Level 1: Status

Status - basic, entry-level leadership. It is influence that comes solely from office, title, or position. At this level, territorial rights, traditions, protocols and statutes operate. There is nothing wrong with these things, unless they become the basis for an authoritarian management style, replacing the missing leadership abilities - a worthless replacement, it must be said.

A person appointed to a position may have some power and the ability to control others, but real leadership is much more than just power, experience, knowledge and following certain rules. A true leader is one whom people follow voluntarily and consciously. A true leader knows that the words “leader” and “boss” do not mean the same thing.

The boss commands people, the leader teaches them.

A boss relies on authority, a leader relies on goodwill.

A boss causes fear in people, a leader inspires them.

The boss says “I”, the leader says “we”.

The boss scolds for problems, the leader copes with them.

The boss knows how to work, the leader shows how it should be done.

The boss says: “Go,” the leader says, “Let’s go!”

Features of a “leader by position”

Confidence and stability are not based on talent, but on position or title. It is said that during the First World War, one of the privates shouted at General Pershing, not recognizing him in the heat of battle. With horror, having discovered his mistake, the soldier, trembling and stuttering, began to ask for forgiveness in order to somehow soften the inevitable punishment. In response, the general patted the soldier on the shoulder and said: “Nothing, son. Be glad I'm not a junior lieutenant." You already understand: the higher the level of influence, the higher the confidence and sense of stability.

The first level of influence ("leader by position") is often achieved through appointment.

All other, higher levels of influence are achieved with the help of the personal abilities of the person himself.

One day, famous baseball coach Leo Darocher was leading an exhibition game. One of the spectators, a fan of the opposing team, kept insulting Darocher, wanting to piss him off.

Hey Darocher! - the guy yelled. - Tell me, how did a little guy like you manage to get into the big leagues?

My state congressman appointed me! - Darocher* did not remain in debt.

People follow the “leader by position” only within the limits of his official authority. They follow orders and do what is required of them, but nothing more. In teams led by an ex-officio leader, morale is usually low, and if the leader lacks confidence, his followers will be less than enthusiastic, just like the boy who met the great preacher Billy Graham. Graham asked the boy how to get to

*E.G. McKenzie, Quips and Quotes (Grand Rapids, Baker. 1980).

post office. After listening to the answer, Graham thanked the boy and said:

Come listen to my sermon tonight. I will tell you how to get to heaven.

“I won’t go,” the boy answered. - You don’t even know how to get to the post office!

“Leaders by position” find it difficult to work with volunteers, white collar workers and young people. Volunteers, that is, people performing voluntary duties, are not subject to financial leverage: they do not work in the organization of a “leader by position” and not for a salary.

White-collar decision-makers do not tolerate dictatorial leadership styles. And formal symbols of power do not make much of an impression on young people.

Almost all of us learned from childhood that leadership is a position. As we grow up and come into contact with reality, such a belief becomes a source of grief and disappointment: too many have learned the hard way that just a position alone does not guarantee a following. Becoming a successful leader requires more than that - the ability to rise from one level of leadership to the next.

Level 2: Approval

As Fred Smith said, “Leadership is the ability to persuade people to work for you even when they are not obligated to do so.”* This becomes possible only when moving to the second level of influence. People don't care how much you know, but they want to know that you care! Leadership begins not with the head, but with the heart; the ideal environment for it is not strict rules, but meaningful, meaningful relationships between people.

“Leaders by position” often resort to intimidation and intimidation. They are somewhat reminiscent of chickens. The Norwegian psychologist Schjelderup-Ebbe, studying the formation of hierarchical relationships in a group of chickens, found that usually one chicken occupies a dominant position (she pecks everyone, but no one pecks her). The hen that ranks second in the hierarchy also pecks at everyone,

* Fred Smith, Learning to Lead (Waco, Word, 1986), 117.

except for "chicken number one". And so on, downwards, to the unfortunate “outsider”: this chicken is pecked by everyone and everything, but it can’t hit back at anyone.

A leader who has reached the level of approval does not rely on force, but on human relationships. He does not “peck” others, but helps them, spending time and energy on satisfying people’s needs and desires. Amitai Etzioni in the book “Modern Organizations” said the following about Henry Ford: “He created the ideal car - the Ford T, after which cars of all other models were no longer needed. He was entirely focused on producing excellent products and wanted to fill the whole world with his cars. But when people started coming to him and saying, “Mr. Ford, we would like a car in a different color,” he said, “You can have a car in any color, as long as that color is black.” This is where his decline began.” In any business, people, their desires and needs should come first.

A person who is unable to establish strong and lasting relationships with other people will soon inevitably find that he is unable to remain a real, effective leader for long. (See Chapter 7, “A Leader’s Invaluable Capital: People”). Of course, you can love people and not lead them, but it is impossible to lead people without loving them.

Attention! As you move up the leadership levels, don't try to jump levels! Most often people try to jump over level 2: Approval. For example, a husband wants to move from level 1: Status (on his wedding day he acquired a new social position and became a husband) to level 3: Productivity.

He becomes a wonderful “breadwinner” and perfectly provides for the family financially, but at the same time he neglects human relationships with family members - that is, what, in fact, the family rests on. As a result, the family breaks up and the business also suffers. Human relationships provide the invisible glue that holds productivity together.

Level 3: Productivity

At this level of leadership, many positive things begin to happen. Profits are increased, staff turnover is minimized, people are motivated, needs are met, plans are realized. At this level, work is literally in full swing. Being a leader and influencing people is a pleasure, problems are solved with minimal effort, people regularly receive fresh statistical data about the organization’s activities and are proud of its growth. Everyone is focused on achieving results; results are the main reason for all activities.

Levels 2 and 3 are fundamentally different from each other. At level 2, people get together simply to be together, they have no other purpose. But at level 3, people come together to achieve a common goal. They still like to be together, but now they are together not just like that, but for some reason. In other words, they are results-oriented.

In one of the films, Jack Nicholson's character tries to order a sandwich with toasted bread at a restaurant, but is refused. In the end, an original solution was found: Nicholson’s character ordered a toasted bread sandwich with chicken, and then told the waitress: “Instead of mayonnaise, use butter... and keep the chicken.” The goal has been set, the result has been achieved.

Here's a joke that I really love. One sales agent, recently hired at a trading company, went on his first business trip. The very first message he sent to the office horrified the head of the department: the new employee could not write even two words without errors! “We haven’t been here before for our goods, we bought some, and then went to Chicago.”

Following the first message, a second message arrived, from Chicago: “I came here and sold half a million worth of goods.”

The head of the department did not know what to do: either fire the ignorant person right away, or keep him. With these thoughts he came to the director of the company. The next morning, on top of two letters from a new employee, on the manager’s desk was a note from the director: “It seems to me that we spend twice as much time on grammar as on marketing. See how it works.

Let everyone read the letters from Johnsan that he went on a military camp and sold all his goods. So you need to work the same way.”

It goes without saying that any boss will prefer a subordinate who can write and trade equally well. However, we must not forget that many “undereducated” people work great and achieve excellent results.

Dan Reiland, one of my colleagues, once said this: “Level 1: Status is the door to leadership, and Level 2: Approval is the foundation of leadership.”

Level 4: Mentoring

As Robert Townsend states, leaders come in “every size, age, shape and condition.” And yet leaders, although they are so different, are noticed immediately. A true leader has people who consistently produce excellent results. The greatness of a leader lies not in his own strength, but in his ability to give strength to those around him. Even if you have achieved success, if you have not prepared followers, then your victory is a Pyrrhic victory. If the main task of the employee is to do the work assigned to him, then the main task of the leader is to promote the development of people so that they can do the work assigned to them (for more details, see Chapter 7).

Followers are most loyal to a leader if he has contributed to their personal growth. Notice how the follower's attitude towards the leader changes: at level 2 the follower loves the leader, at level 3 he admires him, at level 4 he is devoted to him. By helping people grow as individuals, a leader wins their hearts.

Currently, Cheryl Fleischer plays one of the leading roles in my team, although at first she was not very socially active. While working with me, Cheryl gradually became more active, and now she is successfully promoting the development of other people. Working closely with me brought about positive changes in Cheryl's character that I am confident she will never forget. Now Cheryl works with people, investing her time and effort into their personal growth, but at the same time she helps not only them, but also me. I, too, will never forget the kindness that Cheryl did for me.

The circle of leaders around you should consist of people whose personal growth you have a direct connection to. In this case, you will be bound by bonds of mutual love and devotion both with your immediate environment and with the people surrounding your closest allies.

However, problems can arise as you move up the ladder of influence. You may not even realize how many new people who have only recently joined your organization view you as an “incumbent leader” because they have never met you in person. Keep the following rules in mind:

You have to walk through the crowd slowly. Find opportunities for personal contact with all members of your organization. The church community I lead has 5,000 members, and I do everything for personal contact with each of them:

■ I study the names of permanent members of the community listed in the parish registers.

■ I distribute feedback cards to community members and personally read messages received (I receive about 250 completed cards every week).

■ I read all application forms from those wishing to become permanent members of our community.

■ I personally read letters from community members and respond to them.

■ Every year I attend at least one event held by each of our Sunday school classes.

Development of key leaders. I constantly meet with people who occupy leading positions in our community and teach them, and they, in turn, pass on the knowledge they receive from me to others.

Level 5: Personality

In this book we will not pay much attention to the highest level of influence, since to achieve it a person must be a true leader throughout his life. I would like to reach this level someday - I know it is achievable.

Rice. 5.6.

Options for individual paths to achieving the highest level of leadership can be different, which is shown in the figure with dotted arrows.

The path is strictly along the bisector: actions are adequate to the situation - this is a conditional "average" designation of both (1) the adequacy of the leader's choice of style - a tool for achieving goals in the current activities of the unit or organization as a whole and (2) the dynamics of the development of group effectiveness, depending on the behavior of the leader ( leader) is the result of achieving the strategic goals of team development and building an effective organization.

Let us analyze this path in terms of group development. In some situations, at the initial stages of group development, it is quite adequate to increase the priority of the task (result) and individual decision-making by the leader (shift towards the horizontal axis). In others, it is more adequate to delegate many tasks to people (a shift towards the vertical axis) to the detriment of the possible quality or speed of current activities in order for the group to learn and gain experience (the resulting one is on the middle axis).

So, having examined the traditional opposition between the concepts of “management” and “leadership”, we saw that they are not opposite and often complement each other. Leadership emphasizes the influence that a leader has on others, while management is about the need not only to organize people to work together, but also to motivate them to do this work. That is, charismatic influence is an effect of leadership, and motivation, or rather the motivation of others, is a function of management. However, in both cases, the group’s achievement of the result required by the organization is impossible without people being inspired by the goal, which is the main factor in the effectiveness of group activities and one of the most important conditions for turning a group into a team. Therefore, modern management models pay great attention to the motivational and inspiring activities of the manager (leader).

The logic of the development of leadership theories shows that the periods of searching for the elements that define a leader (his qualities, behavior, his consideration of the peculiarities of the situation) have already been passed. Today we are talking about a special combination of all these elements at different levels of development of the group and the leader and, moreover, about the features and methods of achieving the highest level of organizational leadership, which is characterized by the development of leadership among those who are usually called followers of the leader or even followers.

Moving on to the analysis of different leadership styles, we saw that despite the variety of approaches, names and descriptions of various styles, in fact, we are always talking about the opposition of authoritarian and democratic styles as poles of a large continuum and the degree of approximation of intermediate styles to one or another pole.

In addition to the linear continuum, lattice styles are also used, located between two perpendicular axes (also with extreme and intermediate style options), and sometimes three-dimensional models or models with the addition of a third axis on the lattice plane. In the first case, they talk about an independent factor associated with the effectiveness or motivation of the group, in the second - that the development of the group is a consequence of the flexible involvement of people in achieving the required results, adequate to the situation.

Practical tasks

Exercise 1. Pick up a few quotes about leaders, outstanding leaders and executives and divide these quotes into the most likeable and least likeable (weird) for you. Prepare to argue your opinion in front of your classmates.

Task 2. Read the analytical article by S. R. Filonovich on the history of leadership theory. Using the author’s findings, articles and materials from websites of well-known centers for leadership research and development, highlight the main trends in its study over the past 20–25 years.

Task 3. Prepare for a discussion on Servant Leadership.

  • a) Compare the emphasis of the following titles: “Servant Leadership,” “Servant Leader,” and “Servant Leader.” What words were used by the idea's originator, R. Greenleaf, in his 1970 essay?
  • b) The original desire to serve and care for others gives more powerful power than the original desire to lead, exalt or dominate. However, this power only works if service results in the strengthening, not weakening, of those whom the leader serves. That is, they become increasingly wiser, freer, more autonomous and independent. And the servant leader himself is the invisible servant. And this is really what makes him happy. How do you understand these words?
  • c) Find similar ideas and similar people in human history and fiction.
  • d) Think about what the servant leader wants and dreams of. What can make him happy and what can make him sad?
  • e) How can care be understood and practiced differently?
  • f) How is servant leadership related to the task of the hired manager of the organization to ensure the achievement of the goals of the department and the organization?
  • g) Which of the leadership styles you know is most similar to servant leadership?
  • h) How does servant leadership relate to the principle of organizational hierarchy?

Task 4. Study the article by A. V. Mirzoyan “Management and Leadership: A Comparative Analysis of Leadership Theories” and show how the author’s reasoning differs from the reasoning of the authors of other articles you have read on this topic.

Task 5. Search the Internet and study the criteria for the Russian Government Quality Award, paying attention to the section “Leading Role of Management.” What leadership style do you think is responsible for achieving the results described in this section?

Task 6. Consider the two illustrations provided and say which one you think more accurately reflects the essence of leadership.

Exercise 7. Analyze the meaning of the Russian word “manage”. Find English-language analogues for the actions “set direction”, “affirm rules”, “distribute morals”, “rule”.

Task 8. Read the following text and find confirmation or refutation of the statements made in it.

“Attitudes towards the authoritarian style and reasoning on this topic are deeply connected with philosophical issues of freedom and with the values ​​of humanism, which, in turn, is often perceived as an instrument of the struggle for the liberation of humanity from all forms of exploitation, domination or suppression, and sometimes even more Moreover, its liberation, in general, from any social and moral norms. Consequently, opponents of permissiveness and supporters of order, as well as those who are worried about the possible or occurred, in their opinion, loss of independence of the country, automatically deny the democratic style , beginning to be forced to support authoritarian leaders, emphasizing their personal strength and the successes achieved under their leadership."

Task 9. Read G. Leavitt's book "Top Down. Why Hierarchies Don't Die, and How to Lead Them More Effectively" and prepare a speech about the conditions for the effectiveness of an authoritarian leadership style.

Task 10. Answer the question: “Office plankton – a cause or a consequence of an authoritarian management style?” Prepare arguments to defend your position.

Task 11. Think through and discuss in the audience the basic principles of forming an effective team that a modern leader should follow.

Great? Courage, insight, knowledge and understanding of business, the ability to organize people? Truly great leaders have a specific mix of skills. But they also have something that cannot be described in words. If you find yourself in leadership roles, it's likely that you often wonder how to get from good to great to the next level.

The concept of Level 5 leadership comes from the book Good to Great by Jim Collins. The writing of the book began with Collins trying to answer the question - what makes companies great? He paid attention to 1,435 companies, from which he chose the 11 best. And all 11 of these companies were led by what Collins called Level 5 leaders.

He found that all these leaders were humble and did not seek success for their own glory and gain. They shared success with their subordinates, and blamed themselves exclusively for mistakes. Collins also notes that such leaders tend to be shy, but fearless when making the most difficult decisions, especially those that most people consider extremely risky.

Also, leaders of the fifth level have the qualities of all leaders from the first to the fourth level. Although you don't necessarily need to master skills from levels one to five, you will still need to develop all of these skills eventually.

Five Levels of Leadership

  • First level: high professionalism. You must have high level qualities in your work. You have a wealth of knowledge about your area of ​​business, as well as the talents and skills needed to do your job well.
  • Second level: valuable team member. You know how to use your talents and qualities to make your team successful. You work effectively, efficiently and successfully with your subordinates.
  • Third level: competent manager. You are able to organize the work of a team in such a way as to achieve certain goals.
  • Level four: effective leader. Most leaders do not reach this level because there is extremely delicate work involved - the ability to create a vision for the future and ensure that the company moves along the intended trajectory.
  • Fifth level: great leader. You possess all the skills of the four previous levels, yet have a unique combination of humility and outstanding personality characteristics.

How to become a fifth level leader

Of course, this takes quite a lot of time; you won’t be able to immediately become a fifth-level leader, even if you are incredibly smart and knowledgeable in your field of business. The good news is that anyone can reach this level if they have a lot of passion and desire to achieve it.

Here are some strategies to help you with this:

Developing Modesty

Why is humility so important for a leader? If you are humble, you begin to understand on a deep, emotional level how destructive ignorance can be. In addition, attributing success not only to yourself, but also to team members will help maintain a positive and high atmosphere in the team. Conversely, if a mistake has been made, you must take full blame on yourself.

Request for help

This strategy also comes from a place of humility. We tend to think that asking for help is a sign of weakness, but such thinking is long outdated. The ability to ask for help is the true strength of a leader because it means one thing: he understands that there are people who are experts in some field and know more than he does. Eventually, your team will begin to understand that you need their knowledge, not just manage it. Guy Kawasaki said that the best leaders hire the best people. And if so, why not take advantage of this and get the most out of hiring highly qualified employees? In addition, such employees can make you a fifth-level leader. This way both sides support each other.

Ability to take responsibility

Perhaps this is the main sign of a fifth-level leader. Your team member's mistake is your mistake. The obsessive desire to blame mistakes on others is an all-too-popular behavior pattern for many people and leaders, and this is why they will never become great. They are too proud and selfish, and this strategy does not work in the long run.

High discipline

Level 5 leaders are incredibly disciplined. For them, it doesn’t matter how difficult the problem is, because only perseverance and action will help overcome any difficulty. They listen to a variety of opinions, know how to sift constructive from unconstructive, and are almost always motivated. If motivation disappears for a while, discipline comes to the rescue.

Ability to find the right people

Leaders rely entirely on the people they hire. They spend a lot of time searching for them, clearly know what skills they should have, and also help them unlock their own potential.


Level 5 leaders are obsessed with what they do. This means that for them the company is a family, and its goals are their meaning in life. Thanks to this, they are not at all afraid to make difficult decisions.

Such people show employees their love for the company and infect them with their example. It should be said that not all of your subordinates know how to motivate themselves, but if they see that you, as a leader, are charged with incredible energy, they themselves begin to work better.

Whatever level of leadership you are at, always strive for level five, because that is where you can realize your full potential. We wish you good luck!

Wisdom of the leader Zhalevich Andrey

Is this a “leadership” pyramid?

This propaganda poster, entitled “The Pyramid of the Capitalist System,” is over 100 years old! It was once cited even in Soviet school textbooks on modern history - although without translation into Russian. Phrases from top to bottom:

1. Politicians - “We rule over you!”

2. Clergy - “We are fooling you!”

3. Army - “We are shooting at you!”

4. Bourgeoisie - “We eat for you!”

5. Workers and peasants - “We work for everyone,” “We feed everyone!”

As we can see, little has changed over these 100 years. Signs, doctrines, concepts, “isms” have changed, but the essence of the question has remained approximately the same: “How to build a fair and prosperous society in which there would be no place for lies and deception, hypocrisy and falsehood, hostility and wars, evil and violence, exploitation and enslavement, fraud and speculation, discrimination and persecution, inequality and injustice, illiteracy and ignorance, hunger and poverty?

Therefore, those real leaders who want to see our planet prosperous and the people living on Earth happy will need not only to master new methods and tools of leadership, but also to reconsider its foundations, philosophy and ideology, to build a new, better, fairer and more harmonious a system of social, economic, political and environmental relations. Otherwise, in the near future, we may all find ourselves witnessing a very painful collapse of the “Towers of Babel” and numerous “pyramids” built to fool, dull, enslave and exploit the broad masses, segments of the population, social classes by other narrow groups, clans, “families” , "elites".

From the book Jewish Business 4: Dirty Deals author Fishing Alexander

Golden Pyramid The ancients believed that the history of peoples goes in circles, and the wisest King Shlomo said: “There is nothing new under the Sun.” Karl Marx objected to him that history develops in a spiral (the latest philosopher Andrei Knyshev added: that they didn’t steal it last year -

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7 Scales of Leadership Leadership can manifest itself on a variety of scales. We can distinguish, for example, seven levels of leadership scale: 1. Are your own leaders. These are independent, independent, integral and self-sufficient individuals who are happy on their own, even without

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10 plans of leadership Depending on what, on which of the plans of his existence a person primarily concentrates, the following levels of leadership can be distinguished: 1. Bodily leadership based on the physical body makes a person a fan of it: figure, cosmetics,

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Paradoxes of leadership Richard Farson in his book “Management of the Absurd. Paradoxes of Leadership" provides 33 major paradoxes of leadership that are worth reflecting on.1. The opposite of truth is also truth.2. There is nothing more invisible than the obvious.3. The more important

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Aikido of Leadership Leaders can learn a lot from martial arts masters, especially if it is not only a combat system, but also a philosophical one. Thus, the founder of the martial art of Aikido, the great master and one of the greatest leaders Morihei Ueshiba (Ueshiba)

On October 4, Maxwell's new book, "The 5 Levels of Leadership," was published. Here's what he says about this book:

"Leadership is one of my passions. I have dedicated over thirty years of my life to helping others learn what I know about it. I spend about eighty days a year teaching people about leadership. In the last few years, I have been teaching it to people on six continents. The topic is endless. Why? Because there are so many ups and downs in leadership. If you want to make a positive impact on the world, leadership will help you do it.
I started thinking about the topic of leadership back in 1976, and to this day I ask myself a lot of questions. Who is a leader and what is leadership? And how does it work? Unfortunately, not many people find the right answers to these questions. Some people associate leadership with a leadership position. But I know bad leaders who held good positions and good leaders who did not hold any positions at all. You agree with me? Ultimately, I came to the conclusion that the sooner people learn to increase their influence over other people, the more effectively they will lead. And the more I thought about the concept of leadership, the more it emerged in my mind. The concept of the 5 Levels of Leadership took me about five years to complete. I was asked when are you going to write a book about this? As you can see, I can finally answer this question."

And now excerpts from the book about all these levels:

  1. Position. A good leader can change himself, he brings people together and creates a team, builds organizations, influences society, and has the potential to influence the whole world. But never forget that a position is just a starting point. This is the entry level of leadership. A positional leader's influence is based on position. Positional leadership is based on the leadership position. I think it is wrong to use your authoritative status in order to manipulate people. Status is a poor substitute for influence. People who occupy only the first level of leadership may be bosses, but they will never become leaders. They have employees under them, not team members. They rely on norms, rules, policies and organizational charts to control their subordinates, who will follow their boss only to the established boundaries of authority. And subordinates, as a rule, do only what is required of them. If a leader is at the entry-level or first level, then at times when additional effort and time are required, the leader rarely gets both.
    Positional leaders tend to find it difficult to work with volunteers, young people and people with a high level of education. Why? Because positional leaders have no influence over these types of independent people.
    This position is the only level that does not require any effort to achieve. Anyone can hold this position. This means that Level 1 is the starting point, but every leader must strive to go beyond it. And, like every level of leadership, it has its pros and cons.
    Just as in life we ​​have to step over the dark periods and enjoy the white ones, so in leadership there are both positive and negative aspects. Getting your first leadership position is always something to celebrate. "Pros" of the 1st level:
    1. Leadership positions are usually given to people who have leadership potential. Often people take a certain leadership position because someone in management suggested it. This probably seems obvious. But think about the consequences: it usually means that the person with some authority believes that the new leader has potential. It's a good news. So if this is a completely new position for you, celebrate the fact that someone in power believes in you.
    Also, I want to congratulate you and wish you good luck as this is just the first step in your leadership journey. You are invited to a desk, assigned a seat, and you can take part in a game called leadership. You will have the opportunity to express your opinions and make decisions. But never forget your original goal - to show your manager and your team that you deserve the position.
    2. A leadership position is a way of power. When a person receives a position and title, at the same time he acquires a certain amount of authority. Often at the beginning of a leadership journey, when power is limited, most leaders must prove themselves in this small way before they receive greater authority. No man is a true leader until his appointment is approved by the minds and hearts of others.
    As a new leader, you must use power wisely to help the people who follow you. Do this and people will give you even more power. When this happens, you become a leader, not just in a leadership position.
    3. A leadership position is an invitation to grow as a leader. There should always be a connection between obtaining a leadership position and meeting certain requirements. One of the main requirements is personal growth. I learned this early in my life from my father, who loved to say: “To whom much is given, much is demanded.”
    The journey through the 5 Levels of Leadership will only be successful if you commit yourself to continuous development. If you believe that position makes a leader, it will be quite difficult for you to become a good leader. You will be tempted to stay where you are and enjoy the benefits of that position, rather than strive to grow and become the best leader you can be.
    4. A leadership position allows potential leaders to shape and define their leadership. A leadership position gives you the opportunity to decide which type of leadership is closer to you. When you first rise to the first level of leadership, your leadership page is empty and you can fill it out as you wish! What kind of leader do you want to be? Think about this seriously. Do you want to be a tyrant or create your own leadership team? Do you want to humiliate people or, on the contrary, elevate them? Do you want to give orders or ask questions? You can design the style you want.
    You need to carefully understand what leadership style you will use in practice, taking into account your habits. What will you do to organize your workspace? What will you do every day when you come to work? How will you treat people? What will your business ethics be? The sooner you embark on your leadership journey, the more potential you will gain, and also, start developing good habits now.
    A good leader can change himself, he brings people together and creates a team, builds organizations, influences society, and has the potential to influence the whole world. But never forget that a position is just a starting point.
    Since the 1st position is the lowest level of leadership, it has a large number negatives . I see eight main points:
    1. The first leadership position is often misleading. Most often, people treat a person depending on the status he occupies. Once you have a certain title or position, people will identify you with it. However, the positions and titles are misleading. A position always promises more than it can deliver.
    2. Leaders who rely on positions often do not value other people. There are people who rely only on their leadership position, often giving it the main place, and not their main job. For them, position is more important than work and contribution to the development of the organization. This kind of work attitude does not contribute to good relationships with people. In fact, positional leaders are often irritated by their subordinates, to them they are merely interchangeable cogs in a larger organizational machine, or even seen as an obstacle to their goal of advancing to the next position. As a result, the morale of a department, group, or organization suffers.
    3. Positional leaders bring their politics. When leaders prioritize influencing other people, the organization's environment tends to become political. And this is where the manipulation begins. Positional leaders focus more on control than on developing the organization. They only work for status. They do everything possible to get a large staff and a large budget under their command. They try not for the benefit of the organization, but for the sake of expanding and protecting their own territory. These leaders not only create a vicious cycle of posturing and maneuvering, but also a vicious cycle of competition.
    4. Positional leaders value order over responsibilities. Poet T.S. Eliot said: "Half the evil that happens in the world is due to people who want to feel important... They don't want to hurt... but in a constant struggle they want everyone to think well of them." This is what positional leaders strive for: they do everything in order to feel and look important. Positional leaders rely on their power. They expect the people to serve them, but they themselves do not look for ways to serve the people. For them, it is more important to look and appear than to do something. They value status more than teamwork. As a result, they tend to emphasize the importance of rules and regulations and, conversely, ignore relationships. This is not at all conducive to teamwork and a positive work environment.
    And if you have the right, as a leader, to do something, this does not mean at all that such an action will be correct. Placing emphasis not only in accordance with duties and position is often a sign of the maturity of a leader.
    5. Positional leaders are often lonely. Positional leaders can become lonely if they do not understand the purpose of the leadership position. Being a good leader does not mean trying to become king of the hill and keeping to yourself. Good leaders and managers help the people on their team rise to the top. If you climb to the top of a hill alone, you will certainly feel your loneliness. But if you find yourself there with someone else, then the loneliness recedes.
    6. Leaders who remain in this 1st position for a long time risk stopping in their development. Whenever people use their status to manage people for long periods of time without having true influence, they are identified only as positional leaders and rarely receive additional opportunities for advancement in that organization. They can move in a straight line, but rarely upward.
    If you have also delayed being a positional leader, then my book will help you. However, you must recognize that the longer you rely solely on your position, the more difficult it will be for you to change others' perceptions of your leadership style. Often you need to change your position to regain influence over people.
    7. High turnover is important for a positional leader. When a person relies solely on his position in leadership, the result is almost always high turnover. In one of my books there is a chapter called: “people leave people, not companies.” In it, I explain how people often join a job because they want to be part of a particular company, but leave almost always because they are running away from specific people.
    Every company has its own turnover, and this is inevitable. And this is the question every leader should ask himself: “Who is leaving us?” Organizations run by 1st position managers tend to lose their best people and attract average or below average employees.
    8. Positional leaders receive only a small portion of their subordinates' best abilities. People who rely on their positions and titles are the weakest of all leaders. They rely on their attitude to help them do the hard work. As a result, they receive only little return from people. Some people who work with a positional leader may be strong, ambitious, innovative and motivated, but they will rarely remain so under such leadership.
    The greatest disadvantage of Level 1 leadership is that it is neither creative nor innovative. If a leader does not learn to work at level 1, then he will have no choice but to go in search of another job.

  2. Permission. The transition from the first level to the second, from position to resolution, is the first meaningful step in leadership. Why do I say this? Because management and leadership are about influence, nothing more, nothing less. Leaders who rely on their position to manage people rarely influence them. If their subordinates do what they ask, it is because the subordinates know that they must work to get paid, keep their jobs, prevent possible reprimand, and so on.
    On the contrary, when a leader learns to operate at the level of permission and permission, everything changes. People do more than simply obey orders. They begin to follow the leader. And they do it because they really want it. Why? Because the leader begins to influence people and build relationships, only the position itself is no longer so important for him. Building relationships creates the basis for effectively influencing others. The more deeply a leader can understand the idea of ​​relationships, the more thoroughly he will be able to guide people.
    When people feel loved, cared for, valued and trusted, this translates into teamwork and good relationships with the leader. And so the entire work environment can change.
    The movement to Level 2 is an important development in leadership because it is where followers allow their leaders to guide them. People are moving from the state of subordinates to the state of followers, and this is a movement! Remember, leadership always means moving forward. It can never be static. No movement, no leadership.

  3. Productivity. But before I define and value Level 3 in a leader's life, I want to clarify how the levels work. The 5 levels are like a building - higher levels build on lower ones. Every leader must visit each level to get to the next. The 2nd level is built on the 1st level. It is impossible to be a 3rd level leader if you have not mastered the 2nd level - permission. But once you've built relationships with your people and built a team, you're ready to focus on delivering results.
    Results qualify and differentiate true leaders from people who simply occupy leadership positions. Good leaders always strive for results and get them. They can have a significant impact on the organization. Not only can they be productive individually, but they can also help the team achieve results. This ability gives leaders credibility and expands their reach.
    No one can falsify level 3. Either you have certain results, and you add them to your past achievements, or you have nothing. Thomas Watson, founder of IBM, noted that "outstanding leaders of all ages have created their own quotas and continually increased them." Here is a good description of Level 3 Leadership. At this level, leaders are motivated and productive. As a result, they create momentum and develop an environment of success that makes the team better and stronger.
    Another benefit of Level 3 leadership is attracting high-performing people. Creators attract creators. They respect each other and cooperate with pleasure. They carry out common plans. Ultimately, this leads to growth of the organization.
    Leaders may pass Level 1 for an endless number of reasons: They demonstrate promise. They have connections. Leaders who are good at getting along with others, with some effort to teach people certain skills, can rise to Level 2. But some people will never rise from level 2 - resolution, to level 3 - effectiveness. Why? They can't imagine the results. This usually happens due to a lack of self-discipline, work ethic or skill. However, if you want to reach higher levels of leadership, you need results. And there are no other ways.

  4. Development. Effective leaders understand that in order to become better leaders, they must continually grow and develop. At Level 3, the emphasis is on personal and corporate productivity. The ability to create a high-performing team, department, or organization most accurately indicates a high level of leadership skills. But to get to the top levels of leadership and create a better organization, a leader must move from producing to creating. Why? Because people are the most important asset in any organization.
    Good leaders, having reached level 4, invest their time, energy, money and knowledge in the development of other people, potential leaders. They look at each person for their potential for growth, regardless of their status, position, age or experience. Every person has potential. This practice brings out the best in people and what the best qualities help the team grow. The development of one person lays the foundation for the development and success of other team members. Making the right decisions shows how competently and correctly management is structured, and whether managers take their work seriously. Leaders who don't put effort into putting their decisions into action risk leading to poor performance and also risk losing the respect of their team members.
    Leaders need to shift their focus from achieving results for team members to developing their potential. And focus 20 percent of your attention on personal productivity, and the remaining 80 percent on developing and managing other people. This can be very difficult for managers who do not see the potential in their employees, but it is a much-needed change that can fundamentally change the organization's performance and show the way to a bright future.

  5. Vertex."It is rare that a leader reaches Level 5. Not only is leadership at this level the culmination of the other four levels, but it also requires not only a high degree of skill, but also an innate ability to lead. Leaders at the pinnacle of leadership are fundamentally different from everyone else They are a cut above and bring success to everything they deal with. Leadership at this level serves as a crane for the entire organization and creates an environment that benefits everyone by contributing to their success. Level 5 leaders often have influence that goes beyond outside of their organization.
    Most leaders, when they reach the top, become successful in their careers. But level 5 is not a place of rest, but a position in which you need to stop and evaluate your success. This is the place that has the greatest impact on their lives. This is why leaders reaching the top level must make the most of this time. With gratitude and humility, they must develop and raise up as many leaders as they can, take on many challenges, and expand their positive influence beyond their own organization and business.”

Here are some quotes from his new book:

  1. You can go to the next level, but you will never get to the next one without going through the previous one. Now that you have become familiar with the levels of leadership and grasped the basics, you understand that a leader always climbs the so-called ladder and only after conquering one step can you climb to the next.
  2. Each person occupies his own level. Leadership develops dynamically and changes with environment and attitude. This is what I talk about in the book “5 Levels of Leadership”. Each of us, working in the same organization, can occupy our own level. Someone on my first day at work recognizes only my position, and someone in whom I invested my knowledge and time, helped him rise to the next level, elevates me to the 4th level of leadership.
  3. The higher you rise, the easier it is to lead. Here's some good information. The more you work to rise above and become an excellent leader, you will find that it becomes increasingly easier for you to lead others. You become more effective at leading others because your influence increases as you move to higher levels. The higher the level of influence, the more people are willing to follow you. Limited influence is a limited management style, and the higher the influence, the greater the effectiveness of leadership.
  4. The higher you go, the more time it takes. What's more difficult? Just take a position - level 1 or get permission from people to help them rise to the next level? Everything is pretty transparent. It takes time, effort and a willingness to develop positive relationships with people. How to move from level 2 to level 3? It takes effort and time. Level 4 generally requires total dedication, where you develop people and mentor them to become good leaders. If you want to become a Level 5 leader, you will need to devote a lot of time to developing leaders who will in turn develop other leaders.
  5. Progression from level to level is slow, but falling can happen quickly. Some people ask me: “How long will it take me to become a level 5 leader?” My answer is: much longer than you think. Building is always more difficult and takes longer than destroying. At that time, it is alarming to think about how quickly one can fall from a high level of leadership. I hope you find solace in this: Once you have risen to a higher level, there is a protective layer beneath you, like a safety net to hold you in case you fall. Therefore, the further and higher you go, the more secure leadership becomes for you.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to say when this book will appear in Russia, but what is presented here already gives a general idea and tasks for understanding oneself and one’s actions.

Read more here: http://www.ori-krem.lact.ru/e/2588953-pyat-urovney-liderstva