Recently changed jobs. At the old job, the management has changed and they invite you to come back. Should I return or stay at a new job? Cards: court, rider of cups, eight of swords.

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Hello! Now I work as an administrator in a network of confectionery cafes. Not very happy with the promotion. I really, really want change. Will it be possible to change your occupation to a more profitable and promising one?! Another friend wants to help with this .... in general, are there any chances for workers to change? Anastasia 31/07/96 4:30

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Good night. Today they forced me to sign an agreement on dismissal by agreement of the parties. The bosses are not sugar, but the social package and stability, plus the team is good. I held on as best I could. I worry terribly whether I will be able to find a decent job in the near future. Please help me with interpretation. Past Five of Wands. Real empress. The future is the ace of swords. Thank you in advance.

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Good evening. Some kind of negativity is going on at work in relation to me, I can’t understand the reason. The year got off to a bad start. Question: Do they want to replace me with another employee? Thank you.

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I forgot to write the schedule. The answer is next. 1. You got a card - Ten of Wands. 2. You got a card - the King of Wands. 3. You got a card - Eight of Swords. Thank you.

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I asked if I should stay at this job, they have been feeding me breakfast for 2 weeks now, everything that fell out is yes ... the past -7 cups is so, in the present jester, and in the future the empress, but why bring to the jester? if you can get away from them

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New job, fourth month. The situation is difficult for me, personal relationships do not develop, I “mow” a lot (I note that, in my opinion, these jambs are not as terrible as the noise that rises. I compare it with the assessment of the work of colleagues) the salary does not live up to expectations. She asked me what was in store for me in this job. Answer: in the past, the Jack of Cups, now - the emperor, in the future - a star. Is this a good lineup? Or did I ask the wrong question? somehow the description looks too optimistic against the background of the current situation

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In the past, mistakes were made on your part due to an incorrect assessment of the situation, but now there is a process of leveling, streamlining, organizing the process and adapting. The future promises you development and favorable results of today's work on the situation and on yourself.
It is important to follow this path to the end, not to quit and not to despair.
Good luck!

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If three Cards fell five of wands, the moon and the star - how to work out at work?

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Hello, can I stay at this job, do I need to change it, it fell out - 7 swords, 6 denarii, 2 cups

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Not a single question arises in our head just like that) if he came to you, then life gives you clues where to move on, how to be. Open your heart and listen) and about the cards in the layout: perhaps the question arose due to the fact that honest relationships are not very fond of your work. Gossip is possible behind your back, or your successes are passed off as their own, and their mistakes are passed off as yours. 6 denarii tells us that now the situation will level off, and your work will be appreciated, it is possible that they will appreciate your experience and recommend you as a mentor for a new employee. In the future, in this job, you will have an excellent team and very close relationships between colleagues, but you should not expect money, a career or new projects. Even an affair with a colleague is possible

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Hello tarot readers! An outside opinion is needed. There are 2 people, presumably both magic chat. There is a conflict between them. It is necessary to find out what everyone is like as a practitioner at the moment. In general, the Devil fell out as a significator of the situation. Further on the guy - JOKE, PAGE OF PENTACLES, ACE OF PENTACLES, girl - ACE OF SWORDS, DEATH, MODERATION. The guy is rumored to be practicing the World Cup, the girl is not known for sure. Not exactly a job question, but almost

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If I needed the magician's help in resolving the situation, then of course the girl would give such an answer. She is able to clearly see the situation and rule it. A guy in magic is more for excitement and money. If you want to learn magic - then to the guy

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Help, please decipher the cards. What awaits me at work? The first Queen of Wands, this is the past
Real Queen of Swords
The future is 9 of cups.

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Hello. Help ra... tsya. I have long wanted to do my own business (retrain for another profession). Dropped out: Priest, Five Denarius, Court. Thanks in advance.

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You need a good teacher in this business (or good courses to complete that are quoted in the environment of your choice). Do not spare money for studying, you may have to save money and limit yourself in some way. But the effort will pay off, it's worth it. First of all, you like it. You will do "your" business. Perhaps it will become a family business in the future.

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Hello! Tired of incomprehensible intrigues at work and it seems they will never end!!! Explain in simple terms what will happen. Please. Thank you.
You got a card - Three of Cups.

Present, now at work, in a working relationship:
Herald card, Knave of WandsYou got a card - Jack of Wands.

Near future at work, in working relationships:
card Rider of WandsYou got a card - Rider of Wands.

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hello. tell me, please, whether I should change my job or not, and whether I can stay at this job. Thanks

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Hello, tell me about the cards that have fallen, please. The manager at work changes, a new one comes. She asked me how I would get along with him. Sun-3 of Wands-Strength
Thank you in advance!

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Hello! It’s so bad for me that I didn’t line up for work. Again, my colleagues complained about me. as if there is always a black bar. Today they called another chance to give. they will definitely get a job or? how? Tell me please

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Dear Raya, your condition is due to your behavior in the social environment. You feel bad because you think - "I'm somehow not like that, I'm bad, I don't know how to communicate". It is possible that you lack communication skills, but this does not mean at all that you are bad or you have a black streak in life. A sober assessment of the current situation, awareness of your feelings and the ability to conduct a constructive dialogue with colleagues will help you. Coming to a new team, a person goes through a period of adaptation. This period is different for everyone. During this period, people study each other. Due to the lack of information about a person and the motives of his behavior, misunderstandings and conflicts are possible. So do not worry, the situation is quite fixable, and we can say that it is often encountered in modern working conditions. I am a psychologist, you can write to me, I will try to help you. On a voluntary basis.

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Forget-me-not, hello. I have a similar situation. I need help. I would be glad to hear from you.

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Hello. Haven't been in a while...
Priest-5 of Swords-Lovers.

Intrigue, blow ... While I was on vacation. I found out by chance .. What are the prospects? Is it worth it to "sort things out"? Briefly - while I was on vacation, they began to look for a replacement for me. Personally, I did not even think about leaving. I found out by accident, because. Subscription letter arrived.

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Dear tarologists, good afternoon! help, please, with the interpretation of the answer to the question: "Will my daughter find a job before the end of the year? Will she be self-fulfilled?" Cards dropped: 3 of Swords, King of Swords; Lady Denariyev.

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Dear Tarologists, good evening!
Please help me understand the schedule. I am in an active search for my favorite job, but we will not all meet. There are proposals, at the moment, but of a temporary nature, unpromising, driving me into such hopelessness. What are my prospects?
1 Strength
2 Ten of Cups
3 Priest

Thanks to

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The second most popular question with which they come to the tarologist is the questions of the material sphere. Fortune telling on Tarot cards to questions about work, although inferior to the romantic sphere, is nevertheless popular, and also has a special meaning for a person. Of course, you can analyze the situation at work with a layout from one Tarot card, but in this article we will talk about more voluminous layouts.

Types of tarot divination for career and money

Here we can conditionally divide all Tarot layouts related to work into the following groups.

  • The first is Tarot spreads to clarify the current situation in a career and at work. In this group of layouts, the state of affairs in the current place of work and what lies ahead are analyzed. Career divination on the Tarot can also be attributed here, since this is also an analysis of the situation in the same area. It is with the help of this fortune-telling that we find out whether they will be fired or promoted.
  • The second is Tarot layouts for a new job. In this case, we will find out if we will have a new place of work within the planned period, what to expect in the near future and what this activity will bring to you (here, as in the first case). Usually, such layouts are necessary when a person has been without a specific activity for a long time and needs employment. They let you know about all the available options.
  • The third is Tarot layouts for a job change. In this case, we are comparing the current organization with the new location. In my practice, this is the most frequently requested tarot card divination for work. Thanks to this fortune-telling, we find out what awaits us at the current workplace, and what is at the proposed new one, this allows us to make an informed decision in a difficult situation of choice.
  • The fourth is career guidance, layouts that allow you to find out in which area you will best realize yourself. Such fortune-telling is rarely addressed. As a rule, the choice of profession was determined by education, and young people do not often turn to Tarot when choosing an educational institution. They most often turn to the Tarot layout for a profession when they are disappointed in the current field of employment and want to try something new, but they couldn’t figure out what exactly.

How to prepare for divination for work

It should be understood that any fortune-telling requires preparation, and fortune-telling for work is no exception. But besides esoteric training, you also need informational training. In some cases, you need to find out what kind of education your client has, whether he has experience and skills in various fields. This will help you decide on the method of divination for career guidance.

Questions of money, income, salary are also very individual. Everyone understands by a “good salary” completely different amounts, based on what he received before, how much they receive in his environment and what are the needs. Therefore, in order to talk about numbers, you must first find out from the client what amounts are involved, so that later, with the help of Tarot, you can determine whether the salary will be more or less than desired.

The most popular layouts for work

Let's take a look at a few layouts with you that will be useful to you when divining on Tarot cards for work.

Tarot spread for work and finance

As you will see from the positions, this tarot spread is used to find out the near future at work. With it, you will find out what the situation is at the present time, and what awaits the questioner in the foreseeable future. By the way, if after analyzing the future, we can conclude whether it is time to change the current organization to another one. But in this case it is better to use a different layout.

The positions of the layout are read as follows:

  • S - Significator. In this case, it can be omitted.
  • 1-4 - Present tense, describe the situation at the moment
  • 1 - Influence of the past on your situation
  • 2 - Current state of affairs
  • 3 - Do you enjoy your work?
  • 4 - financial side, possible income
  • 5-8 - positions describe prospects for the future
  • 5 - Will something at work change?
  • 6 - Where to expect changes that will affect you
  • 7 - How will these changes affect your income?
  • 8 - How the changes will affect your working life in general

Job change decision

This Tarot layout allows you to analyze the situation at work. From fortune-telling, you will learn about the current situation, but from the side of the questioner, that is, whether everything suits him. Based on this, it will be possible to conclude whether it is necessary to change the workplace. Such fortune-telling is suitable in cases where the person who turned to you cannot decide whether he should change jobs, and the reason for this uncertainty lies in the plane of the irrational, and not in matters of salary and career.

The meaning of the positions are as follows:

  • S - Significator. Tells about the general mood of the questioner
  • 1 - Current situation
  • 2 - What you like about this place
  • 3 - What does not suit
  • 4 - additional desires and moods
  • 5 and 6 - arguments for changing jobs
  • 7 and 8 - reasons to keep things the way they are
  • 9 - card advice on what to do in the end

In order to make a Tarot layout for finding a job, you can use the simplest method that is available to you to determine the timing. For example, you can sequentially lay out cards until a hidden card or a card indicating employment comes out. Of course, in advance, you need to determine how long each position is responsible for (for example, 1 week or 1 month). In this case, you will be able to say after what period of time the questioner will be able to get a job in a hidden organization or even find a place for himself.

If there is a specific offer from the employer, then it is necessary to consider it for working conditions and employment opportunities. For these purposes, you can use one of the layouts above, slightly modifying its positions or a special one, which I give below.

This fortune-telling is used when the person who applied to you is in search of a place for work and salary and he received an offer, or he found a suitable vacancy. It is possible that he has even gone to the interview. And now the most important question remains: will they take him to the company, and if they do, then how everything will turn out there. These burning questions will be answered by this fortune-telling. Keep in mind that in this way we lay out cards if there is a real offer that your client wants to take advantage of (or has already taken advantage of).

The positions here are read as follows:

  • S - Significator. The mood of the questioner regarding this work
  • 1 - Will he be hired for this vacancy, what are the chances
  • 2 - Will he agree to go to this organization himself
  • 3.4 - Working conditions and how much they will pay, as a rule, these positions are not separated and are treated together, but if it is more convenient for you, you can assign them separately to each position
  • 5.6 - Relationships between colleagues and superiors
  • 7 - Additional points and circumstances
  • 8 - Prospects for career growth and salary growth

Video - Tarot layout for work

The video with examples will give you a complete understanding of the tarot layout for work.

As you can see, this fortune-telling is quite simple and easy to interpret, while it allows you to clarify all the points that bother you when applying for a job.

There is another type of fortune-telling, which I did not mention at the very beginning, this is the diagnosis of whether the work lay down on the Tarot. This direction refers to a different type of activity associated with a magical action, and therefore they should be looked for not in the section about work or career, but in the section with the diagnosis of energy and other magical moments.

Working conditions and work environment

The “Emperor” card that fell out to you indicates the will and logic that prevail over feelings, secular power and authority, the desire for protection, stability, security; control over circumstances. Wisdom, maturity. This is the Master, the Ruler of the World, ready to defend his possessions and not afraid to hold power in his hands. This is a strong, influential, ambitious person. The desire to dispose of everything and everyone, the willingness to fight for this opportunity.

Monetary prospects (salary, bonuses and other income)

You got the Star card, which means a wonderful future, hope, justified optimism, happiness, good luck, good news. Receiving benefits that exceed expectations, success. Perspective long-term planning, brilliant projects. Thirst for life, a surge of creative inspiration. The embodiment of a dream into reality. Positive problem solving. Well-deserved rest, outdoor recreation.

Prospects for professional development and career growth, relationships with superiors and / or subordinates

The “Moon” card that fell out to you means fears and fears, increased emotionality, frightening difficulties, the need to overcome the last but important obstacle in order to achieve the goal. An unreliable phase of life, vulnerability, longing, wandering in the dark, uncertainty. Secret enemies, unfaithful friends, slander, mistake. Lack of clear goals and objectives in life. Secret sciences, activation of the imagination, the subconscious.

Relationships with peers and co-workers

You got the Queen of Swords - a smart, cold-blooded, resourceful woman, sane, successfully making a career, probably divorced or a widow, looking for new knowledge and easily comprehending them, with a strong, sometimes despotic character. Eloquent, prudent, flirtatious, but able to distance herself. Manipulative girlfriend. Also - the path to independence, clarity of thought, intelligence, purposefulness. Solving problems with logic.

Best Behavior for You in Your New Job

Here is the Page of Pentacles, personifying a fruitful impulse from the outside, a chance for enrichment, solidity and constancy. A great opportunity to achieve success in specific projects, making tangible profits and recognition. An important meeting that brings good prospects, offers, contracts, support in work. Practical, resourceful, well trained, focused young man, able to use his knowledge, ready to live his own life.

What to avoid in a new job

The Ace of Swords fell out to you, which means outstanding inner strength, courage, as well as a chance to gain clarity, certainty in an important complicated matter, help in making a fateful decision. Entering the path of development in business, establishing the truth. Sharpness of thoughts, openness of communication, the need to delve into the essence of the problem. Indomitable passion, vivid emotions.

How will your employment in general affect your life outside of work (at home, relationships with friends, hobbies, etc.)

You got the King of Cups, personifying a charming, deeply feeling man, attentive, soft. Meek and caring, ready to help, fair, benevolent and aesthetic. Reliable and honest. Scientist, lawyer. Disposing to himself, kind, condescending, loving family. Also - wealth, distant connections, trust in instincts and instincts, interest. The need to express one's feelings in art.

The prospects for your work in this organization in the distant future

You have drawn the Five of Swords, representing a struggle with serious losses, a battle on a foreign field, an unsettling atmosphere, the defeat of all parties involved with the likely illusion of victory. Winning at too high a cost, ending a game that wasn't worth the candle. Meanness, danger, hostility. The inability to get around the debilitating conflict, humiliation. Thirst for destruction, degradation, baseness. Tough streak in life.