What's interesting: Shanghai is the first most populous city in the world and the most populous city on the planet
but two days for this city is not enough, although no, it’s nothing at all :(
in the end, all we had time to do was walk around the city at night, see one park and climb the tallest skyscraper in the city
and all this is only in the very center, so the report, although beautiful, is completely biased
Well, that's what it is...

2. first impression: wide streets, tall houses, very beautiful design of everything and a mixture of 3 styles - Chinese classics, colonial style and ultra-modern high-rise style

3. in the center there are many pedestrian streets, a huge number of shops and street vendors

4. rich:) golden building

5. and here it is, the famous embankment

6. in the center there are 2 tallest skyscrapers (they are currently building another one, which will be even higher)

7. That one over there, the highest one is the Shanghai World Financial Center, this is our goal - to climb to the very top, to the observation deck, and this is 492 meters!

8. There are boats floating along the river, of different types, sizes and all beautiful, here is one of them

9. and opposite the high-rise buildings, across the river - colonial style, you can see how many tourists are crowding on the embankment - go nuts

10. We sat on the embankment until dark, it’s interesting, here’s another boat

11. Well, again a walk through the city at night

12. everything glows

13. on one of the buildings there is an aquarium that goes directly onto the street, sharks and giant turtles swim there - mesmerizing

14. bull

15. but the city is beautiful even during the day

16. in the city center there is a tourist center, quite a classic Chinese one, again with shops, and behind them is an awesome park

17. this is Shanghai, old and new

18. The park turned out to be excellent, we hung out there for half a day, although it seemed small

19. I just wanted to meditate in it, which, in fact, some people did

20. By the way, we drove through ordinary city blocks by bus - nothing special, the same China as everywhere else, that’s why I say that my report is biased, for me Shanghai came out purely as a tourist

21. like this

22. ha, spaceship)))

23. that’s it, let’s move to the skyscraper, to the high-rise area

24. all the buildings are different, they are not crowded at all, there is a lot of greenery between the high-rise buildings, there are ponds and in general there is a lot of space for walking

25. and here are these couple of high-rise buildings, you can climb (for money) into both, but we chose the highest one to see everything

26. in the lobby they have a model of the city, it’s interesting, the whole trick is in the effects, they simulate the times of day and the weather, you can look at it for a long time, at night they turn on the backlight, they project a thunderstorm, sunrises, sunsets, fireworks on the screen

27. and here we are at the top, damn the glass is not very clean and glares, so I can’t vouch for the quality

28. here it is, the height, we are above everything, the view is like from a helicopter

29. who is ready to stand on a glass floor at an altitude of more than 450 meters?

30. Here we sat for more than an hour, in the middle there was a strip of glass floor and along the edges, near the windows, too, I wasn’t afraid to stand on the glass and look down, but something inside was still shrinking)

31. here comes the sunset, the city is in lights

32. and the room inside reflects and multiplies all these lights

33. Well, we waited until it was completely dark

34. then back to the hotel

35. eh, Shanghai, maybe we’ll meet again and there will be more time, and tomorrow we’ll go to Hangzhou, the last city of our trip

12,043,977 people

The capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka, opens the ranking of the largest cities by population. The population density is 14,763 people per square kilometer. The total number reaches more than 12 million people. The area of ​​the city reaches 815.85 km2. It should be noted that this metropolis is one of the oldest on our planet. It was founded in the 7th century. At that time, the city was part of the Buddhist kingdom called Kamarupa. Most likely, the name is due to the emergence of the Dhakeshwari temple.

The capital of the Russian Federation ranks 9th in the ranking of the most densely populated cities in the world. According to preliminary data, there are 12,452,000 people in this city. The first mention of the current capital occurs in 1147. Currently, the area of ​​the metropolis is 2561.5 km 2. The city of federal significance includes many industrial plants, enterprises and vehicles. You might be interested in checking out the dirtiest cities in Russia.

Next in the top 10 largest cities by population is the Indian metropolis of Mumbai. Its area is only 603 square kilometers. At the same time, 12,478,477 Indian citizens live on the territory of the settlement, founded in 1507. Thus, there are 20,694 people per square kilometer. This place is really noisy and a lot of bustle. Not at all, there is something to see due to the developed infrastructure and many attractions.

The capital of Turkey, Istanbul, is one of the most populous cities on Earth. It was founded in 667 BC. The current mayor is Kadir Topbaş. The area of ​​the metropolis reaches 5343 square kilometers. In total, the city includes 13,854,740 people. The density is 2,400 people per square kilometer. It should be noted that Istanbul is a famous and popular tourist center, annually attracting a huge number of tourists and travelers.

14.04 million people

  1. Scientific and technical;
  2. Economic;
  3. Political;
  4. Educational and cultural;
  5. Transport center of the People's Republic of China.

The area of ​​the settlement is 7,433 square kilometers. In 2016, the population was 13,080,500. In 2017, the figure rose to more than 14 million citizens.

Next in the ranking is the Nigerian city of Lagos with a population of 15,118,780. The port town is located in the southwest of the country. It is the largest in area - 999.6 square kilometers. In total, 13 million people live in it and close to 21 million in the metropolitan area. In Africa, no metropolis can compare with this city. The average cost in a three-star hotel will cost 5,000 rubles. If you are in this place, you should definitely visit Lagos Island.

The largest city in India by population is Delhi - a multinational place in which different cultural movements develop. This is his asset. Being in this place can expand your worldview and learn a lot of new things that are useful for self-knowledge. The area reaches 1,484 square kilometers. In total, 16 million people lived in the city in 2016. Some of the most interesting places include:

  1. Lal-Kila;
  2. Qutub Minar.

There are many museums!

21.5 million people

Another large city subordinate to the PRC, whose population reaches over 21.5 million citizens. The total area of ​​the territory is 16,411 square kilometers, that is, this settlement is also one of the largest in size in the world. Located in the southern part of the country. Among the most interesting attractions is the Forbidden City. Beijing has a lively, pleasant atmosphere of cheerful people who are hospitable to travelers. In this place you can spend an unforgettable vacation, both with the whole family and on your own.

One of the largest metropolises not only in China, but throughout the world is Shanghai. What is the population of this city today? What is its density? And what are the challenges faced by local authorities in Shanghai?

How do megacities appear?

In the modern world there are many cities with large populations. And it’s very good when a city is located over a large area and has a low density of residents. But what if the metropolitan area is very limited? It also happens that the city is surrounded by the sea and rocks, so its construction is directed upward. At the same time, the number of inhabitants per square kilometer is actively increasing. And from a simple town it quickly turns into a densely populated one. That's exactly what Shanghai is.

The population of this metropolis is growing rapidly every year. It is the largest city in China, located in the east of the country in the Yangtze River Delta. It is an important cultural and financial center, as well as the largest seaport in Asia. Shanghai is divided into sixteen municipal districts and one county.

Shanghai: population and its distribution

Shanghai is the most populous city in China and one of the most. At the end of 2011, there were 23.47 million permanent residents, of which 9.35 million were visitors from other regions and another 14.12 million had residence permits in Shanghai.

The population of Shanghai is predominantly Han Chinese. The city is home to 118 thousand people of minor nationalities, of which 7 thousand are Hui. In addition to Chinese citizens, approximately 160 thousand foreigners permanently live in this city.

The official language of the city is standard, which is taught in educational institutions. However, communication in everyday life occurs more often in the Shanghainese dialect of Shanghaihua. But this dialect has now become less common. Shanghai is gradually turning into a trade center of the world, where many workers from other provinces come, so the Putonghua language is increasingly used in the city. There is even a social movement that wants to preserve the Shanghainese dialect.

The population of Shanghai is not very evenly distributed throughout the city. Thus, the most densely populated areas are Pudong, Yangpu and Changning. The city average is 3,706 people per square kilometer of area.

Shanghai: population and its growth

In 1843, Shanghai was opened to foreign trade, after which its population began to rapidly increase due to immigration. Most often, people came here from the provinces of Zhejiang, Anhui, Guangdong and Jiangsu. Many refugees arrived in the city during the Cultural Revolution, causing Shanghainese to move to the provinces. In the 1990s, migrants from Australia, Japan and other countries appeared in Shanghai.

1992 was a period of market reforms, carried out later than in the southern provinces. Until this time, most of the city's profits were irrevocably sent to Beijing. The policy of opening up and reform has attracted people to Shanghai from other provinces of China.

It should be noted that Shanghai immigration legislation is quite strict; it is difficult to obtain a city residence permit, despite the current simplification of the rules. Every year, approximately twenty thousand people are able to obtain such permission through the program for attracting professional employees.

Shanghai is a large construction site in Asia

Like most other regions of the country, Shanghai is also experiencing a construction boom today. However, what makes the city's modern architecture different is its unique style. Thus, the upper floors of many high-rise buildings where restaurants are located are often shaped like flying saucers. Many buildings currently under construction are high-rise residential buildings of varying heights, designs and colors. Today, enterprises responsible for planning the development of Shanghai are paying close attention to the formation of parks and green areas in residential complexes in order to improve the quality of life of their people.

Modern Shanghai is once again the main center of communication between the entire country and the West. For example, an information center has been opened here where Chinese and Western health institutions exchange experiences. Pudong has buildings that are very similar to the residential and business areas of cities in America and Europe. International hotel and shopping areas are located nearby. Although the population density is very high, Shanghai is famous for its fairly low crime rate and welcoming attitude towards all foreigners.

Transport system in Shanghai

The city's transport system is modern. Compared to most other Chinese cities, the streets in Shanghai are kept clean. At the same time, it surpasses many other large cities in China in terms of air quality. Although, compared to other megacities on the planet, Shanghai's air is significantly polluted.

Public transport is actively developing in Shanghai: thirteen metro lines operate in the city as of 2010. Ten more lines are planned to be introduced by 2020. There are also more than a thousand bus routes in Shanghai.

By the way, the oldest trolleybus system in the world operates here, launched back in 1914. In most of the world's megacities, trolleybuses appeared only in the 60-80s of the last century.

The problem of overpopulation in Shanghai and its solution

The population density of Shanghai is so high that numerous legends are already being formed about this amazing fact. But in 2014, a completely unimaginary tragedy occurred in the city. On New Year's Eve, a lot of people (about 300 thousand people) gathered in one of the squares. Soon a crush and stampede began in the square, as a result of which 36 people died.

Indeed, Shanghai is suffering greatly from this. Its population grew so rapidly that the authorities were forced to take it seriously. Thus, until 2014, Shanghai residents (like all other residents of China) lived according to the principle “One family, one child.” In 2014, this harsh rule was revised - some families were allowed to have a second child.

Some more interesting demographic facts

The city of Shanghai is growing every year. It is impossible to believe that just a hundred years ago there was a tiny village in its place. Today, the skyscrapers of Shanghai confidently stretch upward, as if competing with each other in size.

We bring to your attention a few more interesting demographic facts about this city:

  • Shanghai, whose population today has nearly reached 24 million, had only 16 million inhabitants at the beginning of this century;
  • There are exactly 2% more men in the metropolis than women;
  • 74% of Shanghai citizens are considered able to work;
  • The city has fairly high life expectancy rates: 77 years for men and 81 years for women.


In the modern world there are many large and densely populated megacities. One of them is Shanghai. This Chinese city has a population of approximately 23.5 million people. For comparison: approximately the same number of people live in all of Romania or, say, Australia.

At the same time, the city of Shanghai is growing and expanding every year. The population of the Chinese metropolis at the beginning of the new millennium was only 16 million inhabitants. The rapid demographic growth is also associated with the construction boom that the city is experiencing today. Nevertheless, Shanghai manages to remain one of the most prosperous and comfortable cities in China.

China is the most amazing and unusually interesting country. It is full of unique attractions and natural beauty. But what is most striking is the population of China, which increases significantly every year. The total territory of this country is about 9 million square meters. m. When compared with other countries, China ranks third in terms of maximum population. Beijing and Shanghai are considered the largest cities; the largest number of Chinese live here. The population of China as of 2017 is about 1,378,000,000 people.

Population of China

Golden China is a huge country; in terms of its territorial affiliations, it borders on 14 countries. This huge state is washed by 4 different seas. Due to the fact that the country's area is as large as possible, different climatic conditions can be observed here.

At the moment, the country has the largest territorial border, where the maximum population lives. The population of China in 2017 is about 1,378,000,000 people. This number is unique for many other countries in the world. More recently, the country was developing and growing at the fastest pace; the percentage of births of little Chinese significantly exceeded the percentage of deaths. For this reason, China's population grew rapidly and without limits. To stop this phenomenon and normalize the total living population, a law was passed in China where a young family can give birth to no more than 1 child. Thanks to such a law, it was possible to stop the super growth of China's population, but for the same reason, the country began to be considered the most aging territorial border.

If we assess the population living in China, the percentage of the male population is slightly higher than the female population. Most people are sure that China's population in 2017 is 2 billion, but the country's population has not yet reached this figure. The male population in the country is about 706,000,000, while the female population is about 62,000,000.

In one day, about 40,000 babies are born in China. For a full year, the number of newborns increases to 8-9,000,000 babies. The Chinese death rate per day is about 23,000. During the year, mortality rises to 5,000,000 people. From the above we can conclude that the country is systematically developing and also growing.

The population in China as of 2017 is about 1,378,000,000 people. Among the entire indicated total number of living Chinese, about 70% rely on the working-age population. Approximately 17% is allocated to infants, as well as children under 15 years of age. But the remainder of the total population of China is given to pensioners and the elderly.

Despite the fact that the economic situation in the country is in stable and normalized conditions, there is also migration of local residents. Of course, the percentage of people migrating is not so high, but it has its place. Within one day, about 90 people migrate from China; accordingly, over the course of a full year, this figure increases to 21,000 people.

China is an ancient country and maintains an excellent economic structure, natural attractions, special traditions and diversified industries. The population increases every year, which makes the state a strong and developed country.

The city of Shanghai is located on the territory of a state (country) China, which in turn is located on the territory of the continent Asia.

Population of the city of Shanghai.

The population of the city of Shanghai is 24,150,000 people.

What time zone is Shanghai located in?

The city of Shanghai is located in the administrative time zone: UTC+8. Thus, you can determine the time difference in the city of Shanghai, relative to the time zone in your city.

Shanghai phone code

The telephone code of the city of Shanghai is: +86 21. In order to call the city of Shanghai from a mobile phone, you need to dial the code: +86 21 and then the subscriber’s number directly.

Official website of the city of Shanghai.

Website of the city of Shanghai, official website of the city of Shanghai, or as it is also called “Official website of the Shanghai city administration”: http://www.shanghai.gov.cn/.

Coat of arms of the city of Shanghai.

The description of the city of Shanghai presents the coat of arms of the city of Shanghai, which is the distinctive sign of the city.

Metro in Shanghai.

The subway in the city of Shanghai is called the Shanghai Metro and is a means of public transport.

Passenger traffic of the Shanghai metro (Shanghai metro congestion) is 2,500.00 million people per year.

The number of metro lines in Shanghai is 14 lines. The total number of metro stations in Shanghai is 329. The length of metro lines or the length of metro tracks is: 538.00 km.