but only inquired about the possibility of getting married while under

    23:10 22.08.2016

    Belykh was left under arrest until December 24

    The Basmanny Court of Moscow decided to extend until December 24 the arrest period for the former governor of the Kirov region, Nikita Belykh, accused of receiving a large bribe. RIA Novosti reported this on Monday, August 22. Thus, the petition of the investigation was granted, believing that Belykh could hide and obstruct the consideration of the criminal case, including by putting pressure on witnesses. Lawyers asked to transfer the accused to house arrest. Belykh himself denied the accusations, noting that half of what was said

    17:56 10.08.2016

    The court seized Belykh's property in a bribery case

    The Basmanny Court of Moscow imposed a security arrest on the property of the former governor of the Kirov region, Nikita Belykh, accused of taking a bribe. Court press secretary Yuno Tsareva announced this on Wednesday, August 10, TASS reports. According to her, the decision was made at the request of the investigator; the court representative did not specify what kind of property we were talking about. The defendant's defense knows nothing about this decision. We were not officially notified about this. When they tell us what was arrested and when, we will make a decision to appeal, the lawyer said

    16:22 02.08.2016

    Belykh in pre-trial detention center will write a collection of instructions for his successor as governor

    Former governor of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh, while in a pre-trial detention center, began preparing a special memo in which he collects advice on managing the region for his successor as governor. This was announced on Tuesday, August 2, by the deputy chairman of the Public Monitoring Commission (POC) of Moscow, Eva Merkacheva, RIA Novosti reports. In the pre-trial detention center, Nikita Belykh is preparing a collection of advice, a kind of memo for the new governor, in which he will give advice on how to govern the Kirov region. This will be such an instruction for the successor,

    19:25 30.07.2016

    Belykh will not be able to get married in a pre-trial detention center

    Former governor of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh will not be able to get married in a pre-trial detention center, said Elena Abdullaeva, a member of the Public Monitoring Commission. According to her, the prisoner did not inform management about his desire to apply. Belykh himself does not want to discuss his personal life and refused to talk about marriage, Abdullaeva added. She also said that the ex-governor is feeling well and is preparing a memo for his successor. Earlier it was reported that Nikita Belykh was unable to register his marriage with a resident of the Moscow region, Ekaterina Reifert, the site reports. Nikita Belykh asks for permission to marry in a pre-trial detention center

    The Russian press, citing a source close to Nikita Belykh, reports that the governor, accused of taking a bribe of 400 thousand euros, is asking permission to get married in a pre-trial detention center. The governor filed a petition, but there was no response from the relevant structures. The bride is played by a 30-year-old resident of the Moscow region, a graduate of the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University, Ekaterina Reifert, a poet, observer, philosopher, as she described herself. The young people met on Facebook. Previously, it was planned to hold the ceremony today, 27

    17:26 21.07.2016

    The parliament of the Kirov region rejected the initiative of the communists for a vote of no confidence in the Whites

    Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Kirov Region from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation faction failed to get the issue of a vote of no confidence in the arrested head of the region Nikita Belykh considered at the last meeting of the regional parliament on July 21. The leader of the Communist faction, Viktor Zhenikhov, tried to put this issue on the agenda of the Communist Party. He told his colleagues that Belykh had not been fulfilling his duties for almost a month, without interacting with federal, regional and municipal authorities, and therefore was not actually fulfilling his duties, the portal reports

    17:16 20.07.2016

    Nikita Belykh ends his hunger strike in a Moscow pre-trial detention center

    The governor of the Kirov region, Nikita Belykh, accused of taking a bribe and being held in the capital's Lefortovo pre-trial detention center, abandoned the hunger strike, which he decided to undertake in order to demand a meeting with his wife. This was reported by his lawyer Olga Mikhailova. Yesterday we visited Nikita Yuryevich in the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center, he told us that he had stopped his hunger strike, Mikhailova said, Interfax reports, noting that her client has still not been allowed to meet with his relatives. Earlier, HRC member Andrei Babushkin reported that Belykh would abandon his hunger strike due to problems with

Belykh’s verdict fits into the context of the presidential campaign; the authorities can emphasize that they are actively fighting corruption among high-ranking officials, says political scientist Alexander Ivakhnik. According to him, it is unlikely that Putin will talk specifically about Belykh or Ulyukaev during the campaign, but these verdicts will be implied. “There is an expectation that this verdict will benefit candidate Putin; it is no coincidence that the trial has been accelerated and the decision is being made today, when the campaign is entering an active phase. This court decision fits into the idea that the president punishes officials who steal,” explains Ivakhnik.

Political scientist Mikhail Vinogradov, on the contrary, does not yet see any signs of using the verdicts against Belykh and Ulyukaev in the interests of the presidential campaign. He notes that the topic of the verdict is almost absent from the agenda. “Belykh, although a recognizable figure, is generally perceived by society neutrally, not like Vasilyeva. Therefore, this is more likely an element of self-presentation of law enforcement officers before the formation of the future government, rather than the formation of an election agenda,” the political scientist concludes.

Political scientist Alexander Kynev does not think that Belykh’s sentence can be used in the campaign, since his arrest is a long story. In addition, the case is too controversial to give the authorities obvious advantages; many consider it unfair. Belykh is not “an allergen or an odious figure,” the expert says. At the same time, Kynev notes that the coincidence of the end of the trial and the beginning of the election campaign did not allow one to expect a lenient sentence.

Who is Nikita Belykh

Nikita Belykh was born in Perm on June 13, 1975. In 1996 he graduated from Perm State University with a degree in Accounting and Audit. Candidate of Economic and Historical Sciences.

In the early 1990s, he worked as a journalist at the Perm State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, was engaged in entrepreneurial activities, including establishing the investment company Fin-East, and served on the boards of directors and supervisory boards of several Perm companies. In 1998, Sergei Kiriyenko joined the New Force movement. In 2001, he headed the regional branch of the Union of Right Forces party and became a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Region. In 2004, he moved to the government of the Perm region, and was soon appointed vice-governor. In May 2005, Belykh was elected chairman of the Union of Right Forces. In September 2008, he resigned as leader and left the party. He explained his decision by his reluctance to participate in the “Kremlin project.” “I don’t believe in democratic modernization of the country from above. And I don’t think that the state should govern parties. And then... I just can’t get over myself,” Belykh wrote in his blog.

In December 2008, President Dmitry Medvedev appointed Belykh governor of the Kirov region. In 2014, he was elected governor of the Kirov region for a second term. On June 24, 2016, the governor was detained while accepting a bribe, and on July 28, he was removed from office “due to loss of trust” by President Vladimir Putin.

Three White Bribes

The investigation charged Belykh with three bribes. From 2012 to 2016, Belykh received one bribe of $200 thousand from businessman Albert Laritsky and two bribes in the same amount from businessman Yuri Sudgaimer, the state prosecution alleged. The money was intended for the patronage of the Novovyat Forestry Company (NLK) and the Forestry Management Company (UK Leskhoz), whose owners at different times were Laritsky and Sudgaimer.

Laritsky was a friend of Belykh, and the governor had been patronizing him since at least 2010, the state prosecution alleged, he helped the businessman obtain investment contracts with the region and good forest plots. Also, Belykh, through the Ministry of Industry and Trade and Rosleskhoz, sought to include the investment projects of NLK and Leskhoz in the list of priorities and thus helped them receive state support; As a result, Laritsky’s companies received large tracts of land for long-term preferential lease without an auction.

In 2013, German citizen Yuri Sudheimer (Südheimer) became the owner of NLK and Management Company "Leskhoz" - Laritsky gave the enterprises as compensation for debts. Belykh received €200 thousand from Sudgeimer twice, according to the state prosecution. The governor requested the first bribe on March 5, 2014, when he talked with Sudheimer in his office. Soon he collected the necessary money and personally handed it over to the Whites. Two years later, the governor again demanded the same amount. The first part of it, €50 thousand, was handed over by the businessman’s nephew Eric Südheimer in an envelope to the head of the governor’s secretariat, Tatyana Katankina. Sudheimer had to give the remaining €150 thousand to the governor personally at a meeting on June 24, 2016.

By that time, the businessman had written a statement to the FSB about extorting a bribe; this happened after a conversation with one of the senior FSB officers, whose name Sudheimer did not name in court. According to the testimony of Novaya Gazeta special correspondent Andrei Sukhotin, interrogated in court, this was, at that time, the head of the 6th service of the FSB Internal Security Directorate.

On June 24, 2016, Nikita Belykh was detained in a restaurant at the Lotte Plaza business center. The banknotes, the package with which Sudheimer handed him, turned out to be treated with a special compound, which remained on the governor’s fingers: according to Sudheimer, the governor was convinced that there was indeed money inside. Belykh at the restaurant table, on which stacks of banknotes are laid out, were published on the ICR website.

The operation to detain Belykh was led by a man known as the organizer of the arrest of ex-Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev, governors Vyacheslav Gaizer and Alexander Khoroshavin, businessman Dmitry Mikhalchenko, and General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Denis Sugrobov. Feoktistov during the trial of Belykh.

During the trial, more than 20 prosecution witnesses testified in court. During the debate, prosecutors referred not only to their testimony, but also to audio recordings of conversations between Belykh and Sudgeimer: in 2016, the businessman, according to him, on his own initiative decided to record them on a dictaphone.

In one of the recordings, the governor and an entrepreneur discuss donations for city needs that are needed for the elections. Belykh tells Sudheimer the amount - “two hundred” - and offers to transfer the money to the account of the local branch of the Russian Military Historical Society. Businessman offers to pay in cash; Belykh agrees, indicating that he will then credit the money to the account. Subsequently, they discuss the collection and transfer of “documents” over the phone.

Belykh called the request for money, recorded on Sudheimer’s tape recorder, not extortion of a bribe, but a collection of extra-budgetary funding for the needs of the city. And according to him, he counted the holiday package that Belykh accepted from Sudgeimer’s hands a few minutes before his arrest. That evening, the ex-governor was sure until the last moment that the FSB officers had come to detain Sudheimer, and not him, he admitted in court.

"Trivial provocation"

Belykh in court called his persecution the result of a “banal provocation of law enforcement agencies,” in which Sudheimer was also involved. The ex-governor explained the testimony of businessmen against him by pressure: for example, Laritsky was convicted of fraud, while Sudgaimer bought his way out of prosecution, Belykh believes.

Part of the trial in Belykh’s case, due to his health, took place on-site in the Matrosskaya Tishina detention center, where he is being held under arrest. During the year and a half in custody, the ex-governor’s health has deteriorated significantly: he suffers from diabetes, the exacerbation of which has affected the functioning of the heart, brain and joints. Lately Belykh has been walking with a cane; Twice an ambulance was called to court because of high blood pressure.

Deadlines for the Governor

Heads of regions received the longest prison term among those convicted in Russia ex-head of the Tula region Vyacheslav Dudka. In 2013, he was found guilty of accepting a bribe of 40 million rubles. for the provision of lease of land for the construction of a hypermarket. As a result, Dudka spent nine and a half years in prison, where he is still serving his sentence today.

The sentence with the second longest term was handed down back in the 1990s. In November 1996 Head of the Vologda Region Nikolai Podgornov on charges of bribery, embezzlement, abuse of official position. In 1998, he was acquitted on 19 of 20 counts and sentenced to a year of suspended prison, but a year later the Supreme Court sentenced Podgornov to seven years in prison. The ex-head of the region did not stay in the colony for long anyway and was released in 2000, having been granted an amnesty.

To four years in prison in November 2015 ex-governor of the Bryansk region Nikolai Denin. The court found Denin guilty of allocating 21.8 million rubles from the budget. for the needs of a poultry farm controlled by his family.

In 2004, he received three years in prison ex-governor of the Smolensk region Alexander Prokhorov. He was accused of exceeding his official powers in a case of misappropriation of funds during the reconstruction of one of the highways. The court found Prokhorov guilty, and the former governor was immediately released from custody as part of an amnesty in honor of the anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Several more heads of Russian regions were sentenced to suspended prison terms. The last such decision was made by the court in October 2017 regarding ex-governor of the Novosibirsk region Vasily Yurchenko— for abuse of power he was sentenced to three years probation.

Nikita Belykh is a politician, journalist, former governor of the Kirov region, who, according to online ratings, is one of the most popular political bloggers in the Russian Federation. Nikita Yuryevich Belykh was born on June 13, 1975, in the historical city of Perm, which is famous for its theaters and cultural monuments. For example, there is the Gribushin House, depicted in the novel Doctor Zhivago.

Nikita grew up with his older brother Alexander (who is now the prosecutor of the Perm region) in a typical Soviet, exemplary family. The childhood of the future politician was not rich in any events. It is known that his grandfather participated in the Great Patriotic War and, despite being wounded, managed to prove himself courageously on the battlefield, for which he received numerous awards.

The governor’s mother, Zinaida Dmitrievna, is a chemist by profession and is known for her scientific achievements. The woman became the author of more than a hundred scientific papers and made an undeniable contribution to education and pedagogy. Nikita’s father, Yuri Alekseevich, is a candidate of technical sciences, who previously worked as the chief metallurgist at the Sverdlov plant.

The future politician studied excellently at school No. 9 named after him with a physics and mathematics focus. After receiving a certificate with a gold medal, the young man continued his studies; his choice fell on Perm State University. Unfortunately, the Belykh family lost their main breadwinner when Nikita turned 16, so the guy did not go to the capital, but stayed to help his mother: to provide for the family, Nikita worked as a loader.

It is noteworthy that Belykh entered two faculties at once - economics and law, but the latter, due to the heavy workload, had to be left. Then Nikita entered graduate school and did an internship in the UK. Having become a certified specialist, Nikita Yuryevich chose the creative profession of a journalist, and then began doing business. So, in 1993, Belykh became the founder of the Fin-East company, and since 1998 he has served as vice president of the Perm Financial and Productive Group.


From the biography of Nikita Yuryevich Belykh it is known that in 1998 the guy became a participant in the “New Force” movement, which was organized by a politician. Three years later, the young man received a party card for the Union of Right Forces organization and became a deputy of the regional Legislative Assembly.

The Union of Right Forces is an opposition liberal political party that existed on the territory of the Russian Federation until 2008. The founder of the bloc was Kiriyenko, as well as. In the spring of 2004, Nikita Belykh became vice-governor of the Perm region, after he took office as Minister of Natural Resources.

In 2005, Nikita Yuryevich served as chairman of the Union of Right Forces - more than half of the delegates voted for Belykh. A few days later, Nikita Yuryevich resigned from the post of deputy governor. In the fall of the same year, before the elections to the Moscow City Duma, Belykh supported the idea of ​​merging the Union of Right Forces with the democratic party Yabloko.

In December 2006, the young man was elected as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory on the list of the Union of Right Forces, and a year later Belykh resigned and was immediately re-elected. On September 26, 2008, Nikita Yuryevich left the post of chairman of the Union of Right Forces and left the party, and Leonid Yakovlevich Gozman took his place. Belykh’s departure was due to the fact that the politician did not want to see himself in the Kremlin’s project, at least this was evidenced by Nikita Yuryevich’s Live Journal.


In the winter of 2008, he added Nikita Belykh to the list for consideration by the Legislative Assembly of the Kirov Region for the post of governor. In connection with this, the politician resigned from his post as a deputy of the Perm Territory and distanced himself from the united democratic movement “Solidarity”. On December 18, 2008, Nikita Belykh was given the powers of governor; 86% of the delegates voted for the politician. In January 2009, the inauguration took place at the Kirov Regional Drama Theater.

Among other things, Nikita Yuryevich participated in the weekly analytical program “The Governor’s Diary” on the radio station “Echo of Moscow”. Every Monday, from 15:33 to 16:00 Moscow time, Belykh answered topical questions about the Kirov region.

On January 15, 2010, Nikita Belykh reported on the results of the first year of work as governor of the Kirov region, publishing reports. It is also known that in the winter of 2013, a search was carried out in the politician’s office, and then Nikita Yuryevich was interrogated as a witness.

The fact is that in 2010, the Urzhum Distillery Plant sold a 25.5% stake to the Globus System holding company at a price lower than usual, in connection with which a criminal case was initiated. In 2014, Nikita Yuryevich’s gubernatorial powers came to an end, and he appointed Belykh as acting governor of the Kirov region until the upcoming elections. On September 14, Nikita Yuryevich was nominated by the United Russia party and was re-elected for a second term.

Criminal case

According to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Nikita Yuryevich was caught red-handed in the Lotte Plaza restaurant, located in the center of Moscow. A representative of the Investigative Committee reported that the governor of the Kirov region received a bribe in the amount of €100 thousand (according to other sources - €150 thousand), which is why a criminal case was opened.

The role of the bribe-giver, having previously contacted the relevant authorities, was German citizen Yuri Sudheimer, who is a member of the board of directors of the Novovyatsky Ski Plant. On charges of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale, Nikita Yuryevich was arrested by the Basmanny Court for a period of 60 days, and Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin removed the governor from office for obvious reasons. Nikita Yuryevich's place was taken by Igor Vasiliev.

Nikita Belykh in the courtroom

However, it is worth noting that Belykh’s lawyers are confident in their client’s innocence. According to investigator Ruslan Mukhachev, during the interrogation Nikita Yuryevich stated that the funds received were intended for the needs of the city of Kirov. In turn, lawyer Sergei Teterin believes that Nikita Yuryevich did not take the money into his hands, but, in any case, the funds were sponsorship for the city fund of the Kirov region.

Vadim Prokhorov also said that the skin marking agent was found on Nikita Yuryevich’s hands because the ex-governor shook the bribe-taker’s hand as a sign of greeting.

On February 1, 2018, the Presnensky Court of Moscow found Nikita Belykh guilty of accepting bribes. He was sentenced to eight years in a maximum security colony and 48.2 million rubles. fine

Personal life

The personal life of the ex-governor of the Kirov region is not a secret. According to unconfirmed information, Nikita Belykh was married and had three sons. At the moment, the eldest is studying abroad, while the younger ones live in Perm.

Also, public interest was fueled by journalistic gossip about the relationship between Nikita Belykh and Rodnopolis soloist Ekaterina Reutova. But according to some reports, Catherine got married to Ruslan Shishkin. The media also became aware of the relationship between the politician and Ekaterina Reifert, a graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University.

Nikita Belykh now

In 2017, according to news from the Interfax news agency, Nikita Belykh was hospitalized until the end of September due to deteriorating health: the ex-governor suffered a hypertensive crisis.

It also became known that the Investigative Committee has completed the investigation of the criminal case against Nikita Yuryevich, but the court verdict is still unknown, so one can only guess whether the politician will be released.


  • 2015 – breastplate of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs “For contribution to international cooperation”
  • 2012 – medal “For merits in conducting the All-Russian Population Census of 2010”
  • 2011 – memorial sign “For Merit” of the Federal Service for Drug Control

The wife of the ex-governor gave a press conference and answered several personal questions from the journalist of the Svoykirovsky portal.

On February 10, Ekaterina Belykh visited Kirov to talk with local journalists and film a video about what her husband did for the Kirov region as governor. The Kirov residents gave Ekaterina a short excursion, simultaneously talking about the mood in society and the attitude of the locals towards the arrest of Nikita Belykh.

The press conference was attended by most of the media of the Kirov region. In addition to Ekaterina herself, the speakers were also her lawyer Daniil Berman and Nikita Yuryevich’s defender Andrei Grokhotov.

The wife of the ex-governor began her speech with condolences.

I would like to offer condolences to the residents of the Kirov region in connection with the fact that Mr. Sudgeimer [The briber in the case of Nikita Belykh, a German businessman, owner of the Novovyatsky ski plant] appeared in your region some time ago. I know that talented, strong people live here, who, especially lately, often wish me good luck and patience. I would like to wish you good luck and patience, because personally I think that Mr. Sudheimer robbed you. I was under interrogation. We all heard with what disdain he spoke of Kirov. Meanwhile, his company is functioning. Today we were traveling by train, and a train with untreated wood and the inscription “NLK” passed us.

Ekaterina explained why she came to Kirov, why they needed this video, why talk again and again about all the inconsistencies in the case, which the court for some reason did not take into account.

To my great regret, some inertia of perception allows about 60% of people to draw incorrect conclusions. And I, of course, both as a wife and as a person who recognizes himself on the side of the truth, would like to dispel many illusions. I understand perfectly well that people may have different opinions. For example, people in Kazakhstan will see pictures on Ren TV with glowing hands and banknotes around them. And what is there to understand in this matter? What kind of “teleports”, inconsistencies and smeared packages are there? This is a good calculation. People without critical thinking rely on “oh, that’s it.” We have to figure it out, we have to preserve our memory.

Ekaterina, together with lawyer Andrei Grokhotov, once again lists the obvious gaps in the case. The only clear “proof” of the governor’s guilt, in their opinion, can only be called the “show” that was shown to Russians on TV. The governor with glowing palms and a confused look. There is cache lying around. Well, how can you not believe it? However, they don’t count money with their palms, and, as it turned out later, everything was smeared with a special compound - a large gift bag, and even a bottle of wine.

Not a single audio or video recording contains any extortion or demands. They only discuss assistance to the Military Historical Society of the Kirov Region. And this, according to Andrei Grokhotov, is a different qualification - at most an article on exceeding or abusing official powers.

15 minutes before the governor’s arrest, Catherine was with him.

I was with him exactly at the moment when Sudheimer called him and moved their meeting from the lobby bar, in which there were about 40 people and 30 cameras, to the closed part of the restaurant, which was then very successfully called the “tavern.”

Another indirect, but indirect evidence of Belykh’s innocence can be considered the fact that during the searches nothing was found on him. Well, except for four bottles of “elite alcohol” (moonshine, actually). Catherine illustrated this with other examples from recent high-profile corruption cases.

27 real estate properties and 8.5 billion rubles were confiscated from police colonel Zakharchenko. Property worth a billion rubles was confiscated from the former governor of Sakhalin Khoroshavin. More than 60 kg of jewelry, 150 watches, more than 50 seals and stamps of legal entities involved in the implementation of offshore schemes, and a project for the purchase of two Bombardier aircraft were confiscated from Gaiser (the governor of Komi).

Catherine speaks in a firm voice, in which there is no trembling. She almost calmly talks about the fact that Nikita Belykh most likely will not survive the transfer to the Kirov region if this happens. And only journalists in the front row can see how periodically the eyes of the ex-governor’s wife turn red, become wet, and she takes a short pause to drive away such unnecessary emotions from herself.

I was at all the hearings. I looked into the eyes of Seryozha Shcherchkov [Belykh’s former deputy and friend], who had the rudeness to wink at me, slandering my husband, who in turn aged 25 years while in the pre-trial detention center. I looked at Mr. Sudheimer, at all these people. I saw what was happening. The entire convoy, the bailiffs, saw this, many of whom quit after that. I have three options: lie down near the walls of “Matrosskaya Tishina” and die immediately, sit and cry all day long, or do the maximum to help my husband. I have to help the whole family, because if I fall apart, who will support them?

After the press conference, journalists and social activists approach Ekaterina to ask questions and simply wish her more strength. Someone hands Nikita Belykh a book, someone quietly says “we are with you.” She listens to everyone, and thanks everyone, and when leaving, she tries to warm up a little. “This is where the stress goes,” she says and points to her legs, which are cramping with emotion.

We are on the street, and Ekaterina, shuddering, smokes cigarettes one after another.

Before Nikita’s arrest, I came to Kirov only once, but for a few days. We had a long cool walk around the city, we went to the ice cream museum and the chocolate museum. I managed to look around. Today, when I again walked through the same and new places, listening to the guide’s story, I felt proud of Nikita Yuryevich. He's great. As for the memories... It's very painful, of course. I feel not even resentment, but annoyance. Because of one person... It seems to me that the name Sudheimer will become a household name. I will do everything for this. Wherever I can tell about this person, I will tell.

Speaking about personal health and regime, Nikita Belykh’s wife is trying to quickly skip this topic. But she hints that her health is still normal, despite all the difficulties.

I have a spartan regime, it’s just that, apparently, I have fewer diagnoses. For the last two years I have been living either at the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center in my car, or at Matrosskaya Tishina, again in my car. This is my mobile office. I have a blanket there, a supply of food, water, and medicine. But I will endure everything, the main thing is that Nikita Yuryevich has enough strength.

Ekaterina is not only the modern wife of a Decembrist, but also the mother of five-year-old Misha, who loves Star Wars very much and is always ready to defend the person closest to him.

The child has my character. He is a man, he is five years old! When Nikita was arrested, I came home. My son was only three years old then. Do you know what the three-year-old boy did? He took a plastic gun, stood near my room and said: “I will protect my mother.” He is now writing letters to Nikita. During almost two years of his imprisonment in a pre-trial detention center, he mastered letters, syllables... I take photos and send them through the application to “Matrosskaya Tishina”. By the way, three days after Nikita’s arrest, Mishka came to the garden, stood in the middle of the group, stamped his foot and said: “I demand that the pirates who stole Nikita return him.” Funny, childish. He has his own version of the development of events. He didn’t want to let me go to Kirov, so literally before leaving, I bought him a chinchilla. She was named Che Guevara, by the way. Now we have a chinchilla, four dogs, three cats, four birds, and five squirrels on the property.

Ekaterina assures that neither she nor the lawyers encountered any pressure. But there are difficulties in communications, of course. They are easy to explain.

I was looking for a doctor for a press conference in Moscow [an endocrinologist was needed at the press conference to explain the seriousness of Nikita Belykh’s health problems]. Many people are ready to advise me, but doctors from government agencies told me in plain text that they would not be allowed into the press center. And if they come, they will be fired. Another situation: I have a boy on Twitter who is very worried about this whole situation. He serves in the unit, and I know that his superiors gave him two orders for writing tweets in defense of Nikita. I’ll probably still have to get the status of a lawyer and go into human rights.

The wife of the ex-governor talks about how his mother is going through the trial of Nikita Belykh. Zinaida Dmitrievna is a candidate of chemical sciences and a very respected woman in Perm, the mother of two very successful sons, to whose success the word “former” was added. Former head of the Prosecutor General's Office in the Volga Federal District and former governor of the Kirov region.

Zinaida Dmitrievna is very strong, of course. Our communication looks rather strange, because I am trying to support her, and she is trying to support me. But that's probably how it should be.

In a short period, Catherine had to transform from an absolutely closed and non-public person into a real media personality.

Almost all my social networks were closed. About four years ago, I deleted all information about myself from the Internet. I only have a couple of resumes left there. Shortly before Nikita Yuryevich’s arrest, I planned to work in a government agency on a very large Moscow media project. And those four months of silence after I was dubbed a poetess were aimed at the fact that the wave of interest would subside and everyone would forget about me. This did not happen, to my great regret. And we had to build a dialogue with the media. We must pay tribute to many correspondents and journalists who, despite the first negative impression of the publicity of my person and the situation with Nikita Yuryevich, behaved like real reasonable people and even supported and helped me very much in many ways.

Now Ekaterina Belykh and Andrei Grokhotov are doing everything to ensure that Nikita Yuryevich is not transferred to the Kirov region. He may be sent to our region due to his local registration. But there are loopholes, and his wife is not discouraged.

If he is sent to Kirov, it means we will see each other more than once, because I will absolutely definitely move to live here. Maybe I'll have to open an endocrinology clinic here. Why not? It seems to me that even from the government’s position it would be logical to support such an initiative, because we have about 10 million diabetics in the country, and endocrinologists have been abolished.

But, naturally, I will ask the Federal Penitentiary Service to send Nikita Yuryevich to the Moscow region. We have the right to do this, we will write a request taking into account the fact that I have an official place of work in the Moscow region, there is real estate where registration can be done. Some argue that this is not practiced or allowed. Not certainly in that way. It is not prohibited. And everything that is not prohibited can be realized with the right amount of effort and stubbornness.

At the Ryazan correctional colony he will be able to make hay and receive another higher education

Ex-governor of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh arrived to serve his sentence in Ryazan. For now he is in a pre-trial detention center, but literally one of these days he will be transferred to a local maximum security colony. Belykh will, according to our information, serve out his sentence in a former prisoner of war camp, where he will be asked to make hay.

Nikita Belykh was transported early on Monday morning. Moreover, this was an obvious surprise for him: he himself did not know about the upcoming trip even on Sunday evening. He complained to the members of the Public Monitoring Committee who visited him then that the Lefortovo administration had not fulfilled a single promise - he was never given either a TV or an orthopedic mattress.

“And I’ve been sitting alone for three days now,” he remarked.

The absence of his cellmate was explained simply: three days ago, documents arrived from the court, which means Nikita Yuryevich officially changed his status from prisoner to convicted and cannot be kept with those who have not yet been sentenced. Everything else (lack of TV, mattress) is most likely caused not by objective reality, but by the dislike of the detention center staff for the ex-governor. They considered and still consider him arrogant and overly demanding.

Nikita Yuryevich, are you letting your hair grow out or is there simply no way to cut it here? - members of the Public Monitoring Committee asked Belykh, who was so overgrown that he looked like Robinson Crusoe.

There is no opportunity to get a haircut.

There really was no hairdresser in the isolation ward. Prisoners are now simply given hair clippers upon request. Usually, cellmates cut each other’s hair (few people can cut their own hair, so Belykh couldn’t).

In general, without a haircut, without sleeping on a good mattress, without watching a single football match on TV, Nikita Belykh set off on his journey at dawn, accompanied by a convoy. The ex-governor got to Ryazan in just (!) a few hours without transfers or delays. There was no medical escort (human rights activists were worried that he wouldn’t make it if there wasn’t a doctor with him ready to help). Well, as for the choice of place to serve the sentence, it was quite expected. Moreover, in his case, Ryazan is an ideal city. Firstly, it’s not far from Moscow. Secondly, Nikita Yuryevich had nothing against him (but he had no desire to go to Kirov, where he registered, since it was almost 1000 km from Moscow, and it would have been difficult for his wife to come to him on dates).

We don’t know which colony we will send him to from the pre-trial detention center,” says an employee of the detention center. - This will be decided by the Federal Penitentiary Service for the region. In the Ryazan region there are only three maximum security institutions - IK-2, IK-3, IK-5. But there is only one within the city limits, I think that’s where they’ll place him.

The IR in question is exemplary. The convicts do not get bored there - there is a club and its own vocal and instrumental ensemble. During the war, in its place there was a prisoner of war camp, which was disbanded in 1949, and the barracks were filled with Soviet prisoners. Since then, convicts from all over the country have served their sentences here. Belykh will be, perhaps, the most famous prisoner of this modest colony. By the way, he will be offered a choice of several industries, including sewing. Since the colony is still manufacturing hay harvesting equipment and harvesting hay, he will be able to try his hand at this craft. And in the colony there is a chance to get another higher education: study remotely at the Ryazan branch of the Moscow Academy of Economics and Law. The colony is also very sporty; hockey and football competitions are regularly held. But since Belykh has a leg injury and walks with a cane, he is unlikely to explore the local sports ground. Two other maximum security colonies are located not in Ryazan itself, but not far from it - one in the city of Skopin, the second in the village of Skopinsky district. They are not as “advanced” as IK-2, and besides, the distance from them to the regional hospital is quite decent. And initially it was discussed in the FSIN that Belykh might have to be hospitalized more than once, taking into account his ailments.