To avoid refusal from the boss:
Before entering his office, begin to mentally say repeatedly until you are asked a question about the purpose of your visit
One hundred and eleven in the face, one hundred and eleven in the soul, listen to me and listen. One hundred eleven.
These phrases in some incomprehensible way make the bosses favorable.

In a critical situation:
When locking the front door, mentally say twice:
That twelve cannot-
Thirteen will help!
Say the same words in a critical situation (during a robbery, for example, or so that you have enough tickets for the required train).

For good luck in business:
If you are going to a deal and have dreams in your heart that it will end the way you want, don’t be too lazy to say along the way (you can mentally):
Nine in my pocket
a hundred in my mind
fifty-five are rolling ahead
It is possible that the necessary digital assistance comes at the right time.

Before a romantic date:
Before a romantic date, whisper into your left palm an even number of times
I plus, I multiply, I raise to a power, you, (partner’s name), I will bewitch. Exactly.
Then place your palm on your naked body where your heart is and whisper:
Let it be so!

If you are afraid of the dark:
If you are afraid of the dark, then when you find yourself without light, stroke yourself with your left hand on your head, with your right hand on your solar plexus, and say quietly:
Not a deuce, not an ace, but a seven itself. With her I'm not afraid of the dark!
Talk endlessly. Already in 20-30
In seconds the fear will go away.

For neuroses, insomnia:
For neuroses and insomnia, whisper in honey water (stir 1 tablespoon of honey in a glass of boiled water at room temperature):
Seven. Seventy seven. Seven hundred seventy seven.goy
Then slowly drink this water about 20-30 minutes before bedtime.

To make the person you are interested in remember about you:
Light any candle and when it burns well, looking at the flame, say three times:
Seven doesn’t burn, three doesn’t burn, but (that person’s name) now remembers me.

If you see something at dusk:
If you see something in the twilight, say twice:
Seven is not divisible by three, but multiplied. The one showed up, but refused to be together with the eight.

For pain in the heart:
For pain in the heart, massage the first phalanx of the little finger of your left hand with the words:
Two hundred thirty-nine, nine hundred thirty-two.
For headaches of unknown origin, massage your temples and speak in a whisper as quickly as possible
Ten tens, forty forties, five nickels, but the pain goes away.

When taking any medicine:
When taking any medicine, say it three times:
Twelve. Nine. Three. One. Zero.
In this case, the effectiveness of treatment will increase significantly.

Remove damage yourself:
On the first day of the waning month, buy 111 grains of rice and lie on them for 1.5 hours. Place the grains in a dry frying pan. Fry for 12 minutes over low heat, while saying the words:
111 of you, I will feed you, I will give you 111 water, show, tell, by whom, for what and when the evil was created. Not an animal, not a fish, not a bird, but a human, show me, tell me how exactly?
After this, collect the rice in one small container and bury it in the ground with the words:
Heavenly powers, give back, return the evil that was brought to me, not as a fish, not as a bird, but as a person. Give it back to him, I forgive everything.

Tie the wrist of your left hand with a red woolen thread in one turn.
Raise this hand to your lips and say to the thread, touching it with your breath:
"Seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Close the evil eye, as commanded. May it come true!"
You can safely wear this thread for seven days.
Then at noon it must be removed and burned in a candle flame, and then a new thread must be put on.
Even if this thread is visible to someone else’s eye, it doesn’t matter. This is a reliable and proven amulet.

If confused:
If you are confused, feel your pulse and say in time with its beating:
"Forty-three" approximately 1-1.5 minutes. It should pass, and you will gain confidence in your abilities.


If you say that you are haunted by numbers, then there will be wits who will tell you that “as a child you were not good with mathematics” or that you are paranoid and should consult a psychiatrist. Others will smile skeptically and assume that you are possessed by delusions of grandeur. Why? Numbers cannot be pursued; pursuit is about nurturing interest. What interest can numbers show in you?...

There will also be those who will offer you to play lotto or roulette. Someone will shrug their shoulders, which will show helplessness before a higher mind. A good option is to consult a psychologist. But the most interesting thing is that no one will tell you to contact a numerologist, but it is he who will help decipher your secret messages.

We can ignore such signs, but if it really bothers you, then you should figure out what they mean? What are they trying to communicate? Is this a warning or a hint to solve your problem? Numerology- not fiction and not mysticism. This is a great science about the patterns of human personality development.

It is worth distinguishing between individual numerology horoscope and daily horoscope for today, because in the first, the calculation is made based on your personal data, and in the second, the calculation is generalized, according to your zodiac sign.

I would also like to draw attention to the fact that in numerology there are no bad or good numbers. Each number has its own nature and, accordingly, different energy of influence. Numbers can be interpreted as a series of digits or by adding them together. For example, 1 1 1 is three units or 1+1+1 is already three. Let's take a closer look meaning of numbers:

Deuce- harmony, peace, compromise, partnership, femininity. You can't do it on your own; you should look for a partner. Perhaps you should show tolerance or make concessions.

Troika- joy, fun, creativity, self-expression, artistry. It means the need to either find entertainment, overcome boredom and apathy, or write a book (article), a picture, in general, show your abilities.

Four- creation, order, hard work, strength, stability. It also indicates the stagnation of a phenomenon. Maybe I should settle down?

Five- change, risk, freedom, adventure, travel. Travel, new acquaintances are appropriate here and, unfortunately, there can be both luck and failure. In any case, this is change.

Six- preservation, home improvement, health, responsibility. Expresses concern for family and loved ones. Perhaps you need to spend more time relaxing with your family.

Seven- spirituality, meaning of life, education. Sets you up for reading a book, attending courses, any training or self-education.

Eight- strength, money, power, success. The desire to take possession of something, the need to be active or connect influential connections.

Nine- service, healing, love, end. It's time to repay a debt, forgive someone or cleanse yourself of sins.

As you can see, numerology- this is far from a prediction or fortune telling. We looked at what energies of influence the main numbers have, but what they mean for you personally is individual and not categorical. In general, you cannot focus only on numerology horoscope, listen to your heart, it will not let you down.

How to calculate your lucky numbers?

Everyone can count on at least a little bit of luck in life. Fortunately, there are special lucky numbers that can be calculated individually for each person, based on their date of birth or name. The date of birth is used to calculate the number of an individual life path, lucky number, and more.

1. In order to calculate the number of your life path and second path, write down your date of birth as follows: mm/dd/yy. As a result, you will have 8 digits, including all zeros. For example, if you were born on October 10, 1970, you would write 10/10/1970.

2. Add up all the individual digits you wrote down, this means you will have to add all eight digits together. If you end up with 9 or less, you can stop there. For example, 1+0+1+0+1+9+7+0=19.

3. If your result is 10 or more, add the individual numbers that make up the number again and continue to do this until you get one number, this number will be the number of your life path. In our example, we add 1+9=10, since we received a value greater than 9, we perform the operation again: 1+0= 1. In our case, 1 is the life path number of a person born on October 10, 1970.

4. Calculate your secondary life path numbers by adding 9 to your life path number. Write down all the results obtained until you get to 100. In our example, these will be respectively: 1 (life path number) +9: 19, 28, 37, 46, 55, 64, 73, 82 and 91.

6. The lucky number from the date of birth can be calculated in another way. Write down your date of birth and if it is greater than 10, continue adding until you get one number.

7. Now add together both the resulting lucky numbers.

8. In order to calculate the lucky number from a name, write down your first and last name on a piece of paper, and under each letter sign its number in the alphabet.

9. We do not touch each single-digit number for now, but add all two-digit ones to single-digit ones.


A person’s character can be influenced not only by genes, but also by various external factors, subject to the laws of astrology, astronomy, numerology and psychology. How, you ask? We'll talk about this below.

Water Element

People who are protected by the element of Water have well-developed intuition, and therefore are able to make the right decisions at a certain deep level. Water people who find themselves in a difficult situation will always find a way out of it, just like water, which can make its way even through stone.


  • calm;
  • sensitivity;
  • idealism;
  • goodwill;
  • patience;
  • communication skills;
  • creativity;
  • artistry;
  • plastic.


  • impermanence;
  • excessive emotionality;
  • irritability;
  • laziness;
  • jealousy;
  • touchiness;
  • vulnerability;
  • impressionability;
  • impracticality.

Important! It is advisable for people of the element of Water to live near water or have an aquarium in the house. It is better for them to work in a quiet and uncrowded place.

Interesting fact! The names of the Water element are most compatible with the names protected by the Earth element.

Fire Release

People of the element of Fire are very impulsive and impetuous, so they often commit rash actions, which often do not bring the desired results, which does not particularly upset them.

Due to their aggressive and leadership nature, it is sometimes difficult to communicate with people of the element of Fire, although it is interesting, because their quick wit and lively mind will not leave anyone indifferent. You won’t be bored with such people in your intimate life, and all thanks to their sexuality and passionate nature.

People of the element of Fire treat life as a game, so they are not afraid to take risks, sometimes putting everything they have on the line. They are cruel and selfish, but at the same time they are not able to remain angry for a long time and take revenge for the evil caused (they, like fire, quickly light up and quickly go out).


  • creativity;
  • activity;
  • optimism;
  • dynamism;
  • communication skills;
  • passion;
  • sincerity;
  • initiative;
  • placability;
  • courage.


  • hotness;
  • self-confidence;
  • aggressiveness;
  • impatience;
  • stubbornness;
  • hot temper;
  • impetuosity in actions and thoughts.

Important! People of the element of Fire are recommended to live in a spacious and cool room, in which it is advisable to install an open fireplace with a live fire. But it is better for them to work in the open air (working in a cramped and stuffy room will not do them any good, because the fire goes out with a lack of air).

Interesting fact! Names of the Fire element go well with names from the same element or with names of the Air element.

Earth Element

Representatives of this element are practical people who think, first of all, about real pressing problems. They are skeptics, pragmatists and realists by nature, so you should not expect romantic actions from them. Facts and actions are what they unconditionally believe in, and ordinary conversations and spatial conclusions do not interest them.


  • subsequence;
  • honesty;
  • hard work;
  • practicality;
  • perseverance;
  • loyalty;
  • reliability;
  • devotion;
  • activity;
  • independence;
  • constancy;
  • thoroughness.


  • stinginess;
  • callousness;
  • stubbornness;
  • pride;
  • lack of imagination;
  • pessimism;
  • cruelty;
  • isolation;
  • cold;
  • slowness;
  • restraint.

Important! People of the Earth element are attracted to life away from the bustle of the city. They prefer to work on the land, which generously thanks them for their hard work with its gifts. People of Earth feel good if their work is stable and calm.

Interesting fact! Names of the Earth element go well with names from their own element or from the Water element.

Air Element

People of the Air element are sociable and inquisitive; they quickly (although often not for long) grasp information, which, thanks to their intellect, they perfectly synthesize and apply in life. The only pity is that they do not always have enough physical strength to accomplish all their plans.


  • easygoing;
  • erudition;
  • contact;
  • intelligence;
  • gaiety;
  • prudence;
  • liveliness;
  • objectivity;
  • love of freedom;
  • adaptability.


  • impermanence;
  • windiness;
  • cold;
  • prudence;
  • self-confidence;
  • sharpness;
  • stubbornness;
  • duplicity;
  • waywardness.

Important! People of the Air element are intuitively drawn to open, windy areas - fields, meadows, gardens. Like Fire people, they prefer urban life to rural life. If we talk about work, here too they prefer open air to closed space.

Interesting fact! The names of the element of Air are combined with fire representatives, while with the names of their element a strong friendship or reliable business partnership is possible.


I would like to immediately note that in astrology there is no such planet as the Earth. Why?

The fact is that we live on this planet, and, therefore, we place both it and ourselves at the center. Man is the center of the Universe.


According to mythology, Mercury was a mediator between gods and people, and therefore in astrology it symbolizes mobility, curiosity and a desire to travel.

People who are patronized by the planet Mercury have such qualities as agility, dexterity, and energy. They easily master languages, which helps them find a common language with people. Therefore, it is not surprising that Mercury people most often choose the path of translator, writer, journalist, politician, marketer (in general, they feel great in the field of communication and service).


  • information sensitivity;
  • curiosity;
  • fearlessness;
  • plastic;
  • ease;
  • compliance;
  • prudence;
  • sociability.


  • deceit;
  • cunning;
  • talkativeness;
  • deceit;
  • superficiality;
  • unscrupulousness.

The Mercury man loves to collect and spread rumors and gossip, so trusting him with secrets is a thankless task.


Venus is the goddess of love and ideal beauty. In addition, this particular planet is a symbol of the feminine principle, so it is not surprising that people who are patronized by Venus are romantic and emotional. It is extremely important for them to establish relationships with others that are built on sympathy, trust and love, and it does not matter whether we are talking about business relationships or creating a family.


  • romance;
  • sensitivity;
  • eroticism;
  • openness;
  • softness;
  • energy;
  • elegance;
  • charm;
  • honesty;
  • devotion;
  • reliability.


  • vanity;
  • frivolity;
  • laziness;
  • stubbornness;
  • jealousy;
  • lust;
  • greed.

Venus's professions: fashion model, designer, flower girl, lawyer, judge, diplomat.


Mars is the god of war, so people who are patronized by this planet have a truly strong masculine character, sometimes manifested by excessive activity, aggressiveness, anger and rage.

Physical strength, uncompromisingness and passion distinguish Mars people, but often their character leads to destruction rather than creation. At the same time, the people of Mars will achieve their goals despite any obstacles.


  • energy;
  • enterprise;
  • persistence;
  • endurance;
  • activity;
  • courage;
  • initiative;
  • openness;
  • masculinity;
  • justice.


  • sharpness;
  • hot temper;
  • impatience;
  • impulsiveness;
  • aggressiveness;
  • irritability;
  • coarseness;
  • vindictiveness;
  • tyranny;
  • cruelty;
  • cockiness.

The most suitable field for the people of Mars is the military sphere.


Jupiter (or Zeus) is the supreme god, so it is quite natural that people who are helped by this planet are lucky and successful, they are optimistic about the future, which, with the correct distribution of forces, will be materially prosperous.

Jupiter people have a unique ability to attract happiness to themselves.


  • wisdom;
  • justice;
  • honesty;
  • erudition;
  • goodwill;
  • communication skills;
  • sincerity;
  • integrity;
  • generosity.


  • vanity;
  • arrogance;
  • self-confidence;
  • spoiled;
  • optional;
  • extravagance;
  • laziness.

Jupiter people will be excellent teachers and researchers, lawyers and philosophers, priests and doctors, scientists, actors and politicians.


In astrology, Saturn was considered a rather gloomy planet, negatively affecting the fate of a person, while the presence of a ring on this planet was regarded not only as compliance with laws and canons, but also as a life with prohibitions and restrictions.

Today, the emphasis has shifted somewhat, as a result of which Saturn began to symbolize justice, maturity and wisdom. Saturn especially patronizes older people (it is not for nothing that in mythology Saturn was an old man - the keeper of time).


  • stability;
  • endurance;
  • obligation;
  • justice;
  • practicality;
  • honesty;
  • authority;
  • patience;
  • self-discipline;
  • persistence;
  • constancy.


  • excessive sensitivity;
  • severity;
  • sharpness;
  • rigidity;
  • severity;
  • selfishness;
  • prudence;
  • vindictiveness.

Saturn people feel great in the role of bosses, officials, law enforcement officers, and judges.


Interesting fact! Uranus is the only planet that orbits the Sun on its side, spinning in two opposite directions. This determined the astrological symbolism of Uranus, which personifies everything unusual and defies logic, destroying all the usual rules. It is not surprising that Uranus is the planet that patronizes scientists, inventors, and reformers.

Uranus is responsible for unexpected things that happen in people's lives.


  • originality;
  • ingenuity;
  • love of freedom;
  • progressiveness;
  • persistence;
  • unpredictability.


  • eccentricity;
  • stubbornness;
  • spontaneity;
  • uncontrollability.


In mythology, Neptune is the god of the seas and oceans, personifying the ocean of the human soul with its passions and emotions.

People who are patronized by Neptune are distinguished by their subtle mental organization, they know how to deeply empathize, they live in their own mystical world, where dreams of a wonderful future often coexist with despair and disappointment. This unbalanced state can lead to the development of addictions such as drug and alcohol use. Many creative personalities are under the influence of Neptune.


  • mercy;
  • openness;
  • sympathy;
  • kindness;
  • developed intuition.


  • excessive daydreaming;
  • lie;
  • predisposition to depression and mental disorders.


Pluto (in ancient Roman mythology, this was the name of the ruler of the underworld) symbolizes destruction and rebirth, the end and the beginning, therefore, people who are patronized by this planet often combine character traits such as authority, sometimes bordering on cruelty, and the ability to empathize, influence and kindness.


  • assertiveness;
  • enthusiasm;
  • spirituality;
  • mercy;
  • idealism.


  • cruelty;
  • impracticality;
  • unscrupulousness;
  • melancholy.

Neptune promotes the revelation of subtle matters, so this planet patronizes musicians, artists, actors, and diplomats.


The sun is the embodiment of vital energy and the center of the solar system around which the celestial bodies revolve. In astrology, the Sun symbolizes the highest ideal, originality, bright individuality, independence, originality and uniqueness.

Sun people love to be the center of attention, and they are firmly confident in their chosenness.


  • creativity;
  • energy;
  • force;
  • courage;
  • independence;
  • loyalty;
  • ambition;
  • generosity;
  • nobility;
  • optimism;
  • honesty;
  • hard work.


  • causticity;
  • self-confidence;
  • eccentricity;
  • pride.

Sun people are leaders by nature, so they will only feel comfortable in leadership positions.


Interesting fact! Despite the fact that the Moon is a satellite of the Earth, in astrology this celestial body is usually considered a planet.

Since ancient times, magical properties have been attributed to the moon (just remember the sagas about vampires and werewolves, which became more active during the full moon). And indeed: lunar people, often possessing a vivid imagination and the gift of foresight, commit unpredictable actions under the influence of the moon.

In general, the Moon is responsible for a person’s sensitivity, intuition and enterprise.

Interesting fact! The waxing Moon is a symbol of light and rebirth, and the waning Moon is a symbol of darkness and gloomy events.

Name number

Even ancient scientists believed that there was a connection between numbers and people (especially between numbers and names). Thus, the number of a name helps not only to determine a person’s character and his natural abilities, but also to predict the future.

To calculate the number of your name, you need to use a special table in which each letter of the name corresponds to a certain number. By adding up the numbers of each letter and reducing the number series to a single digit number, we can lift the veil of the future.

Number 1 corresponds to the letters: a, i, s, b.

Number 2 corresponds to the letters: b, th, t, s.

Number 3 corresponds to the letters: v, k, y, b.

The number 4 corresponds to the letters: g, l, f, e.

The number 5 corresponds to the letters: d, m, x, y.

The number 6 corresponds to the letters: e, n, c, i.

The number 7 corresponds to the letters: e, o, h.

The number 8 corresponds to the letters: zh, p, w.

The number 9 corresponds to the letters: z, r, sch.

Example of calculating a name digit

Add the resulting values: 1+9+1+6+1=18=1+8=9

So, the number of the name Irina is 9.

Below we give a description of each of the nine numbers.

Important! The calculation of the name number is carried out only for the full name, while any diminutive forms of the name can correspond to other numbers, so it is advisable to calculate your number according to the name that is most often used.

Name number 1

People whose name number is one are rightfully considered brave pioneers who have an original way of thinking that helps them see deception where others would not notice it.

Such people do not like to be bossed around, but are still capable of making compromises and admitting their mistakes.

The main enemy of single people is laziness.

The creative nature of individual people is constantly in search of new interesting information, which helps them to always be “in the know.”

But the consciousness of one’s individuality and chosenness often leads to the fact that individual people have such qualities as arrogance, selfishness, and also aggressiveness.

Name number 2

Two people are diplomatic, honest and tactful, so they are respected at work, because you can always rely on them. They often achieve a high position in society, but only if they are properly organized and allocate their time.

But two people can turn from good-natured and open people into hypocrites, for whom it is important to satisfy their vanity at any cost.

The main positive qualities of two people:

  • diplomacy;
  • mutual assistance;
  • honesty;
  • kindness;
  • decency;
  • equilibrium;
  • tact;
  • prudence;
  • softness;
  • communication skills.

At the same time, two people, who have developed intuition, are often unsure of themselves, so they often make concessions, while kindness is regarded by others as weakness.

Name number 3

Thanks to their wonderful sense of humor, vivid imagination and easy-going attitude towards life, Three people attract those who need support and help.

But! Excessive emotionality, impetuosity and the habit of wasting money can play a cruel joke on people of three.

Name number 4

Four people are decisive, practical, organized and purposeful, they know how to not only set goals for themselves, but also achieve them, and they do not want everything at once, but build a ladder to their goal step by step.

They do not tolerate frivolity and negligence in people. They do not accept lies and betrayal, since they themselves will never follow the path of deception.

Fours people do not like to take risks and rely on luck; they are used to achieving everything through their own work, relying solely on their own strengths.

Name number 5

Five people are freedom-loving individuals who are unable to sit in one place, because they are attracted by everything unknown and unknown. Such people value friendship, especially if friends (and they have quite a lot of them) are able to share their thirst for adventure.

Developed imagination and natural curiosity contribute to the fact that people of five choose creative professions in which the beauty of words is valued.

Like all creative personalities, A people are subject to doubts, which can lead to a loss of meaning in life and various misfortunes. Therefore, it is extremely important to pacify your emotionality and intemperance, learn to hear not only yourself, but also others.

Name number 6

People with name number 6 are a support for friends and family, because their commitment, discipline and responsibility help them find a way out of any situation. But at the same time, it is important to solve problems as they arise, and not take on everything at once.

People with the number 6 have a heightened sense of justice; they are ready to help for free, without expecting a response, because by helping others they receive mental satisfaction.

The number 6 of the name is responsible for the feeling of beauty, and beauty lies in calmness and the desire for harmony.

Name number 7

Seven people are maximalists for whom everything should always be perfect. For them, there is their opinion and wrong, which often scares people away.

Despite the fact that people-sevens feel like leaders in a company and are not averse to showing off their intelligence and intelligence, they do not like noisy companies, preferring loneliness. One of the hallmarks of a Seven person is the ability to keep secrets.

But in personal relationships, the number 7 of the name promises inconstancy, the reason for which is the reluctance to depend on anyone. A long-lasting alliance is possible with a mystery man.

Name number 8

Eight people are leaders with a sharp analytical mind and ingenuity, so money, power and luck always accompany them in everything.

The Eight Man is responsible, hardworking and purposeful, he knows how to manage the situation and achieve truly incredible heights. At the same time, it is important that goals are achieved in an honest way, which will bring them not only moral satisfaction, but also respect. Laziness, flattery and ingratiation are alien to Eight people.

It is also important that Eight people think not only about themselves, but also about others, so they often engage in charity, believing that they need to share a piece of wealth and happiness.

The positive characteristics of the number 8 can lead to misfortune if one chases unattainable wealth, power or love.

Name number 9

The name number 9 opens up many opportunities for its owner, since it closes the number series, thereby rising above the other numbers. Nines can, if they wish, make any dream come true if laziness does not get in their way.

Nines are sharp-tongued and sarcastic, they like to criticize others, which often gets them into trouble.

They draw vital energy and strength from love, which helps them cope with any misfortunes.

Nines are too wasteful, for them material well-being does not come first; it is more important for them to feel needed, so they love to be praised.

Character type:

The founder of the doctrine of types of temperament is Hippocrates, who said that four types of liquid (or juices) circulate in the human body: blood, yellow and black bile, and mucus (or phlegm). Each of these liquids has its own properties, and therefore, when combined in a certain proportion, determines the characteristics of a person’s behavior and even appearance.

Let's consider four types of temperament: choleric, sanguine, melancholic and phlegmatic.


External signs of choleric:

  • thinness;
  • fragility;
  • long limbs;
  • narrow chest;
  • protruding joints;
  • cone-shaped skull;
  • slightly pointed chin;
  • long and pointed nose;
  • expressive facial expressions;
  • sharpness of gestures;
  • impetuosity of speech.


  • energy;
  • sociability;
  • creativity;
  • activity;
  • activity;
  • openness;
  • charm;
  • determination;
  • determination;
  • persistence.


  • mood swings;
  • excessive emotionality;
  • impetuosity;
  • self-control;
  • impatience;
  • pragmatism;
  • restlessness;
  • impulsiveness;
  • disorganization

A choleric person easily takes on a new task, but it is not always possible to complete it due to the inability to correctly distribute their time and energy.

Love for choleric people is an explosion, a storm of passions and emotions. Cholerics do not forgive betrayal and betrayal, and they will take revenge for violated feelings.

People of choleric temperament know how to lead people, set goals and achieve them. Such character traits contribute to the fact that over the years they become excellent leaders.

Success awaits choleric people in all areas that are related to communication and communication. Cholerics are good artists, managers, marketers, athletes, lawyers and politicians.


External signs of a sanguine person:

  • short stature;
  • short and thick neck;
  • roundness of shapes;
  • tendency to corpulence;
  • round head;
  • short limbs;
  • snub nose;
  • wide chest;
  • short and thick neck;
  • bright facial expressions and gestures;
  • loud voice.


  • sociability;
  • cheerfulness;
  • energy;
  • sincerity;
  • openness;
  • optimism;
  • enterprise;
  • activity.


  • excessive emotionality;
  • restlessness;
  • narcissism.

Sanguine people are optimists with an active life position. They firmly believe in a wonderful tomorrow and try not to notice the troubles that come their way.

Sanguine people can move mountains - the main thing is to feel important and indispensable. But you should not flatter them, otherwise they will become vain.

When communicating with sanguine people, you should take into account the fact that they tend to embellish events and their place in them, while they do not lie, but simply add expression and details that, in principle, do not affect the main essence.

Amorous sanguine people easily meet and diverge from their passions, because they are attracted by everything new and unknown, so they unite themselves by marriage more than once.

If we talk about the profession, they can cope with any activity.


  • graceful physique (thinness);
  • poorly developed muscles;
  • pallor;
  • thin waist;
  • restraint of facial expressions and gestures;
  • smoothness of movements;
  • broad shoulders;
  • quiet, calm speech;
  • hunched back;
  • narrow flat or concave chest;
  • high forehead;
  • a long nose.


  • sensitivity;
  • kindness;
  • softness;
  • romance;
  • erudition;
  • sensitivity.


  • timidity;
  • shyness;
  • diffidence;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • anxiety;
  • vulnerability;
  • touchiness.

Melancholic people are people with the finest mental organization, who know how to understand, empathize and feel sorry. They are afraid to act, but at the same time they think a lot, and their conclusions are always justified and logical.

People with this type of thinking do not like crowds of people, noisy companies and generally changes in their lives. They prefer to live and work in the same place, because a change of environment is a real challenge for them.

Melancholic people do not feel the need for friends and acquaintances, since they have a vivid imagination and a rich inner world in which there is no place for boredom.

Melancholic people should beware of emotional overload, which can lead to stress, depression and health problems in general. These people almost always feel very unhappy, they have low self-esteem, so they need to be praised as often as possible and given maximum attention.

If we talk about the professional path of melancholic people, then they make excellent psychologists, teachers, and social workers. But work that involves communicating with people is absolutely not suitable for melancholic people.

Phlegmatic person:

External signs of a melancholic person:

  • strong (built) physique;
  • well-developed muscles;
  • short or medium-length limbs;
  • predisposition to obesity;
  • smoothness of movements;
  • wide chest;
  • large nose;
  • measured speech;
  • short neck;
  • expressionless facial expressions;
  • slow gait;
  • voice is low.


  • self-control;
  • calm;
  • regularity;
  • concentration;
  • perseverance;
  • excerpt;
  • hard work;
  • responsibility;
  • stress resistance;
  • goodwill.


  • restraint;
  • stubbornness;
  • laziness;
  • conservatism;
  • slowness;
  • vindictiveness.

Phlegmatic people slowly sway, but then quickly gain momentum, going ahead in solving problems and achieving their goals. They are diligent and persistent, not subject to mood swings and depression, which is reflected in their quality of life, which is stable.

Phlegmatic people do not like to change their ingrained way of life, so they often work in the same place for a long time.

Phlegmatic people find it difficult to express their feelings and emotions, so they are often misunderstood. They do not like noisy companies and feasts. Phlegmatic people are more attracted to philosophical conversations on various topics.

Thanks to his self-control, calmness and responsibility, a phlegmatic person is able to perform monotonous work, or he can choose a profession associated with constant development (we are talking about the work of a lawyer, teacher, doctor, investigator).

21 is the number in which the word “happiness” is encrypted. If a situation arises in which you need luck, acceleration of the process, an immediate positive result, repeat this number to yourself as many times as your soul requires. “In my practice, this number has proven itself successfully: calling the right person, attracting public transport, obtaining documents, helping in lawsuits, relieving pain, helping to find lost items,” Fabrikova said.


43 is an indispensable number for sudden fear, tremors, nervous attacks and rapid heartbeat. Repeat it for about 1.5-2 minutes and calm down.

91 – will help you get everything done if you don’t have enough time, when you are in a hurry and are afraid of being late.

20 – multiplies any of your efforts, including the money in your wallet. At work, for example, repeat it, imagining how your salary is being increased - and the results of your work will be better and your salary will be higher.

44 is the number of destruction. If you urgently need to break, destroy, cancel something, repeat it, imagining how lightning is flying around you and burning what bothers you and harms you, what you are getting rid of.

Digital conspiracies “111 on the face, 111 on the soul, listen to me and listen to 111” - used in any meetings, transactions, if you need to ask something from your superiors. Repeat mentally many times until you begin to state a request or demand.

“What 12 cannot do, 13 will help” - helps to find a way out of a critical situation when something needs to be immediately solved or corrected, even in the event of an attack and a threat to life.

“Nine in your pocket, a hundred in your mind, 55 rolling ahead” is an excellent formula for any transactions, contracts - so that everything goes the way you need it.

“7 plus 1” – if you need to attract partners, clients and increase the amount of money, repeat this formula.

“10 minus 1” – is used if you need to eliminate something, solve a problem (lose excess weight, eliminate unnecessary people).

“Forty Forties” is a conspiracy of strength and reconciliation, creation and restoration. It will help in construction, in reconciling quarrels and speeding up recovery.

“Not a deuce, not an ace, but a seven itself. With it I’m not afraid of the dark!” – the formula is used for fear of the dark. Left without light, you need to stroke your head with your left hand, and in the area of ​​the solar plexus with your right hand and repeat the spell until the fear goes away.

Digital rituals Before an important date, whisper into your left palm an even number of times: “I add, I multiply, I raise to a power, I will bewitch you (partner’s name). Exactly.” Then place your palm on your bare body on the heart area and whisper: “So be it!”

For insomnia, whisper into honey water (stir one tablespoon of honey in a glass of boiled water at room temperature): “Seven. Seventy-seven. Seven hundred and seventy-seven.” Then slowly drink this water about 20-30 minutes before bedtime.

When taking any medicine, if you want to multiply its effect, say to it three times: “Twelve. Nine. Three. One. Zero.”

So that the person you are interested in thinks and remembers, light any candle, and when it flares up, looking at the flame, say three times: “Seven does not burn, three does not burn, and (the name of the person you need) is now remembering me.”

Cleaning for the waning moon Prepare 111 grains of rice on the first day of the waning month, place them on a clean cloth and lie on them for an hour and a half. Place the grains in a dry frying pan. Fry for 12 minutes over low heat, while saying: “I will feed you, 111, I will give you something to drink, show, tell, by whom, for what and when the evil was created. Not by beast, not by fish, not by bird, but a person - show me, tell me exactly how." After this, collect the rice in a small container (either a plastic cup or a jar will do) and bury it in the ground with the words: “Heavenly powers, give back, return the evil that was brought to me, not as a fish, not as a bird, but as a person. Give it back to him, I forgive everything."

And the most important thing. When you use number magic and digital spells, be clear about why you are doing it and what the end result will be.

To avoid refusal from the boss:
Before entering his office, begin to mentally repeat yourself until you are asked a question about the purpose of your visit.
One hundred and eleven in the face, one hundred and eleven in the soul, listen to me and listen. One hundred eleven.
These phrases, in some incomprehensible way, make the bosses feel favorable.

In a critical situation:
When locking the front door, mentally say twice:
What twelve cannot -.
Thirteen will help!

Say the same words in a critical situation (during a robbery, for example, or so that you have enough tickets for the required train.

For good luck in business:
Only if you are going to a deal and have dreams in your soul that it will end the way you want, do not be too lazy to say along the way (you can mentally:
Nine in your pocket, a hundred in your mind, fifty-five ahead.
It is possible that the necessary digital assistance comes at the right time.

Before a romantic date:
Before a romantic date, whisper into your left palm an even number of times.
I plus, I multiply, I raise to a power, you, (partner’s name), I will bewitch. Exactly.
Then place your palm on your naked body where your heart is and whisper:
Let it be so!

Only if you are afraid of the dark:
Thus, if you are afraid of the dark, then when you find yourself without light, stroke yourself with your left hand on your head, with your right hand on your solar plexus, and do not say loudly:
Not a deuce, not an ace, but a seven itself. With her I'm not afraid of the dark!
Talk endlessly. Already in 20-30.
In a second the fear will go away.

For neuroses, insomnia:
For neuroses and insomnia, whisper in honey water (stir 1 tablespoon of honey in a glass of boiled water at room temperature:
Seven. seventy seven. Seven hundred seventy seven. Goy.
Then slowly drink this water about 20-30 minutes before bedtime.

To make the person you are interested in remember about you:
Light any candle and when it burns well, looking at the flame, say three times:
Seven doesn’t burn, three doesn’t burn, but (that person’s name) now remembers me.

Only if something appears in the twilight:
Thus, if you see something in the twilight, say twice:
Seven is not divisible by three, but multiplied. The one showed up, but refused to be together with the eight.

For pain in the heart:
For pain in the heart, massage the first phalanx of the little finger of your left hand with the words:
Two hundred thirty-nine, nine hundred thirty-two.
For headaches of unknown origin, massage your temples and speak in a whisper as quickly as possible.
Ten tens, forty forties, five dimes, and the pain goes away.

When taking any medicine:
When taking any medicine, say it three times:
Twelve. nine. three. one. Zero.
In this case, the effectiveness of treatment will increase significantly.

Remove damage yourself:
On the first day of the waning month, buy 111 grains of rice and lie on them for 1.5 hours. Place the grains in a dry frying pan. Fry for 12 minutes over low heat, while saying the words:
111 of you, I will feed you, I will give you 111 water, show, tell, by whom, for what and when the evil was created. Not an animal, not a fish, not a bird, but a human, show me, tell me how exactly?
After this, collect the rice in one small container and bury it in the ground with the words:
Heavenly powers, give back, return the evil that was brought to me, not as a fish, not as a bird, but as a person. Give it back to him, I forgive everything.

From an evil eye:
Tie the wrist of the left hand with red woolen thread in one turn.
Raise this hand to your lips and say to the thread, touching it with your breath:
"Seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Close the evil eye, as commanded. May it come true! You can safely walk with this thread for seven days.
Then at noon it must be removed and burned in a candle flame, and then a new thread must be put on.
Even if this thread is visible to someone else’s eye, it doesn’t matter. This is a reliable and proven amulet.

In case of confusion: in case of confusion, feel your pulse and in time with its beating say: “Forty-three” for about 1-1.5 minutes. It should pass, and you will gain confidence in your abilities.

The power of numbers is enormous. For this reason, many bioenergetics experts advise using digital spells to attract good luck, love and prosperity.

Love and the financial sphere require not only maximum investment of effort, but also outside help. In order for the Universe to help you become happier, you can use digital conspiracies. Every day before an important task, also use whispers for good luck - this will reduce the likelihood of unforeseen problems.

Digital love spells

In love, luck is required almost constantly: during a date, acquaintance, in any difficult and incomprehensible situation. Digital spells will help you gain self-confidence and maintain love.

Spell for a successful acquaintance: “One, one. Two are better than one. Loneliness is a terrible habit.". Say it to yourself three times before you decide to make an acquaintance.

Plot for a successful date: “I want emotions and love to overcome uncertainty. From one to nine - from head to toes". We read the plot at home in front of the mirror once, and when we leave the threshold, we say: "Let it be so".

Conspiracy from a quarrel: “You need to end the quarrel - one, four, eight, five. You need to remember about goodness and honor - nine, two, five, four, six.". We read to ourselves during a conflict with a loved one or if a quarrel is brewing. The number of repetitions is not limited.

Numerical spells for money

Job search spell: “Power of the Three, help, take away all fears. I can find a job and start taking care of myself.” This is a great spell before an interview. You need to read it immediately before a business meeting.

Spell for a successful purchase: “I need to spend money correctly so that my wallet doesn’t become empty. I know approximately how much I need. Three-four-two-one - I’ll be the master of money.”. We read three times before leaving the house. This way your purchase will last longer.

Conspiracy to solve a complex problem: “The eight walks in a circle, the one walks in a straight line. Likewise, I don’t want to have problems - I want Unity to help me get everything done.”. One is one of the best helpers in complex matters, according to numerology. This plot must be read before every difficult task.

An excellent addition to digital conspiracies would be whispers for wealth and prosperity. In such an important area as work and business, you need to take advantage of every opportunity.

Digital spells for good luck

A person always needs luck - at home, on the road, in dangerous places. This is why you need to read every morning good luck spell: “Seven-seven, share your luck with me so that problems will pass by. Let them walk in a circle, and I will go in a straight line.". Such a conspiracy will help to avoid random problems and push away negativity.

Spell for a good mood: “I want to smile all day long so that troubles will pass by. Seven by five will not be divided, envy and anger will not settle in my head.” It is better to read the plot in the morning. Repeat it three times.

For good luck in business and adventures: “There is one in the mind, but a hundred in the pocket. I multiply and add, but I don’t divide or subtract. I don’t solve things today with losses.” It is better to read this plot before an important matter in which there is a high risk of losing.

All these conspiracies will tune you into the right wave. If a bad streak has come in life, these conspiracies will be especially relevant. Don’t wait for the moment when everything is bad - try to look for luck non-stop. Good luck to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

09.08.2018 02:56

The red thread is known for its unique properties: with its help you can attract any blessings into life. ...

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